[TOOL][MIUI] Lockscreen-Debugger - Android Themes

Hello everyone,
I hope this is the right forum. Wanted to post in dev-forum, but not sure if I may or not...
Anyway: I want to introduce my latest MIUI project.
Current working name is "ls debugger". Suggestions are welcome
For downloads, changelog and bugs have a look at post #2
I found the hole LS testing progress (edit, zip, usb mount, copy, apply, ...) annoying, so I started this program.
It is still in beta state. There are still some errors or force closes because I haven't implemented all error check functions.
The reason why I started this thread now, is that I want some feedback and maybe new ideas and suggestions.
- Java Runtime Version 7
- (MIUI Lockscreen for 2.3 based builds) Don't know if v4 LS will work. Test and tell me
The usage is really simple.
After unzipping the file you'll have 5 files/folders:
- advanced (folder)
- wallpaper (folder)
- MIUI-LS-Tester.jar (executable)
- bgtWeather.db (9sweather db-file)
- systemCPs.db (calls, texts, contacts for ContentProviders [not finished])
You can replace the wallpaper and advanced folder with your own, but no guarantee that it will work.
Some features aren't implemented (unlocker and variables of elements. e.g.: #unlocker.move_x)
Have a look at the given manifest file and you'll see what will work and what won't.
You can start the program with doubleclick the 'MIUI-LS-Tester.jar' or open a terminal, move to the location where you've extracted the zip file and type:
java -jar MIUI-LS-Tester.jar
In the terminal you will get some information about the parsing and other informations.
At first a window with 2 textfields appears. In this you have to set the width and height of your lockscreen.
If you have a config.xml file you can set the variables on the right side in the "config.xml" tab (after a click on 'Preview').
To get a preview you have to open your manifest.xml and click on 'Preview'.
Also you can choose another font.
After a click on 'Preview' you'll get 3 more buttons.
I think it's clear what this buttons will do
It saves a screenshot of the left panel in <MIUI-LS-Tester.jar-Location>/preview/lockscreen_preview_x.jpg
create mtz:
this will create a mtz file.
After a click you can choose some things. Add your font, wallpaper, previews...
Afterwards you can create/modify the description.xml file
Thats it
toggle buttons:
this will toggle the Trigger-Buttons.
Because they are not visible in your lockscreen you can do this with this button.
On the top of the right panel you can set some variables.
I think it's clear, so no description.
If you modified your manifest.xml (and the ls debugger is still open) just click on preview and the changes will be loaded.
my brother: for helping me with the "calculator"
picard666: for some help and suggestions
jdom team: for the best java xml parser.
jfont-chooser team and david from stackoverflow: for the fontchooser.
zentus: for the sqlite lib.
pomenx: from the miui team for manifest reference thread @ xda.
GNU: for their java port of getopt
songd for the java pre processor

December 30, 2012
LS-Debugger alpha b121230.1
October 31, 2012
LS-Debugger alpha b121030.2
October 24, 2012
LS-Debugger alpha b121024
June 19, 2012
LS-Debugger alpha 4
April 28, 2012
LS-Debugger alpha 3
April 24, 2012
LS-Debugger alpha 2
March 27, 2012
LS-Debugger alpha
Text,DateTime and Image implemented
ToolTip-Text for Text, DateTime and Image (displays the given name of the element)
ElementGroup implemented
VarArrays implemented
ContentProvider for weather apps implemented (only 9s-weather)
ContentProvider for calls/texts implemented (db-file included)
FontChooser implemented
category-attribute implemented (only for Text at this time)
rotate and AA works for Image, Text and DateTime
screen_width/_height has to be set on start
the last dir will be stored in a file. No annoying dir-changing
implemented "where" for ContentProvider => mistake in the db-file (fixed on next update)
added an option for a background image (stored in folder "wallpaper" like on miui)
fixed the db-file
rotate Text/Image (re-set bounds)
By hitting the button 'Screenshot' a screenshot will be stored in folder 'preview' (Button appears after hitting 'Preview')
parse Time-Tag
Button to create a zip/mtz file
create a description.xml (after hit the zip button)
Added checkboxes to (de)select wallpaper, preview-folder and font for the mtz file
review the config-file
=> width, height, path and font will be stored
review create/modify of the description.xml
only digits are allowed for some textfields (width/height and texts/calls)
=> no annoying checks and/or errors
Image (without 'music_album_cover')
Text (without 'music_display')
parse (normal) Buttons (not MusicControl)
Added a scrollbar for low screen resolutions
minor fixes
added a button which shows system- and program-information (for debugging). It's the quadratic button on the bottom left corner of the control-panel
added more output information (creating the mtz file will give more output)
fixed a font bug (if the font wasn't a ttf the program crashed)
added a splash screen
updated to Java 7
New Fixes (October 31, 2012):
Drag&Drop support for manifest.xml file
push mtz via adb (note: don't forget to set right path in "File" menu!!!)
added a "?"/help/about menu
added command line args support. (-dx is the debug level. 0 means only errors, 1 more, 2 more than 1 and 3 full debug. -f <file-path> so you don't have to set it everytime using the menu. -s to hide splash, -S to enable splash [default])
cleaned up the code
description.xml modding can now be done in a tab and not only while creating the mtz
"live" support. You can change font, battery state/level, messages, sms/texts without hit "preview" again
DateTime and Text supported in live-feature (the one above)
bug fixes of latest features
new layout of the control center, including the button section (the don't "popup" anymore.)
Bugs/Not yet implemented:​Important:
parse variable-elements (e.g. #unlocker.move_x)
parse Unlocker
parse MusicControl
MusicControl overlays triggers
parse config.xml => only AppPicker left
parse animations
Update variables during runtime (primarily for unlocker and animations) [10% done!]
complete DateTime attributes
complete Text attributes
complete Image attributes
connect db-Files for every weather app
complete v4 support
refactor code

I have a request:
I want to include as much as possible weather-provider and/or other contentprovider.
So, here my request:
If you want to support and help me and this program, please post an App with ContentProvider and a modified db-File + the ContentProviderBinder uri.
I hope someone helps.

Not able to see the full view
v1r0x said:
Hello everyone,
I hope this is the right forum. Wanted to post in dev-forum, but not sure if I may or not...
Anyway: I want to introduce my latest MIUI project.
Current working name is "ls debugger". Suggestions are welcome
I found the hole LS testing progress (edit, zip, usb mount, copy, apply, ...) annoying, so I started this program.
It is still in beta state. There are still some errors or force closes because I haven't implemented all error check functions.
The reason why I started this thread now, is that I want some feedback and maybe new ideas and suggestions.
- Java Runtime
The usage is really simple.
After unzipping the file you'll have 5 files/folders:
- advanced (folder)
- wallpaper (folder)
- MIUI-LS-Tester.jar (executable)
- bgtWeather.db (9sweather db-file)
- systemCPs.db (calls, texts, contacts for ContentProviders [not finished])
You can replace the wallpaper and advanced folder with your own, but no guarantee that it will work.
Some features aren't implemented (unlocker and variables of elements. e.g.: #unlocker.move_x)
Have a look at the given manifest file and you'll see what will work and what won't.
You can start the program with doubleclick the 'MIUI-LS-Tester.jar' or open a terminal, move to the location where you've extracted the zip file and type:
java -jar MIUI-LS-Tester.jar
In the terminal you will get some information about the parsing and other informations.
At first a window with 2 textfields appears. In this you have to set the width and height of your lockscreen.
If you have a config.xml file you can set the variables on the right side in the "config.xml" tab (after a click on 'Preview').
To get a preview you have to open your manifest.xml and click on 'Preview'.
Also you can choose another font.
After a click on 'Preview' you'll get 3 more buttons.
I think it's clear what this buttons will do
It saves a screenshot of the left panel in <MIUI-LS-Tester.jar-Location>/preview/lockscreen_preview_x.jpg
create mtz:
this will create a mtz file.
After a click you can choose some things. Add your font, wallpaper, previews...
Afterwards you can create/modify the description.xml file
Thats it
toggle buttons:
this will toggle the Trigger-Buttons.
Because they are not visible in your lockscreen you can do this with this button.
On the top of the right panel you can set some variables.
I think it's clear, so no description.
If you modified your manifest.xml (and the ls debugger is still open) just click on preview and the changes will be loaded.
my brother: for helping me with the "calculator"
picard666: for some help and suggestions
jdom team: for the best java xml parser.
jfont-chooser team and david from stackoverflow: for the fontchooser.
zentus: for the sqlite lib.
pomenx: from the miui team for manifest reference thread @ xda.
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Hi , thx to tis application i able to cutomize my ls easier..
bt wad i encounter is...once i run the application i might not able to see the full view of it...
my laptop resolution are 1200 x 800
i tried change the resolution to LS resolution to 480 X 500 and i maximized the application window it still the same...
any idea ???
Uploaded with ImageShack.us

thanks for your reply.
My resolution is 1920x1200, so I forgot to check other resolutions.
I'll try it later on another screen resolution and upload an updated version.

v1r0x said:
thanks for your reply.
My resolution is 1920x1200, so I forgot to check other resolutions.
I'll try it later on another screen resolution and upload an updated version.
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Thanks alot man...it will be nice if all resolution can be supported...
i am waiting for it

v1r0x said:
Hello everyone,
I hope this is the right forum. Wanted to post in dev-forum, but not sure if I may or not...
Anyway: I want to introduce my latest MIUI project.
Current working name is "ls debugger". Suggestions are welcome
I found the hole LS testing progress (edit, zip, usb mount, copy, apply, ...) annoying, so I started this program.
It is still in beta state. There are still some errors or force closes because I haven't implemented all error check functions.
The reason why I started this thread now, is that I want some feedback and maybe new ideas and suggestions.
- Java Runtime
The usage is really simple.
After unzipping the file you'll have 5 files/folders:
- advanced (folder)
- wallpaper (folder)
- MIUI-LS-Tester.jar (executable)
- bgtWeather.db (9sweather db-file)
- systemCPs.db (calls, texts, contacts for ContentProviders [not finished])
You can replace the wallpaper and advanced folder with your own, but no guarantee that it will work.
Some features aren't implemented (unlocker and variables of elements. e.g.: #unlocker.move_x)
Have a look at the given manifest file and you'll see what will work and what won't.
You can start the program with doubleclick the 'MIUI-LS-Tester.jar' or open a terminal, move to the location where you've extracted the zip file and type:
java -jar MIUI-LS-Tester.jar
In the terminal you will get some information about the parsing and other informations.
At first a window with 2 textfields appears. In this you have to set the width and height of your lockscreen.
If you have a config.xml file you can set the variables on the right side in the "config.xml" tab (after a click on 'Preview').
To get a preview you have to open your manifest.xml and click on 'Preview'.
Also you can choose another font.
After a click on 'Preview' you'll get 3 more buttons.
I think it's clear what this buttons will do
It saves a screenshot of the left panel in <MIUI-LS-Tester.jar-Location>/preview/lockscreen_preview_x.jpg
create mtz:
this will create a mtz file.
After a click you can choose some things. Add your font, wallpaper, previews...
Afterwards you can create/modify the description.xml file
Thats it
toggle buttons:
this will toggle the Trigger-Buttons.
Because they are not visible in your lockscreen you can do this with this button.
On the top of the right panel you can set some variables.
I think it's clear, so no description.
If you modified your manifest.xml (and the ls debugger is still open) just click on preview and the changes will be loaded.
my brother: for helping me with the "calculator"
picard666: for some help and suggestions
jdom team: for the best java xml parser.
jfont-chooser team and david from stackoverflow: for the fontchooser.
zentus: for the sqlite lib.
pomenx: from the miui team for manifest reference thread @ xda.
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Hi is me again...
i successfully create a lockscreen...and transfer it to my phone...bt the lockscreen i create was found at "Theme" instead of "Lockscreen Style" and when i applied the lockscreen that found at "Theme" my theme was revert to original MIUI Theme...
is it i missed out sumthing ?

Please don't quote the complete post
Did you use the "create mtz" of my program?
because there is something really wrong.
Instead a font- and preview-folder there are files named:
I'll have a look at it later. I'm not at home and have no choice for testing and debugging.

v1r0x said:
Please don't quote the complete post
Did you use the "create mtz" of my program?
because there is something really wrong.
Instead a font- and preview-folder there are files named:
I'll have a look at it later. I'm not at home and have no choice for testing and debugging.
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ya...i using yr way to create it..
the Font\Arial.ttf exist - i using other font for my LS.
the preview\preview_lockscreen exist - i "Screenshot" 1st den only i "Create mtz"
Alright..spent quite a long time on tht LS...hope it can be applied successfully ^^

kezn715 said:
Hi , thx to tis application i able to cutomize my ls easier..
bt wad i encounter is...once i run the application i might not able to see the full view of it...
my laptop resolution are 1200 x 800
i tried change the resolution to LS resolution to 480 X 500 and i maximized the application window it still the same...
any idea ???
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ok, i've added a scrollbar which hopefully solve your problem
kezn715 said:
ya...i using yr way to create it..
the Font\Arial.ttf exist - i using other font for my LS.
the preview\preview_lockscreen exist - i "Screenshot" 1st den only i "Create mtz"
Alright..spent quite a long time on tht LS...hope it can be applied successfully ^^
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I've tested it and can't reproduce it
On my system the folders created correct.
But i've found a little bug. If no preview-folder exists or the default font is used (if you haven't choosen one with "File>Select Font") the creation of the mtz crashes but the program didn't close. So make sure everything exists.
Can you tell me which OS you use? Maybe its a bug of an older windows version and/or linux, mac.
Also, did you tried to start the program in a terminal/cmd/console and checked the output?
If not and you'll get errors while creating the mtz (and you've checked the things in the red marked paragraph), then send me the output of the program and your ls. So I can do some tests.

I don't really understand what this program does. Sorry. Does this program preview any miui ls or what does it do?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

cowsquad said:
I don't really understand what this program do. Sorry. Does this program preview any miui ls or what does it do?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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Yes, it preview a miui ls, so you don't have to zip, flash and install it for testing.
Or if you only want a preview (if no preview img exists)
Also it can create a mtz file, description.xml file and include font, wallpaper and/or preview.
And you can create screenshots.
At first I only wanted a preview function, but over the time it got more functions and if I have enough time and fun I'll maybe extend it to an complete ls-builder

Thanks For Updated !!!
i will give it a try later and back to u again..
i download the
April 23, 2012
LS-Debugger alpha2
bt seems like there is no scrollbar ?

There should be a scrollbar if the LS (or the Control Panel) is larger than your screen resolution.
Maybe you have to maximize the program window (only in width) to see the scrollbar.
I'm new to java gui programming, so maybe I will find a better method for this
edit: @kezn715: can you tell me which operating system you use? Could be a OS problem
edit2: I've changed something on the scrollbar (no big thing, just resized the window) and added a new button which give some information about the running program. At this time only information about the windows (width and height). I will add some more useful information in the future

v1r0x said:
There should be a scrollbar if the LS (or the Control Panel) is larger than your screen resolution.
Maybe you have to maximize the program window (only in width) to see the scrollbar.
I'm new to java gui programming, so maybe I will find a better method for this
edit: @kezn715: can you tell me which operating system you use? Could be a OS problem
edit2: I've changed something on the scrollbar (no big thing, just resized the window) and added a new button which give some information about the running program. At this time only information about the windows (width and height). I will add some more useful information in the future
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Hmm...is it necessary to use the default font for the LS ?
using win 7 (32 bit)
---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 PM ----------
kezn715 said:
Hmm...is it necessary to use the default font for the LS ?
using win 7 (32 bit)
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I already maximized the window...still cant find the scroll bar
[/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/IMG]

kezn715 said:
Hmm...is it necessary to use the default font for the LS ?
using win 7 (32 bit)
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no, you can use every font you want. But if you don't choose one and create the mtz including the font, it will throw an exception
kezn715 said:
I already maximized the window...still cant find the scroll bar
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i don't know whats the problem.
If I create an LS with w:480 and h:1800 my LS-Tester window has about 1100px height and with a scrollbar I can scroll down the 1800px.
But it seems not to be a OS related problem
The program shouldn't create a window which is larger than your screen resolution.
Edit: ok, maybe I found the problem.
Replace your MIUI-LS-Tester.jar with the attached file and test. Did this fix the problem?

v1r0x said:
no, you can use every font you want. But if you don't choose one and create the mtz including the font, it will throw an exception
i don't know whats the problem.
If I create an LS with w:480 and h:1800 my LS-Tester window has about 1100px height and with a scrollbar I can scroll down the 1800px.
But it seems not to be a OS related problem
The program shouldn't create a window which is larger than your screen resolution.
Edit: ok, maybe I found the problem.
Replace your MIUI-LS-Tester.jar with the attached file and test. Did this fix the problem?
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Haha...Finally the scroll bar is there !!! Thx alot man...
So wad is the problem for the LS that i made .... any idea ?

what exactly do you mean?
the mtz output file?
I don't know what's wrong there.
You could check, after the mtz is created, if there is a "fonts" or "preview" folder in the same folder where the MIUI-LS-Tester.jar is located.
If not, there's maybe a bug in the File.seperator of java.
So tell me what you got

v1r0x said:
what exactly do you mean?
the mtz output file?
I don't know what's wrong there.
You could check, after the mtz is created, if there is a "fonts" or "preview" folder in the same folder where the MIUI-LS-Tester.jar is located.
If not, there's maybe a bug in the File.seperator of java.
So tell me what you got
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Alright...i will give it a try...and sorry for being late reply...cuz i being buzy with presentation thing...
will update here once i tried it...

No problem
I've another idea: which java version do you use?
Maybe they changed something in java 7 or your version is too old


ROM Customisation Resources

Hi All
I am starting this thread to publish all the resources I use or have made to customise my HTC Rhodium. The idea is that ROM chefs can use these to customise their ROMs but that they can be used to customise a device after flashing.
The first publication is a set of icon libraries that I have compiled using Icons previously published on this forum. Firstly, I would like to say that I put no work into the graphics of these icons. All I have done is convert them from image files into .ico files and from .ico files into icon libraries in .dll format.
OK, the icons are the ones published by billyJ in this thread:
He based his icons on the iReflect icon set published by bluemetalaxe in this thread:
I would like to emphasise that both billyJ and bluemetalaxe put a lot of work into these icons so they take 99% of the credit for this resource.
I've attached a screenshot of how these icons look in practice:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
To download the icon libraries go here:
https://cid-ac854080db1a552d.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/XDA Developers files/Icon Libraries.rar
If you want to put them into your ROM you simply need to ensure all your start menu shortcuts relate to the icon or folder .dlls.
If you want to use these resources to cusomise your device after a ROM flash you will need to copy the relevant files to somewhere on your device. In my case the root of the storage card but you can put them on the root of the device memory, or even the Windows folder (which is where they will end up if they're cooked in). You then need to edit your start menu shortcuts with something like Total Commander PPC.
Within each .dll each icon has a different index number and you change the icon displayed by adding the following string to the end of the .lnk file:
?\My Documents\Icon.dll,-4
In this case the .dll file is called Icon.dll and has been copied into the My Documents folder on the main device memory and the index of the icon to be displayed is 4. I've exported my start menu into a .zip file which is attached to help demonstrate how this works in practice.
Check out the "Start Menu Customisation" thread in my signature to understand how to change the start menu folder icons.
CommManager MOD
Hi all
First off, this will only work on a WWE ROM with the stock Rhodium CommManager installed.
I've managed to successfully add two additional functions to the CommManager. It's working as follows:
Airplane Mode: Working as default settings.
Phone: Working as default settings.
Bluetooth: Working as default settings.
Wi-Fi: Working as default settings.
Microsoft Direct Push: Working as default settings.
Data Disconnection: Working as default settings.
3G (New): Switch fully working. Row Area Mapped to "\CMBandSwitching.exe".
Internet Sharing (New): Switch opens Microsoft Internet Sharing UI. Row area mapped to "\Windows\CMInternetSharing.exe". Switch changes to indicate HTC Internet Sharing connected.
Obviously if you're cooking a ROM you'll either need to merge my modification with the OEM package of the Stock CommManager or create a separate OEM package with the files in the .zip file attached.
If you are customising your device after a flash; in the .zip file attached there are two registy entry files as well as four image files.
1) Close Comm Manager
2) Back up the following registry Keys and all their containing vaules: [HKLM\Software\HTC\CommManager] & [HKLM\Software\OEM\UTMS]
3) Import the registry entries into your phone's registry from CommManager.reg and UTMS.reg in the .zip file attached.
4) Copy the four image files into the \Windows\ folder of your device. N.B it is not recommended to copy them directly from your computer to the windows directory, but to your storage card first.
5) Soft reset your device.
Original registry entries for HKLM\Software\HTC\CommManager attached.
Comfortaa font substitution
Hi all
First of all I need to credit aajohan from deviant art for the Comfortaa font:
I really like the comfortaa font that GODZON listed on his TF3D + Windows fonts thread here:
However, the cab file only changed one of the TF3D fonts and I had some trouble changing the other. Anyway, here is where I have got to (There is a larger screen shot attached):
I've managed to change all the fonts, both system fonts and all the TF3D fonts. However, I would like the title font in TF3D to be Comfortaa Thin, which is proving to be difficult. To change your fonts to Comfortaa you need to copy the attached font files into two respective folders. They are sorted into these folders in the .zip file but just in case:
Font substitution now in .cab installer, thanks to starmans. Cab file attached.
Place the following files directly into your \Windows\ folder:
1) HelveticaNeue LT 35 Thin.ttf
2) HelveticaNeueOTS.ttf
3) tahoma.ttf
4) tahomebd.ttf
Place the following files into your \Windows\Fonts\ folder:
1) Comfortaa Bold.ttf
2) Comfortaa Regular.ttf
3) Comfortaa Thin.ttf
Soft reset and when you restart your device you should have Comfortaa system and TF3D fonts. It is worth noting that if you do not have a \Fonts\ folder in your windows folder you do not need to copy these last four fonts to your device (unless you want Comfortaa available in MS Office). However, if you do not copy them, one of your TF3D fonts may change if you install software that uses its own custom fonts. For me Bible reading software did this as it uses special fonts for greek and hebrew.
To uninstall the font:
1) Rename the copied font files' extensions in Total Commander PPC to .ttt, do for example "tahoma.ttf" becomes "tahoma.ttt".
2) Soft reset the device.
3) Delete the .ttt files.
Green Glow 1.1
Hi all
This is my Green Glow wallpaper for M3D. I've also made a .theme file for S2U2 based on the tPro theme. First some attribution:
S2U2 here:
tPro for S2U2 here:
Green Glow Wallpaper here:
Here are some screen shots:
I'm having problems attaching files to this post so I've uploaded the files to my Skydrive folder here:
https://cid-ac854080db1a552d.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/XDA Developers files/Green Glow 1|_1
I've uploaded a HD Wall cab file. The additional graphics files and S2U2 theme file in a .zip archive as well as the 12 manila files in a .rar archive. For some reason when I try to download files from Skydrive it downloads them with an underscore _ at the beginning and end of the file name which need to be removed.
If you just want the wallpapers install the .cab file on your device. If you want the additional graphics you should copy animated.gif and welcomehead.192.png into the \Windows folder and implement the Green Glow.s2u2 file from the S2U2 settings dialogue under "Theme".
Spectrograph M3D Wallpapers
Hi all
Here's my latest customisation: Spectrograph wallpapers.
Attrubution: http://monkeybiziu.deviantart.com/art/Spectrograph-137589465
WVGA wallpapers are attached for use wth S2U2, etc. The full download including all the manila files and a S2U2 theme file are in a .zip file which can be downloaded here:
http://cid-ac854080db1a552d.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/XDA Developers files/Dark.zip
Fonts 1
Hi all
Here are the first of a set of fonts for your phone. For each set there is a .zip file attached. In the .zip file there are some fonts in a Windows folder which go into the windows folder of the device and then two others which go into the Windows\Fonts folder on the device. You need to use Total Commander to perform the copy and paste operation. For more information check out this thread:
1) 5 x 5 dots:
2) Alba
3) Amputa Bangiz
4) ARC
5) Asenine
6) Astronaut
And that's not all the A's! More to follow.
Floating Dots
Hi all
Here is my latest customisation. It's based on this image:
It's a HTC Sense 2.1 skin created using HD Wall. There are four varieties:
1) WM 6.1
2) WM 6.1 CFC
3) WM 6.5
4) WM 6.5 CFC
All of these cabs are for HTC Sense 2.1. As well as changing all wallpapers within M3D they change the standard homescreen, the WM6.5 lockscreen as well as making the bottom slider and clock background transparent. WM 6.5 files skin the top and bottom bars.
I have included the four cab files as well as all the files that are included in them in a folder. The files can be downloaded here:
http://cid-ac854080db1a552d.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/XDA Developers files/Floating Dots
Liquid Cool Theme - Source files
Hi all
I'd like to draw your attention to:
andrew-in-woking said:
Hi fellow XDA-Devs
Welcome to my Liquid Cool theme. For reference purposes installing this theme on your phone is literally like going back in time to 1993 and drinking liquid cool.
- WVGA devices only
- WM 6.5 (.0)
- Sense 2.1
- Stock and Custom ROMs
- Co0kieMonster HQ Wallpaper patch, for your specific version of HTC Sense (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=529730).
- You have to be really cool to install this theme.
What does the theme do?
1) Installs all Sense Liquid Cool backgrounds: Home Tab, All Tabs and Start Menu.
2) Installs Liquid Cool default Today Screen wallpapers
3) Installs Liquid Cool Lock Screen wallpapers
4) Installs Liquid Cool WM 6.5 Start Menu backgrounds
5) Skins softkey and task bars
6) Installs Leo Style animated splash screen and secondary/tertiary splash screens
7) Installs transparent bottom slider
8) Removes HTC Sense top curtain
9) Removes HTC Sense Weather clock background
10) Installs Retro Sense slider icons
Here's what it looks like:
Splash Screens:
1) Disable Sense 2.1 via Settings>Today>Items:>HTC Sense
2) Install "Liquid Cool Theme.cab" contained in "Liquid Cool Theme.cab.zip"
3) Restart Device as requested.
4) Re-enable Sense 2.1 via Settings>... as in 1.
----------Bonus material for GSM Rhodium Devices------------
The bonus material for GSM Rhodium devices is an initial splash screen that is designed to preceed the Leo style animated splash screen. This must be handled with care because if you mess it up you can break your phone, invalidate the warranty and end up with a very expensive paperweight!
This splash screen must be flashed to the phone like a ROM or Radio ROM. Requirements:
- GSM Rhodium only - DO NOT try this on any other device!
- Hard SPL (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=550131)
1) Unpack RHODIMG.zip
2) Copy RHODIMG.nbh to the root of your device's Storage Card
3) Power off your device using the Long Press Power Button method
4) Press and hold the Volume Down and Power Buttons at the same time
5) Press the Power Button button to flash the splash screen
6) Reset the device using the stylus in the hole method.
Exactly as above but use the "RHODIMG.nbh" contained in "Default Rhodium Splash.zip" attached.
I have also attached the WVGA .jpg wallpapers for use with S2U2. I recommend tPro:
Image: http://www.psdgraphics.com/textures/metal-textures/
HD Wall: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=503511
Splash: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=587867
Lots of other contributors but I didn't take a note. Please let me know if you think I've used your work.
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I've attached a .zip file with all the source files for ROM cooking. You'll need to edit the registry accordingly for the top and bottom bar skinning.
Nexus One theme
Hi all
Here is my Nexus One theme:
Attribution: http://sqype.deviantart.com/art/Nexus-One-149713018
As well as changing the background in all tabs, it also changes:
- The clock background to transparent
- Slider to the old Manila 2.1 style with transparent curtain
- Removes the top curtain
- Changes the clock to transparent
- Adds some small colour changes in Sense
- Updates the call history contacts tab and call history graphics in the dialer
- Replaces the standard WM 6.5 today screen and the lock screen wallpapers
You can download the HDWall Cab here:
http://cid-ac854080db1a552d.skydriv...evelopers files/Nexus One Sense 2.1 Theme.cab
You can download the Theme files (manila and image files) here:
http://cid-ac854080db1a552d.skydriv...DA Developers files/Nexus One Theme Files.zip
Source image files for Sense are attached to this post.
It will only work on WM 6.5 with HTC Sense 2.1 (Weather Clock).
Reserved 9
Reserved for later use!
looks great,congratulation.
..............but can not download the icon libraries,getting page not found error.
ramakrishna said:
looks great,congratulation.
..............but can not download the icon libraries,getting page not found error.
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Hi ramakrishna
I'm sorry but when I try the link it works. Can you try it again? Could it be a restriction on the network you are using?
Has anybody else had problems accessing the icon library downloads?
hey Andrew,
I'm using grzegorz10 dusk for 2.1 blackstone
best theme ive ever used and it works a treat on the tp2!
6.5 Lockscreen and task bar!!
BTW..I'm not far from you in Winchester!
Updated link
Hi all
I've updated the link to the libraries in the first post. It should work now. Please let me know if it doesn't.
Sorry about that.
Single Icon DLL Template
Hi Andrew,
your icons really rock! However, I would really like to use one DLL per Icon (with SK Shortcut Manager). I've searched the forum and the web and didn't find one single solution that works to produce DLL's that get recognized by SK Shortcut Manager...
I've tried BeCyIconGrabber, Microangelo & VBCE Icons Tool. All of them could not generate a DLL that is recognized by SK Shortcut Manager. Your DLLs -> no problem.
Could you please-please-please give me a hint or (even better) upload a template DLL containing exactly one icon?
Thanks a lot!
Hi all
I use IconFX. It's free and very good. That and GIMP for editing images.
Single Icon DLL Template
Hi Andrew,
thanks for the tip, I tried IcoFX and I really like it. Unfortunately, I was not able to accomplish making one DLL containing exactly one icon for use with SK... I (think) I tried everything. Even making a ICL file and renaming it to DLL...
How did you generate you e.g. Office-DLL? Could you generate one template with only one icon? You would save my weekend!
Thank you & Greetings from Vienna!
Tools -> Resource Editor
Griechenland said:
Hi Andrew,
thanks for the tip, I tried IcoFX and I really like it. Unfortunately, I was not able to accomplish making one DLL containing exactly one icon for use with SK... I (think) I tried everything. Even making a ICL file and renaming it to DLL...
How did you generate you e.g. Office-DLL? Could you generate one template with only one icon? You would save my weekend!
Thank you & Greetings from Vienna!
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Hi Griechenland
1) Save my .dll files to a location on your computer, e.g. Documents or Desktop.
2) Open IconFX and in the menu select "Tools and then" "Resource Editor..."
3) In the dialogue box that opens select the open button which is the normal opening folder icon second in from the left.
4) Browse to the folder where you saved the icon libraries and select the one which contains the icon you want to use.
5) You should now see a number of icons in the dialogue box with a number below them. Go through each icon you don't want, right click on it and select "Delete", until you are just left with one icon.
6) Click on the "Close" button on the bottom right of the dialogue box and you will ask if you want to save your icon library.
7) Select "Yes" and you should get a message to say successfully saved.
Your original icon library will be renamed to Office.dll.bak, for example, and your new one will be saved as Office.dll where Office.dll was the original name of your icon library so if you have deleted all but the Pocket Word icons from the library you would want to rename the new icon library, Office.dll to Word.dll and Office.dll.bak back to Office.dll.
Hope that helps
Green Glow 1.1
Hi all
I've updated post 4 with my green glow wallpaper and extras.
Tools -> Resource Editor
Now you really made my weekend! Thank you very very much!
And I can't believe I missed it (it's so easy). I just checked with SK - works like a charm! Maybe I just didn't expect a "delete-icons" functionality because all the other tools I've tried didn't have one... I just deinstalled all other tools and I'll stick with IcoFX.

[SKINS]NEW Touchflo 2D 2.0 ONLY(Weather/Flipclock) Skins/Themes (PLEASE POST HERE!!)

I started this thread because there are beginning to be some cool themes being released for the new version Touchflo 2d 2.0 and they are posted everywhere. PLEASE DO NOT POST OLDER THEMES
I will try to update this post as often as i can.
Thread to the NEW Manila 2D v2.0 build 19191432 from HTC Mega by whitealien
Thread to older Skins from older Manilla 2D
Big thanks to Vin255764 for all his help.
Big thanks to Twolf for his excellent clocks
Thanks to Paul_Days(footprints), Dan_ru(M2D Today Page) Clause1953, and anyone else who contributed
Here is an updated Sky Reflection Theme 2.0 with Full Home Weather Graphics.
Enable Sky Reflection Theme in Home settngs after installing
Attached is My first Theme called Nature!
It is a FULLSCREEN Theme.Works with WM6.5 and WM6.5.1
V1, After install, enable Ron Arod orange Theme in home settings
V2, After install, enable Nature Theme in home settings
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Here are some skins that i have found so far from the latest touchflo 2D.
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4797797&postcount=1596 DWC316
from DWC316
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4800345&postcount=1606 DWC316
from DWC316
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4743670&postcount=1481 WAPVIRUS
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4754459&postcount=1515 WAPVIRUS
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4632196&postcount=1200 GRACING
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4220621&postcount=2 WHITEALIEN
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4743780&postcount=9 VIN255764
from Vin255764
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=1247896&postcount=717 VIN255764
from Vin255764
Here is my JMITR Mega Black skin.
It goes a bit deeper than some of the other skins in removing the brown tints. notification bubbles, button presses, audio manager etc are all skinned the classic HTC Black / Green.
Any wallpaper can be used in lieu of what I choose, and all the excellent clocks posted work as well. If you like my transparent clock background install the clock first, then my theme.
I do not have a cab generator program (the free ones kinda suck!!!!!)
If someone wants to cab this up pm me and I will edit the post, otherwise:
1. Disable touchFlo
2. Open with Total commander, copy files into the windows directory
3. restart touchFlo
Please note, the default wallpaper will be the Diamond black.
Wow what a great community, thanks to both dwizzy130 and DWC316 for answering the call for cabing my theme. Both were a different size, both worked, but I'm linking the smaller of the 2!!!! Thanks both for making this. I should and will eventually invest in a good cab program. With m2dc I never needed that for my themes but now we do again.
Cab file:
alternate link:
jmitr said:
Here is my JMITR Mega Black skin.
It goes a bit deeper than some of the other skins in removing the brown tints. notification bubbles, button presses, audio manager etc are all skinned the classic HTC Black / Green.
Any wallpaper can be used in lieu of what I choose, and all the excellent clocks posted work as well. If you like my transparent clock background install the clock first, then my theme.
I do not have a cab generator program (the free ones kinda suck!!!!!)
If someone wants to cab this up pm me and I will edit the post, otherwise:
1. Disable touchFlo
2. Open with Total commander, copy files into the windows directory
3. restart touchFlo
Please note, the default wallpaper will be the Diamond black.
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your theme looks good,but i dont like the buttons for the player..>.<
Sounds like a good idea, wished M2DC was compatible with this version, would be much better... :/
White Glass M2D Skin and Theme by Kane159 & TWolf:
After installing you'll need to enable the white TSK.
The attached zip includes extra white wallpapers and a "restore original skin" CAB.
For the ppl that are having problems installing the first cab, here is the theme and skin seprarated in 2 cabs.
The fist zip still has some nice wallpapers, so I recommend the download anyway.
Ok, I'm making a world of warcraft theme(my favorite game) so heres a sneak peak so far. now im going deep on this one but i need some help. i dont do icons yet but i will eventually so if someone could make some cool world of warcraft icons taken from the game that would be cool. also, i need this clock made http://www.mediafire.com/?meinjjmgjn1
and by icons, i mean for the tabs on the slider.. also, how do i make it to where i have a different background for each tab?
thx in advance
tcchuin said:
your theme looks good,but i dont like the buttons for the player..>.<
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here are the square buttons, after installing my theme, unzip this into your windows directory and you'll have the old square (but black) buttons.
Hey everyone. Any questions on a theme or requests, let's pm the themer.
It would be great if we could keep this thread clean and easy to read by posting themes only.
Made a small tool to enable/disable/rearrange tabs:
Get it here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=4816013
Its in my to-do list try to make the old skins work with the new version and create a new skin extension for the new m2d themes.
Hi I have a sprint touch running nfsfans rom 6.5 v1.00 and when i installed the first WAPVIRUS skin it broke my touchflo so that it wouldn't boot. i tried installing the recovery cab included in t-wolfs white theme and i tried to just install another theme with no success. in everyone of my tries i disabled m2d2, installed cab, reset, then enable m2d2
edit: i found that i could uninstall themes in the remove programs menu so my m2d2 is back to working just not with a theme i currently want, haha
It could be a missing image or the xml is somehow wrong...
Try using my M2Dr tool (above) to fix the xml or install m2d all over again...
nice tool twolf! and a nice skin. you do great work!! thanks guys for posting on the thread
Thank you for creating and manage it.
I want to ask some feedback from the skinners out here for this new m2d version...
If M2DC isnt updated, I'm thinking of making the skin selector on my tool that:
- Lists all the file names from a specific folder.
- Renames them to zip and extracts the thumbnail preview from all.
- Lists them all as themes on M2Dr with image preview.
- Renames them all back to the previous extension.
- when a theme is selected it renamed the file to zip, extracts all the files to a temporary folder, removes the xml file (if its an old skin), moves all the files to the Windows folder and finally renames the file extension again.
- The current theme is saved as selected and the themes list is saved until the user decides to refresh it again.
M2DC uses zip files the .m2dct extension so that ppl dont try to install a zip without knowing how.
So that ppl from older M2D versions dont try to install our new skins (with much different files) by mistake I was thinking if changing the extention to simply .M2D or .M2DR what do you think?
Masterface7 said:
Hi I have a sprint touch running nfsfans rom 6.5 v1.00 and when i installed the first WAPVIRUS skin it broke my touchflo so that it wouldn't boot. i tried installing the recovery cab included in t-wolfs white theme and i tried to just install another theme with no success. in everyone of my tries i disabled m2d2, installed cab, reset, then enable m2d2
edit: i found that i could uninstall themes in the remove programs menu so my m2d2 is back to working just not with a theme i currently want, haha
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all you have to do is backup your m2d settings before you install a theme using m2d customizer and after you install a theme and touchflo wont start then restore your m2d settings with m2d customizer
twolf said:
Thank you for creating and manage it.
I want to ask some feedback from the skinners out here for this new m2d version...
If M2DC isnt updated, I'm thinking of making the skin selector on my tool that:
- Lists all the file names from a specific folder.
- Renames them to zip and extracts the thumbnail preview from all.
- Lists them all as themes on M2Dr with image preview.
- Renames them all back to the previous extension.
- when a theme is selected it renamed the file to zip, extracts all the files to a temporary folder, removes the xml file (if its an old skin), moves all the files to the Windows folder and finally renames the file extension again.
- The current theme is saved as selected and the themes list is saved until the user decides to refresh it again.
M2DC uses zip files the .m2dct extension so that ppl dont try to install a zip without knowing how.
So that ppl from older M2D versions dont try to install our new skins (with much different files) by mistake I was thinking if changing the extention to simply .M2D or .M2DR what do you think?
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sounds good to me
twolf said:
Thank you for creating and manage it.
I want to ask some feedback from the skinners out here for this new m2d version...
If M2DC isnt updated, I'm thinking of making the skin selector on my tool that:
- Lists all the file names from a specific folder.
- Renames them to zip and extracts the thumbnail preview from all.
- Lists them all as themes on M2Dr with image preview.
- Renames them all back to the previous extension.
- when a theme is selected it renamed the file to zip, extracts all the files to a temporary folder, removes the xml file (if its an old skin), moves all the files to the Windows folder and finally renames the file extension again.
- The current theme is saved as selected and the themes list is saved until the user decides to refresh it again.
M2DC uses zip files the .m2dct extension so that ppl dont try to install a zip without knowing how.
So that ppl from older M2D versions dont try to install our new skins (with much different files) by mistake I was thinking if changing the extention to simply .M2D or .M2DR what do you think?
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Sound great Twolf, Right now most of our new "skins" only include the files changed from the originals. For older themes where one might go from one to the other (though my personal preference was to ALWAYS go back to standard first) themes tended to include all required files. Some ROMS make certain graphis files protected in the windows directory hence the need to use total commander to overwrite them. A new program like the one your proposing would make things far easier (for the end user at least).
The extension name doesn't matter, I'll use whatever you decide!!!
Bad news....
I've been doing some tests and the older themes sometimes mess up my M2D, even without the XML...
I'm leaving here the scripts I already made in Mortscript, in case anyone wants to pick up from here and start to concentrate on the new .m2Dr skin files.
These scripts can be placed anywhere for use, just create a THEMES folder in the same place where they are (with some themes inside it, hehehe).
For now it should also work on .m2dct files, but since it messes up M2D I removed the REPLACE FILES option.
This is only a test, of course, the M2Dr will use it in the background to refresh the themes list, change the themes path and installing a theme.
refresh_themes.mscr (creates a theme list and extracts the thumbnail from them for later use)
path = SystemPath("ScriptPath") & "\"
themes_counter = 1
if (fileExists (path & "ThemesList.txt"))
Delete(path & "ThemesList.txt")
Delete(path & "MortThemesList.ini")
DelTree(path & "Themes\Thumbs" )
MkDir(path & "Themes\Thumbs")
ForEach xfiles in files (path & "Themes\*.*")
this_theme_name = Part( xfiles , path & "Themes\", -1, 0 )
# The first list is for the M2Dr Flash, so that it can handle the variables, the other is for the Mortscript "install theme" script
IniWrite( path & "FlashThemesList.txt", myThemes ,("&theme" & themes_counter), this_theme_name & "&END")
IniWrite( path & "MortThemesList.ini", myThemes ,(themes_counter),'"' & this_theme_name & '"')
themes_counter = themes_counter + 1
IniWrite( path & "FlashThemesList.txt", myThemes ,"&Total_list", themes_counter & "&END")
currentfilename = 1
While(currentfilename < themes_counter)
this_file = IniRead( path & "MortThemesList.ini", myThemes , currentfilename)
xname = Part( this_file , ".", -2, 0 )
xextension = Part( this_file , ".", -1, 0 )
Rename(path & "Themes\" & this_file , path & "Themes\" & xname & ".zip")
UnzipFile( path & "Themes\" & xname & ".zip", "preview.jpg", path & "Themes\thumbs\" & xname & ".jpg")
Rename(path & "Themes\" & xname & ".zip" , path & "Themes\" & this_file )
currentfilename = currentfilename + 1
install_theme.mscr (installs the theme chosen from the list)
path = SystemPath("ScriptPath") & "\"
# This part will be handled by the M2Dr flash chooser, but you can change this number manually below #
# selected_theme_number = RegRead( "HKLM","\Software\M2Dr\","selected_theme_number")
selected_theme_number = "1"
if (selected_theme_number eq false)
Message ("No theme selected!","Warning")
KillScript( "install_theme.mscr" )
Mkdir (path & "Themes\temp" )
install_this_theme = IniRead( path & "MortThemesList.ini", myThemes , selected_theme_number
xname = Part( install_this_theme , ".", -2, 0 )
xextension = Part( install_this_theme , ".", -1, 0 )
Rename(path & "Themes\" & install_this_theme , path & "Themes\" & xname & ".zip")
UnzipAll( path & "Themes\" & xname & ".zip", path & "Themes\temp" )
if ( xextension eq "m2dct")
if (fileExists (path & "Themes\temp\skin\HTCHomeSettings.xml"))
Delete(path & "Themes\temp\skin\HtcHomeSettings.xml")
Move (path & "Themes\temp\skin\*.*", "\Windows" ,TRUE)
Rename (path & "Themes\" & xname & ".zip" , path & "Themes\" & install_this_theme)
DelTree (path & "Themes\temp" )
World of Warcraft Theme for QVGA M2D
My World of Warcraft
Theme is complete(I hope)
please read the read me file in the zip folder before installing​
hey twolf I cant get the white glass skin to install, right away it says install unsuccessful
Thats strange, I never had that issue before and am having it now too... :/
Ill create a new cab file.
alright thanx

Hero Mods 1.5 to 2.1+ share, help, create and post

As title informs share, help, create and post. This thread is for fellowship, knowledge and for everyone.
Special thanks to Timmy Marsh for making this possible.
Some wallpaper website (not all wallpapers images are suitable for everyone)If you have other locations pm me and I'll post
Let me know and I'll post other links you've found
Android Apps (Games, Life, Etc..)
Enjoy, and lets continue our fellowship!
Metamorph App: theme your phone without having to reboot into recovery mode and flash some kind of update.
Theme Resources:
Making a theme:
Easy steps:
How To Theme Develop for Windows For Dummies in 10 easy steps:
For us MAC users: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=573498
It has an auto sign applet that makes things so much easier when modding and reinstalling files. I checked with the thread
starter and he's fine with it, just provide credit. Good tools are hard to come by with us mac users.
Thanks in advance!
Credit: jessetbenton xda and red_menace over at the apple support forum
Apps attached are to help you with easier alternatives to flash, delete built in apps etc.. Enjoy!
FlashRec: App to do "one click" root and recovery setup.
Rom Manager (Market): App to help you delete built in apps and recovery mode selection and more..
Spare Parts (Market): Spare Parts allow you to enable some of the settings that are not found in the default setting menu.
XDA (Market): And download XDA (Tapatalk App) so you can take it with you on the road, easy viewing, posting, etc.
The Hero's WIKI Thx to TimmyMarsh
Awesome!! >>> [RESOURCE] For People Willing To Learn - by Decad3nce
[GUIDE] How to Root Sprint 2.1 Release for CDMA Hero - by regaw_leinad
[THREAD] Post Your Screen Shots - by thorracing1
Forum Searching | Posting | The Basics: (Make sure you've read them before starting a new thread)
Forum Rules
Forum Search
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XDA "Mantra"
Guides | Rooting: (The guides to the basics)
[RESOURCE] For People Willing To Learn - by Decad3nce
[GUIDE] How to Root Sprint 2.1 Release for CDMA Hero
Step By Step Way to root Using Flashrec
How to Root the Sprint CDMA Hero (Windows) by theresthatguy
How to Root the Sprint CDMA Hero (Mac) by ajones7279
How to Root the Sprint CDMA Hero (Ubuntu Karmic) by theresthatguy
How to Root the Sprint CDMA Hero (General) by chuckhriczko
How to Root Non-Sprint CDMA Heroes (Cellular South, Bluegrass Cellular) by markachee & ibegary
How to Root your Sprint Phone (Windows) Video Tutorial by jvermillion
Root Cheat Sheet by theraginasian
CDMA ROM WIKI PAGE - Please keep it updated
All General Hero Mods:
Hero Mods for ALL your creations 2.1 and 1.5- share, help, create and post by GODZSON
2.1 (ONLY) Catalogue by Nebenezer
How to Compile CDMA Hero Kernel Source & Flash it to your Phone (Ubuntu 9.04+) by cteneyck
Rom-Cooking lox-dev style by lox
Troubleshooting | Fixes:
How to fix PRI by Avalaunchmods
How to fix the 110 Error when restoring with RUU 1.56 by dfbonney
How to fix many of the problems with the new 2.1 ROM based on Eris by rank78
How to fix Market not showing protected apps in 1.5/ROMs that should work with protected apps in market by zippy-man
How to Unroot using only SD Card by rt1oo
Reference | How To's :
Extra Features on AOSP 1.6 by gu1dry
How to Swap SD Cards w/ Apps2SD by esoteric1311 & jonnythan
How to set up Google Voice by thematrixkid17
How to push files using ADB by rulermon
How to use ADB Push Video Tutorial by jvermillion
How to increase battery life by reducing Time Without Signal by abcdfv
How to MetaMorph by Gregalous
How to Create Custom Lockscreens by ccapasso
How To Theme Your Hero by WTphoto
Windshield Mount for CDMA by thematrixkid17
Cradle / Dock by tduck
2 x 1500mah Battery+Desktop Charger for Sprint HTC Hero by jerry43812
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Hero Mods, Themes, APK's, Fonts, Lockscreens, Taskbars
New ROM Dumps check here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=658063
2.1 MyTouch Slide Apps
Ported by Zen, provided by Godzson
ROM Here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=666967
2.1 Eris Apps
provided by Godzson
This is for Flipz Eris 2.1 Build and Gumbo 2.1 Only DO NOT Flash to anything else. I posted this here so i can keep the DEV thread a little cleaner cuz I know people will ask questions so please do so here and not in the DEV thread.
Ok I have ported Espresso to the 2.1 Eris build It will change the 3g to EV in the taskbar Has Espresso Rosie and Espresso Lockscreen
Here are a couple pics:
Always Nandroid First and flash as normal update.zip thru recovery
Download Here
Though not necessarily my goal, I seem to be focusing on lockscreen mods/fixes lately. Not that I want to be known just for lockscreens, but hey, I give the people what they want .
See bottom of post for MetaMorph versions to make it easier to apply without affecting existing modifications.
I saw some chatter here about the Android 2.0 style rotary / dial lockscreen (see here), that got replaced with the current Android 2.1 style sliding tabs lockscreen, and figured it would be fun to take a look and see what may be involved in trying to port it over to our current build. Turns out, after some intensive code modifications, I was able to successful port it over .
Following are screenshots, and a link to a video, showing the "rotary" version of the vanilla lockscreen in action:
The video demo is jittery, as the screen capture couldn't keep up with the rotation. You won't actually experience this "jitter" in real-time:
Video Demo
This version of the vanilla lockscreen also contains the fixes for menu key unlock disable, removal of emergency call button after airplane mode (thanks flipz), and removal of the emergency call button on the footer of the keypattern unlock screen.
If you are currently running the stock HTC Lockscreen, you will need to move your HTC Lockscreen out of the way, via adb, so that the vanilla lockscreen is used instead, by doing the following:
adb remount
adb shell
cd /system/app
mv HtcLockScreen.apk HtcLockScreen.bak
The attached flashable zip is currently the "stock" version of the lockscreen (including the fixes referenced), however, I will also soon be posting textless and custom wallpaper versions, similar to the vanilla Android 2.1 lockscreen mods I posted previously.
You can flash the attached zip from recovery without fear of undoing any other customizations or themes you may have applied, since it only includes the 'android.policy.jar' file. My starting point was Fresh 2.0d, but this should work on any Sprint leak based ROM.
You may also want to flash flipz's zips for the alarm clock issues with vanilla style lockscreens. I have not tested this and do not know if the same issues exist with this version. I am assuming they do.
This should be considered a very preliminary version, and things may unwittingly break, but it seems to be working fine for me. Please report any issues you may have, and ALWAYS nandroid before flashing.
Download Android 2.0 Vanilla Rotary Lockscreen
NOTE: Since this replaces a framework file, your first reboot will take some time, as your Davlik cache will be rebuilt. Don't panic .
EDIT 1: See this post to download MetaMorph updates for applying different backgrounds to the stock rotary lockscreen WITH carrier / time / date text.
EDIT 2: See this post to download MetaMorph updates for applying different backgrounds to the rotary lockscreen WITHOUT carrier / time / date text.
This will install either Aloysius or Expresso and does not install OpenGL "fix" so that you can run Weather LWP and limited Live Wallpapers at the same time. The update has a few wallpapers that I have tested that work fine without the OpenGL "fix".
I have tested this on Fresh 2.0d, DamageControl, and Aloysius, the new updates will uninstall the OpenGL "fix" if it is installed in your rom. There is also now an expresso version.
Request and recommendations are welcome. I am still new to modding so if you have any comments I would like to hear them. I am working on inserting the android keyboard into the theme. Please let me know if these update were successful.
Credits to Koni for awesome Rosie and flipz for the resources I used to put these together.
Aloysius Rosie:
Expresso Rosie:
Screen is clearer not as shown in pic, LW & Weather Animation is pretty clear and works well.
EDIT 4/12/10: See last link at the bottom of this thread regarding the shaded notification area apk/option[/b]
Ladies and Gentlemen, after a bunch of trial and error, I am proud to announce that I have achieved a clear lock screen for 2.1. I arrived at this starting with the Fresh 2.0d framework, but this should work on the latest DamageControl ROM as well, since they are both based on the latest Sprint leak.
This will provide a clear lock screen, as well as blank out the "Sprint" text above the clock on the lock screen. Essentially, allowing you to customize a clear lock screen the same way traditionally done on 1.5 ROMs.
Included is a transparent png for 'lockscreen_topedge.png', so themers who want to create their own graphics over top of the clear lock screen should replace this .png with their custom graphic. You can see in my screen capture below, I replaced it with my own custom team logo. However, as mentioned, the attached zip simply provides a completely clear lock screen with no image and clock / date only.
It should also be noted that since HTC has merged a few elements into a single apk, that to clear out the lock bar graphics, I had to include in the attached signed zip the 'com.htc.resources.apk' file as well. What this means is that if you have done any other customizations, such as changing your Rosie launcher from the default Fresh 2.0d espresso launcher to any other launcher, as well as some modifications to your taskbar, the attached will undo this and revert back (at least partially) to the original Espresso launcher included by default, as well as some stock taskbar icons.
Themers can take this and run with it to modify other elements as necessary.
Before flashing the attached zip from recovery, you need to either use Fresh's kitchen to clear out your current cached wallpaper (it will still work), or manually do so via adb by doing the following:
adb remount
adb shell
cd /data/misc/lockscreen
rm *
cd /system/customize/resource
rm htc_wallpaper*
Note: You may or may not have anything to delete in /system/customize/resource, so if you get an error message, don't worry.
Then, reboot into recovery, flash the attached zip from your sdcard, and you are off to the races. Enjoy!
Download Signed Zip <--- Also clears the lockbar (w/side affect of having to flash stock espresso launcher found in Fresh 2.0d)
Download Signed Zip <--- Also clears the lockbar (w/side affect of having to flash stock HTC Rosie launcher found in DC v2.05)
EDIT: Attached is another zip that will ONLY change the HtcLockScreen.apk. ONLY flash this if you ALREADY have the clear lockbar flashed from a previous mod. Using this will prevent changing of your launcher and/or taskbar elements, but also will NOT clear out the lockbar icons (gray/black arches on stock HTC lockscreen). So again, ONLY flash if you already have a clear lockbar. Otherwise, you will have to manually edit your com.htc.resources.apk file to insert the clear lockbar images (see post later in this thread)
Download Signed Zip <--- If you already have a clear lockbar.
Reference (note: this shows my own custom launcher, however, as mentioned above, the attached zips includes the stock ROM launcher):
EDIT 2: By popular demand, I have also created a completely "clockless / date-less" clear lockscreen (see below), which can be found Here. As mentioned in that post, since it is completely clear, I had to drop-in / default something, so you know the lockscreen is active, so I made it the android logo you see below. Change as desired.
Reference (w/o clock & date):
---- Menu key disabled apk below ----
EDIT 3: I have also modified the HtcLockScreen apk to disable the 'Menu' key for unlocking the screen. If you prefer this functionality, see here.
EDIT 4: Inverted version, with black text on white background, including menu key unlock disabled can be found here.
EDIT 5: To add a shaded notification at the bottom of your lockscreen, ONLY when a notification is present, see here.
Looking to change live wallpaper colors..? here's how-
Thx to- Banden
I'm using the Droid so I'm familiar with it; however I'm certain that it can be done for other rooted phones in a similar manner. Although the steps at first glance may seem complex... it shouldn't take too long to wrap your mind around it a bit and you'll see that it is rather simple.
For the way I did it, requires root access, adb shell (part of the developer kit) and also 7zip (7zip allows you to modify contents of a zip archive without unzipping.) I also use Root Explorer (a paid app on the phone.)
First thing I did was copy a file from the phone to my computer:
(there's quite a few ways to do this, I opted to use Root Explorer to copy the file to my sd card and then used the file manager on my computer to copy to my desktop.) You should create a copy of this file as a backup on your comp in-case you mess up :smile:
Once the apk file is on the desktop, right click > select 7zip > and "Open Archive"
So now you can take a look at all the files inside the apk. To edit them you will need to edit and save outside of the archive, and then move it into the archive replacing the original file. In the 'res' file are all of the graphics. I replaced the background with one I wanted then modified the color of the beads I followed the instructions here: http://alldroid.org/threads/16847-Ho...798#post576798
Once it's done you need to push the LiveWallpapers.apk file back and overwrite the one on the phone in the /system/app/ directory.
That's about it.
Custom Clear Lockscreen -- Tutorial Soon
I've made my first custom lockscreen... I hope to put up a tutorial to
help others achieve the same "look." The best thing about this custom
lock screen vs. others I have seen is that it still allows for music apps,
notifications, etc to be used easily.
I also attempted to add the live wallpapers fix (w/o opengl) to this zip,
but unfortunately failed... If anyone wants to take a look and let me know
what I've done wrong that would be great!
I choose Purdue as it is my favorite college team/future university.
Comments? Suggestions?
For those interested:
Okay, some of you saw my initial failed attempt at this mod, for removing the 'end call' virtual key / button on the screen, while a call is in progress.
The purpose of this mod is to prevent accidentally hanging up on a caller, by having your face press the 'end call' virtual button. There are even apps in the market to try and address this, so I'm guessing the issue is widespread for people.
On my first attempt, I inadvertently removed the entire bottom row, which was problematic, as it prevented you from being able to enter numbers, etc, during a voice prompt.
I was unable to find a way to remove JUST the 'end call' button, without removing the entire bottom row, so I decided to take a different approach, which is the end product posted here.
This approach seeks to simply disable the key press event on the 'end call' key. This way, we don't have to worry about removing the button, just disabling its function. As a result of disabling, I then went and removed the 'End call' text from the button, and turned it from red to gray, to essentially show it as disabled / non-functional.
To end a call using this mod, simply press the 'red' end call hard key on your phone.
Reference: (obsoleted, see second screenshot)
EDIT: After some additional tinkering, I was able to find a way, through a combination with the original mod, to now remove for display the button all together. The original .zip has been updated accordingly.
This mod may not be for you, but if you frequently experience this sort of problem, hopefully this helps.
Download Update <---Flash via recovery
Always nandroid. I don't believe I broke anything, but I very well could have.
First person to notice what's different about the content of this screenshot wins (not regarding the Rosie/Launcher).
Some people were talking about doing this, so I wanted to see if it was possible, turns out it is .
Edit: See Here for download links.
FONTS attached below
Signals23 Widgets ZEN 9.6+
Known issues:
The other widgets that use the HTC ActionBar (the two or three buttons that hang off of the mail widget, etc.) will have clear backgrounds. There was no way I could figure out how to separate the mail widget from com.htc.resources
Landscape works for all widgets, but on some of them, the header text is distorted or not centered
I can't figure our how to remove the background from the bookmark list widget
The popup in the browser will be black with black text
Still to do:
There seems to be a character limit on the mail widget. Now that it is larger, I am trying to figure out how to show more text
Modify the Messaging widget
Modify my master widget (power control / weather / scoreboard / genie) to match this format
I'm not even using all the widgets that I modified, but figured some people might. If you want me to look at additional widgets that will match this format, I'd be willing to entertain any requests
Continue to modify the mail widget in landscape
I'd still like to figure out the people widget
I will also be making a mail widget that looks like TF3d
The clock shown in the screenshots is Beautiful Widgets. This theme will not affect the stock HTC flipclock. (I'll always use BW because it updates the time behind a clear lockscreen). Also, the clear lockscreen mod is not included because it breaks the theme apk. Once someone comes out with a clear lockscreen for ZenEXP, I'll add it back in. Also, this will overwrite the stock theme (Nest) and can't be applied through the built-in theme app.
The Friendstream, News, Calendar and Bookmark widgets may work on other ROMS, I haven't tested. I tried to make them independent of the com.htc.resources apk. As mentioned above, the mail widget depends on the com.htc.resources apk so it will look different on other ROMS but may still work.
DOWNLOAD HERE (update.zip - flash in recovery)
Many thanks to all the helpful people in this forum. Special thanks to FlipZ, Stericson, damnitpud, Godzson, JsChiSurf, Nebenezer for their hard work, Zenulator and Zippy for the awesome ROM and Brut for the awesome apktool.
Lastly, thanks to NRG for the visual inspirations...[
Signals23 Spending the next 4 months destroying the Hero until my contract is up...
Modding Rosie Launcher to have 4x5 workspace and 5 column app launcher. Hoping to have a tutorial up soon, should work on all ROMS.
VinceOB: Clear Weather Widget mod for My Touch, Sprint 2.1 and RegawMOD!!
Mkeyslehma- Special thx to Damage and his unnamed leak for the official 2.1 release!
VVM was business-necessary for me (ability to forward voicemails).
This is a Port of Ratcom's GSM version; all credit goes to him. Those interested in theme development, look up Ratcom and check his sig.
(3-28-10) Rosie no longer includes buttons; instead they're located under Framework in com.htc.resources.apk. So editing Rosie requires you to update both these APKs. Therefore they're both in the ZIP, which makes for a big file.
Clear Button Rosie
Fade Button Rosie
Special thx to all those at XDA making it possible for us to better use our phones. Thanks!
Hero Mods, Themes, APK's, Fonts, Lockscreens, Taskbars
Godzsons Onyx Icons for Damages 205 Rom it should works on Flips Rom also since both rom are based of the
Sprint Leak.
Godzsons taskbar.
Ok, So I wasnt going to release this, but here is something I threw together just last night. This update
will include, but not limited too, White taskbar, blue clock, blue date, and blue ticker. All those are in the taskbar. This will
also include, blue touch background for each icon, Blue Droid launcher without the "Phone" text, Blue Clear HTC Weather/Clock
widget, black dialer. Im probably forgetting something, but im sure you'll figure it out. Here is the flashable .zip to flash
through recovery. This is for DC2.05 and Fresh 2.0d. This will not work with any other rom. Always make a backup before flashing.
I will NOT be responsible for any damage.
4shared.com-onlinefilesharingandstorage-download sprint-bluedroid21-signed.zip
This is my pack of android icons I have been working on for a week or so,I offer this for free and the version contains 105 icons and will grow a lot over time. I will also have a market version in a few days that will be a donate version with about 30 more that will be updated a lot more than this free version also I will take request for app icons you may want.
HOW TO USE: Unzip and put the folder on root of S.D and use bettercut to apply.
Hero Mods, Themes, APK's, Fonts, Lockscreens, Taskbars
Ok, so I outdid myself once again...LOL jk I figured i'd play around with the Droid Launcher once again and
here is what I came up with...This is what will change when flashing this .zip White taskbar including the taskbar icons, Droid
Launcher, Messages icon and a clear Clock/Weather widget. The flash works, I know so...This is based off DC2.0r2 so it will not
work with anything else. If you flash it to something else and you complain that it fvcks it up, well, I told you so...Do a backup
first. Dont blame me im not responsible.
This is the normal Droid Launcher
This is the Droid Launcher when removing an icon
This is the Droid Launcher when pressing the phone button
Application Icons
These are before the Sprint 2.1 Leak
Godson-Dialer only
Godzson-New bar, dialer and 2.1 icons
Godzson- New bar and dialer
Works with new Sprint Leak
You must add theme then wipe, and reset as per Dr. Chubbz details. Enjoy!!
Godzson- Complete Onyx
Godzson- BlkClockWidgetClear
Godzson- Onyx Icons http://www.mediafire.com/file/rzuuyihymym/2.1_Onyx-Icons.zip
Godzson- Onyx Icons Taskbar Rosie
I got the .9.png thing figured out with a little quality assistance
This will apply the regular espresso rosie and pink dialer.
View attachment 304049 View attachment 304050 View attachment 304051
This will apply the dialer, pink droid launcher, black&clear clock and white notification bar.
I DID NOT make the noti bar, clock or droid launcher. I just made the launcher pink and merged my dialer with it.
View attachment 304052
1.5 System files
provided by Chocmatic
Mirror link from Godzson (me)
ONYX clock Enjoy!
Second Clock per request (Chocmatic)
World clock
Bluez Clock with no stand
Bluez Clock with stand
Godzson- Black Clear HTC widget clock
Godzson- Black Faded HTC widget clock
Custom Clock by corybucher (attached)
attached below
Credits to mkeyslehman in xda for posting-
Clear home buttons-Rosie.apk
Fade out home buttons-Rosie.apk
Clear lock-com.htc.resources.apk
Clear HTC widgets-Music, Weather, Bookmarks, Calendar, Clock, Contacts, Settings
Clear keyboard-background is removed so you can see the application behind the keys. HTC_IME.apk
Clear notifications drop down-framework-res.apk
Credits to Flipz and Fresh, makers of FreshRom.
Chuckhriczko - Gutted Rom
Ratcom - Original Clear as a Bell port
Original post by Rank here:
Just a refresher to help those trying to read the dozens of new pages credit goes to david279, Gregalous and others
cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
adb shell
cd /data/data/com*telephony/databases
sqlite3 telephony.db
update carriers set mmsc='http://mms.sprintpcs.com?X-MDN=YOUR11DIGITNUMBER' where name='Production';
cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
adb remount
adb push reboot /system/bin
adb shell
cd /system/bin/
ls **optional...I did this just so I could make sure the reboot file was there**
chmod 755 reboot
chmod 755 /system/bin/reboot
cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
adb remount
adb push Gallery3D.apk /system/app
install google voice 0.2
MARKET NOT SHOWING INSTALLED APPS - WORKS FOR MANY (may fix failing sign-in error at boot)
cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
adb pull /system/build.prop .
used wordpad (don't use MS notepad) to edit build.prop with the following:
ro.cdma.home.operator.numeric = 310120 (note 310120, not 310012)
ro.cdma.home.operator.alpha = Sprint
adb remount
adb push build.prop /system/
clear market cache
cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
adb remount
adb shell
cd /system/app/
rm HtcLockScreen*
reboot phone
updated with attachments and screenshot so no need to search
2.1 Themes
For those that are into the white styled theme, attached is a zip that will give you a white taskbar, a
bit different from the one posted earlier, as it is basically straight AOSP style for ALL icons, including signal bars, etc.
It also includes a matching white droid launcher at the bottom, and per the screen captures, a clear notification background, and
clear lock bar on the lockscreen.
Only flash if you want ALL of the changes shown. Always nandroid before flashing, etc, etc.
Download Signed Zip
My Taskbar: Godzson Hero Taskbar
Thx to Chubbz
http://www.mediafire.com/file/m2hygmzedwy/Godzson_Taskbar.zip Taskbar only
http://www.mediafire.com/file/zmefbzbgonn/Godzson-Hero_Black_Taskbar Final.zip taskbar & dialer
http://www.mediafire.com/file/3mnztkjeytz/Godzson-Hero_White_Taskbar Final.zip taskbar & dialer
http://www.mediafire.com/file/jqm4y0ljxom/Godzson-Hero_Stock_Taskbar Final.zip taskbar & dialer
With clear notification
http://www.mediafire.com/file/2nqyddtrv3y/Godzson-Hero_Black_Taskbar_clear_notification.zip Black
http://www.mediafire.com/file/tinydotlymt/Godzson-Hero_White_Taskbar_clear_notification.zip White
http://www.mediafire.com/file/34fnvtjoynj/Godzson-Hero_Stock_Taskbar_clear_notification.zip Stock
Icons enlarged in picture to show how they look other icons not shown are included for all task bar icons.. icons do not have black bar background
As requested Chubbz stepped up Updated and scrpit up my icons and XweaponX, Thanks Chubbz
Here are other task bars by the following creative minds, links below image.
Brock Task bar
XweaponX Task Bar
emerica6541 Task Bar
if theres any problems or you got a request you can email me at [email protected]
If use my icons or any one else's work please give proper credits.. Thank you! Don't forget to hit thanks.
Godzson-Onyx Bluez
Godzson-OnyxBluez-iconz.zip (Icons Only)
Godzson-OnyxBluezDirt.zip (Dialer,Icons,Rosie,Taskbar)
Thx to Wtphoto for the icons and emerica for update.zip
2.1 Icons
Godzson 2.1 icons
Godzson-Desire 2.1 Icons.zip
New desire 2.1 icons thx Chubbz
Icons by Wtphoto
2.1 Edits (CDMA Eris Build)
Created by me new expresso setup idea by Chubbz and packaged by Chubbz
Godzson-rosie espresso blue
View link here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=6258680&postcount=15 for all created themes edited in posts reserved for themer's enjoy! Thx to Nebenezers & Tejasrichard
This is my Hero One theme. It began because I had a lot of requests to port my White and Blue theme for Legend over to Sprint based ROMs. So, I started to port it over, and while I was doing it all the ideas that I had been throwing around for an update to my original theme began working themselves into this one. It snowballed, and the end result is Hero One.
Thanks and credit go to Flipz, Darchstar, zenulator, mssmision, tristan202, jschisurf, and vinceob. If you think I left you out, PM me.
-Badass Nexus boot screen from zenulator
-All necessary apps and files for LWP(including the OpenGL tweak)
-AOSP taskbar with custom Rosie
-Black menus with blue highlights and button pushes
-Dialer from my White and Blue theme
-Fade in\out animations a la Darkstar
-Lockscreen info: If you use the Vanilla lockscreen it will turn your buttons blue like the picture. If you use the HTC lockscreen it will make it clear. It does not add or take away either.
-Includes the Genie Widget from 2.1, not that crappy port for 1.5.
-I did not change the app icons because this is in fact still a Hero, not a Nexus One. Nor did I add or remove any apps. Its just the theme, not a ROM.
I built this using Fresh 2.0d, so it should work on all Sprint based ROMs. As always, make a nandroid and I am not responsible for the health of your Hero. And, if you feel like using my work in your work, please acknowledge it.
-Turns out not everyone likes blue . So after I got quite a few PMs asking for a more stock version,I put this together. This will probably be the last update to this theme. Thanks to everybody who has supported and enjoyed this theme! And with that, the AOSP Green version:*with a 3G icon just for andyriot
-Please note, that if you flash the version with live wallpapers, your weather animations will cease to work correctly. You should just go ahead and remove the HTC WeatherWallpapers.apk if you havent already done so, or flashed Flipz's zip.
Download link: (blue)
Download link: (blue no lwps)
Download link: (green)
Download link: (green no lwps)
Here is a theme if you are using PandaHome.
View attachment 304619
Damage Control:
Dark Bar
And Just For Fun {Girls}
This post has been updated for damages new release 2.05.02 is latest one of my builds. Older info on v2.0.1
rom retained at bottom of thread. Awesome stuff damaged, alot of old annoyances were fixed (contacts bug for one). For all the
stuff damage fixed go over to thread?t=656690 .
I tweaked the update script & this should be a no wipe if you were on last version of mod. Remove any widgets from your homescreen
before flashing for best results. ALWAYS wipe dalvik in recovery right after you flash, I've found best results with this. as
always ymmv so nandroid. All old themes should still work, i dont think the seperate dialers links will though. Full already has
black dialer. Started to split up rom, light version with only 33.8mb in /system/app/ is up, internal memory was about 115 free
with no a2sd from wipe. Pretty sweet with the 5 screen launcher and live wallpapers, also feels pretty fast.
If you are unsure what to get start with the latest version of full mod -
If you enjoy modding mix & match. Light + themes, Light + Sense + themes, browse through the addons too & if you come up with
anything good post here ill update first post
OverallTweaks (These are applied to every update file below):
-Memkiller at: cat /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree - 1536,3072,4096,21000,23000,25000
-Working Apps2sd & no wipe (if your lucky)
-quickoffice/wifitether included
-modified firstboot.sh to fix uuids & remove old versions of wifitether if usin apps2sd.
-cleared lockscreen bars
-disabled htc checkin service along with other script tweaks
Only 2.05.02 and newer
-Many Apk Optimizations (things feel alot faster, look at filesizes in /data/app/ !!)
-Launcher hexedited to allow 5 Screens
-LiveWallpapers (some livewallpapers dont work-throws error OpenGL ES Lite not supported)
-Youtube hexed to prefer higher qual stream
If it freezes or stays booting for longer than a half hour you win a wipe. Wipe everything in Recovery menu, data, dalvik & ext.
Then start by flashing Light Version then addons.
Issues & Fixes
Ive been using the 'FULL' mod for a few days now and it is very fast & stable. I havent gotten any FC's in day to day use.
-If superuser doesnt work make sure USB Debgging is on in Applications -> Development
-If you dont see all widgets clear data for htc sense under manage applications.
-If your Rosie goes to HTC screen each time make sure spare parts has activity/process management set to normal.
-If you STILL Have problems and dabbled with other 2.x roms before check out your PRI ?t=653735
-Smiley face instead of a down arrow on keyboard? Hold the configure button down & uncheck smiley hack. Reboot phone. You can
also get old keyboard back by flashing &postcount=435
-If you want to switch to my modded 5 screen stock launcher just go to settings applications HTC Sence and clear defaults. Then
if you press the back arrow or home button a bunch youll get a menu asking what to run & can choose a new default.
-Browser is a bit laggy in 2.05.01. I think i fixed it in .02 with all my other optimizations.
-If you dont use sprint voice mail id remove Sprint_Core.apk from /system/app/ orelse it always runs in backround
-if you have issues with audio cutting out avalaunchmods posted a fix i modified to work with apps2sd & gumbo (TESTING STILL!!!)
over in ?t=657244 Please report back if works
Battery Issues:
-Check your awake time in settings -> about phone -> battery. if awake is the same as your uptime you got a problem. If its high
run spare parts, go to battery history & check partial wake usage. Mine is 3 hours after 14 up on a single charge and still have
2 bars of battery left. Used GPS/phone/text a good bit battery life is on norm for me. Wipe everything & reflash if you have 100%
-All alarms/tones/etc work for me out of box with full, couldnt seem to get them not to work. If they dont for you theres
probably something else wrong.
Light Version: *NO SENSE!*
Pretty much stock android with HTC dialer + keyboard. Uses HTC lock because stock is busted. Includes sprints vvm, remove if using
gvoice its always running.
Everything looks close to stock but no HTC widgets & modified version of launcher so 5 homescreens instead of 3! Includes LWPs.
Will probably have to wipe to go to this.
Did a wipe & flash, internal memory was 115MB. -
(used wheresmycellphone.com to make it ring, dont pm idont care about the #)
Stock Rosie look & feel
resets curved lockbars, resets custom statusbars & gets you back to the stock rosie look & feel. Includes all htc widgets & apps.
Flashable ontop of only 2.05.02, can put on Light to add sense or full if you want to reset look
Stock Espresso look & feel
Resets strait lockbar, resets custom statusbar & gets to stock espresso look. Includes all htc widgets & apps. Flashable ontop of only 2.05.02, can put on Light to add sense or full if you want to reset look
Full Mod Download (dont flash over lite, stanalone rom):
This is my full mod - best bet for starters.
-Espresso look (also includes 5screen modded launcher if you want to drop down to it with LWP)
-Nexus boot
-cleared lockscreen
-status bar mods
-black dialer
2.05.02 and higher include
Latest Download:
older (just incase)
Addons to ANY of these Zips: (unless otherwise noted)
-Protected Apps fix: &postcount=321
-Another protected apps fix: &postcount=94
*Make sure market isnt running first. If recently ran and in doubt restart. Pushed to /system/app/ then ran marketenabler
program on phone. Saved current settings, went to settings list tab. Long held on T-Mobile and went to fake provider. Searched
market an now i see tiwdroid PRO paid & free (if thats a valid test). ---does this work for anyone else? I dont have the problem
but ive always had goggles and such.
-Original Keyboard (instead of xda one included in 2.05.2) - &postcount=435
These should work with either 2.05.x or 2.0.x. These updates include just the modified files, no wipe should be needed.
-Original 'Full' Taskbar Skin with espresso look & cleared lock (see screenshots for full mod)
- Full Taskbar addon for Bouncy Menus & fadein/out animations - &postcount=44
-MarksTheme Taskbar Skin with espresso look & cleared lock (FIXED EVDO/1x symbols- ported from ?t=576256)
-BuffDwang theme (ported from ?t=574139)
-Button Presses & more icons over at &postcount=431
-ADWon theme - (ported from ?t=641247) Fixed Location/Removed
bottom blue line on statusbar
ADWone_TaskbarLightened_Damage.html - lightened version of taskbar
-Darkstar theme (in progress in this thread ?t=657562) -
-BlackIce Theme (in progress)
-AlienAqua Theme (in progress)
-Brocks Taskbar - (ported from here) -
-Black Dialer: BlackDialer_DamagedTrev.zip
-DarchVader Dialer (ported from ?
-Black Droid launcher (looks like modified version of sense, might need those addons?) &postcount=248
-DaftControl bootscreen - &postcount=296 & &postcount=302
-ive had better luck with 1.60 wifitether instead of pre3 included in the full rom. get wireless_tether_1_60_htc.apk from
This is based off of damages DamageControl v2.0r2 Rom (showthread.php?t=653222) Seems to be the most functional 2.1rom, thanks alot damage
Damage v2.0r2 LIGHT
DamageTrev v2.0r2 Sense & all htc widgets (stock look, flash this over ONLY 2.0r2 light)
DamageTrev v2.0r2 Espresso Sense & all htc widgets (stock look, flash this over ONLY 2.0r2 light)[/B]
Few apps removed amazonmp3, htcfootprints & stocks
4shared: http://www.4shared.com/file/250930111/bd82c60a/DamagedTrev_v201.html
Megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K13E9OMD
Issues/fixes for old rom
-In full Sense versions Somethings busted with HtcFacebook.apk. If you try to enable it youll get a permasync icon on top. (Try Update zip in addon section, worked for me)
-If your stuck 'permasyncing' without original htcfacebook just go into sync settings and uncheck everything then check them one by one. I ran across that once while i was flashing & seemed to fix it.
-If you have battery issues first check that the sync icon is not permanently on. Facebook update seems to be fixing issues for some try this first
-Maps Multitouch - &postcount=112
-Facebook Fix (Worked for me, took a bit to sync) - Facebook_DamagedTrev.zip
-Sprint Apps: SprintTV/SprintNavigation/NFL/Nascar-SprintApps_DamagedTrev.zip-cyanogen launcher, nexus launcher, a2sd, and lwp's (anyone confirm?) &postcount=67
-HTCLockScreen('fix' for broken lockscreen in light): http://www.4shared.com/file/251619547/7e769a2d/HTCLockScreen_DamagedTrev.html
check this out. Let me know what you think
This is based off of damage control 2.0.7. Should work on all Sprint 2.1 leak roms. This will change your rosie, taskbar, notification bar, some many goodies to even mention. Huge mods done to htcResources and Framework-res. Let me know what you are think?
in version 3
Live wallpapers
Customized asop dialer
Nexus launcher2 (option to choose which one u want at start up)
Blue Menus and Contacts
Pretty much most things that can changed to blue has been done.
Coming Soon...Custom Boot Screen.
Not gonna be able to name names on who to give credits to cause there are so many. Pretty much if u created it, or tweaked it, or fixed it and u see it in this theme thank you. I used alot from other themes, roms, and fixes. Some of this is my own editing but not all of it by far.
Make Sure u download Flipz Vanilla lockscreen and flash separately before flashing this theme
For Vanilla lockscreen
Blue Echo V3.1 Without Live Wallpapers
Blue Echo V3.1 with Live Wallpapers
This is background of theme if ud like it. I noticed its not flashing when u install theme
I decided to package up my phone's theme and layout into an update.zip since I have gotten so many positive reviews. It's simply the darkstar theme ported by TrevE with a few of my own mods done to it. It works with the Sprint release frameworks. Will not work with Legend ROMs. Flash it through recovery. Enjoy!
Small disclaimer: DO A NANDROID BACKUP FIRST!! I am not responsible if you brick your phone or drop it in the toilet while flashing this.You assume all risk.
Added market mod to original update.zip
Rosie looks just like pic now. Sorry about that!!
Changed icons to GODZON blue icons.
Theme with Stock icons:
Thank you all for your share
Had a few requests to make a theme for the 4/20 holiday, so here it goes.
This was done rather quickly, however the icons I made came out pretty nice.
Based off of Fresh 2.0d ROM
Please feel free to port to other ROMS and tweak as you see fit, I don't mind a bit
My contributions to the theming world. Hope you guys like them. Built on Sprint HTC Hero with FreshROM 2.0d.
Skinned apk's - Browser.apk / Calendar.apk / com.htc.resources.apk / com.htc.WeatherWidget.apk / DownloadProvider.apk / framework-res.apk / HTC_IME.apk / HtcAddProgramWidget.apk / HTCAlbum.apk / htcbookmarkwidget.apk / htccalendarwidgets.apk / HTCCamera.apk / HtcClockWidget.apk / HtcContacts.apk / htccontactwidgets.apk / HtcDialer.apk / HtcLockScreen.apk / HtcMusic.apk / HtcNaviPanel.apk / HTCNew.apk / htcsearchwidgets.apk / htcsettingwidgets.apk / Mail.apk / Mms.apk / PCSCII.apk / Phone.apk / Rosie.apk / VoiceSearch.apk / Weather.apk / WidgetDownloadManager.apk / WorldClock.apk
Download Carbon theme here
Skinned apk's - Browser.apk / Calendar.apk / com.htc.resources.apk / com.htc.WeatherWidget.apk / DownloadProvider.apk / Facebook.apk / framework-res.apk / HTC_IME.apk / HtcAddProgramWidget.apk / HTCAlbum.apk / htcbookmarkwidget.apk / htccalendarwidgets.apk / HTCCamera.apk / HtcContacts.apk / htccontactwidgets.apk / HtcDialer.apk / HtcLockScreen.apk / HtcMusic.apk / HTCNew.apk / htcsettingwidgets.apk / Mail.apk / Mms.apk / PCSCII.apk / Phone.apk / Rosie.apk / VoiceSearch.apk / Weather.apk / WidgetDownloadManager.apk / WorldClock.apk
Also included are Font changes.
Download Smooth theme here
The color icons aren't in the zip file. They are available in Fresh ROM 2.0d.
Special thanks to FlipZ, Stericson, damnitpud, Godzson, JsChiSurf, Nebenezer and many more for their hard work.
I added update.zips for both themes, black keyboard, white keyboard and white dialer.
Thx to Chubbz for porting my theme to Sprint Leak for 2.1
Here it guys my AQUA_BLUE theme same as before this theme is off FLIPZ 2.1d rom NO LWP since I do not use it.
Thanks to
Konikub for letting use his dialer
VinceOB for the HTC logo
nebenezer for the signal icon
OtisFeelgood for the idea for the market
and any one else that I forgot to mention.
Without LWP
With LWP
Gotta give thanks first off.
Regaw and Neb since its based of their theme and i used Neb's dialer and Argyle Android guy from his pink droid theme
JsChiSurf for a ton of stuff
Pseudo i'm sure for some icons and definitely help
I'm sure some of Godzon's stuff is in there so thanks to you as well
For a complete list of people I'd like to thank click here
I tweaked some stuff here in there edited some images and put all together real credit goes to the creators. I made due to my wife wanted some changes and figured I'd share. If you want the clock in the taskbar flash the services.zip
Nandroid as always, not responsible if your phone calls your wife when you're with your gf blah blah blah.
heres the link for the pink. i hope you dont think it stink.
This is the updated version of the Black and Blue theme I did a while back. There are some significant improvements IMO. I built this off of Fresh 2.0d so it should work on all Sprint ROMs. Its also built on the Desire Rosie port so LWP run right out of the box, but does not include the OpenGL hack that disrupts everything else. I just started liking my weather animations again.
Thanks go to Flipz, Darchstar, tristan202, vinceob, jschisurf, Konikub, drpfhenderson, nebrada, and myshyak. If you think I left you out, PM me.
Espresso version:
Chopped Rosie version:
Clear Rosie version:
You can find the original screenshots of this theme HERE
-If you dont know by now, I like blue. There is blue everywhere in this theme. Including in the icons, .apks, and widgets. Well, except for the Clock Widget, I made that black. If you dont like blue, DONT DOWNLOAD THIS!
-Included is Konikub's raised dialer. It serves as the base and as the in-call dialer. I personally use and love Dialer One. Its got a ****load of options, and was made by a fellow xda'er myshyak. Im attaching a blue themed version if you want to use it also, but it is not included just in case somebody doesnt want it. Here's a screen shot:
Hope you guys enjoy it! If there are any issues, please post them and i will try and help you fix them. As always, I am not responsible for your Hero. I assume no liablity for you flashing this.
Espresso Version
Chopped Rosie Version
Clear Rosie Version
View link here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=6258680&postcount=15 for all created themes edited in posts reserved for themer's enjoy! Thx to Nebenezers & Tejasrichard
Thx to Chubbz again for his help. Here is Onyx 2.1V3 and its finale..
Add ons: JsChiSurf-Clockless Taskbar Mod also Vansh33-LWP + Weather LWP Mod and Aloysius-Rosie Mod
This is for the more adult crowd... Still a WIP to get everything "polished"
Here is the wallpaper to go with the theme
and here is my first full theme hope you guys like it. download is HERE
I present to you Red Dawn.
This works on all sprint based 2.1 leaks
Download Thanks goes to
Plus I used parts from a bunch of themes. Some from this forum some from other phones. If you see something you know that you made then just know that i thank you very much for the great work and that i choose to use it cause it worked well in this theme.
to get market to change colors u have to go into menu,applications, manage applications, market...then uninstall update.
Here is my first foray into theming: X1088LoD_Zen_v0.1. This is based on Zen's ZenExp-0.9.2 ROM and may not work on any other ROM. Props goes out to Zen, nebenezer, vince, sdotcarlisle, godzson, gomorrah, and anyone else I may have left out. This is a work in progress, havent decided how I want to use the phone and contacts buttons on the Rosie just yet. May be a bit buggy, but nothing to take away from day to day usage of the ROM.
Release Notes
v0.1: First release, new Rosie, statusbar, custom clock, multiple graphic edits, removes most T-mobile pink color
<< DOWNLOAD X1088LoD_Zen_v0.1>>
ZenEXP-0.9.2 Themes
I wasn't able to port the entire theme over because they changed the button sizes, etc. And frankly, I don't mind the default theme right now. We'll see how long that lasts. Also, the smooth dialer I had on Fresh is not included because I like the new one, but the smooth keyboard is included. Lastly, I'm holding out on including the color icons from Fresh for now. If I get sick of the T-Mo ones, I'll add them back in. (And yes, I actually ported the HTC weather images to the Google News & Weather).
Download Smooth theme (Metamorph) here (Updated for the latest MM)
Download Smooth theme (flash update.zip)here
I have compiled this guide from the other one posted on this forum, the discussion therein, and my own knowledge. If you have any suggestions on making it better or to correct any mistakes I may have made please let me know.
This guide is intended for Windows and includes detailed instructions. It will cover the steps necessary to root, flash the new recovery image, create a full backup. This will work with software versions 1.29.651.1 and 1.56.651.2. I am not responsible for any damage done to your phone using this guide. Root at your own risk.
I have put to together a video on YouTube for you to follow along as well.
If you own a non-Sprint Hero, you will need to do some extra steps. Follow the guide in the How to Root Non-Sprint CDMA Hero thread.
Step 1: Download the Android SDK from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html The Windows file is called android-sdk_r4-windows.zip. Extract the files to your C: drive so that you now have the folder C:\android-sdk-windows
Step 2: Download the asroot2 exploit file from http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=244212&d=1257621154 Extract asroot2.zip to C:\android-sdk-windows\tools folder.
Step 3: Download the Hero recovery image from http://www.androidspin.com/downloads.php?dir=amon_ra/RECOVERY/&file=recovery-RA-heroc-v1.5.2.img Place this file in C:\android-sdk-windows\tools as well.
Step 4: Make sure USB Debugging is off by going to Settings>Applications>Development. Now connect the phone to your PC via USB cable.
Step 5: Mount your sdcard; Browse to the HTC Sync folder and install HTC Sync on your pc. After it is done installing unmount the sdcard then enable your USB debugging.
Step 6: Open a command prompt by clicking the Start button and typing cmd into the search box and pressing enter or found under All Programs>Accessories.
Step 7: You will now enter a series of commands which I will place inside code boxes to indicate the entire command. You may copy and then paste them into the command prompt window by right clicking. Only enter one command at a time.
cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
adb devices
If you've been following this guide you will see your phone's serial number. If you get "device not found" error, you either need to make sure you the drivers were properly installed or make sure you enable USB debugging AFTER you connect the USB cable. Continue on once you get the proper phone serial output.
adb push asroot2 /data/local/
adb shell
chmod 0755 /data/local/asroot2
/data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
You should see an output that says:
$ /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
[+] Using newer pope_inode_info layout
Opening: /proc/857/fd/3
SUCCESS: Enjoy the shell.
#​Now for a few last commands.
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd /system/bin
cat sh > su
chmod 4755 su
You are now officially rooted. A few more steps and you will have flashed the recovery image.
adb push recovery-RA-heroc-v1.5.2.img /sdcard
Pushing is equivalent of copy the file to the root of your sdcard. By the time you finished reading this it should be done. You'll know its done because the ouput will say something like transferred X bytes in X secs.
adb shell reboot
This will cause the phone to restart automatically. Wait till it is fully booted to continue.
adb shell
cd /sdcard/
flash_image recovery recovery-RA-heroc-v1.5.2.img
reboot recovery
Step 8: This is the last command; you may now close the cmd prompt. This will cause your phone to boot into recovery mode; it should take no longer than 30 secs. The third option on the list is "- Backup/Restore"; select it. Now, select the first option "- Nand backup". The phone will prompt you to press HOME to confirm which is want you want to do. The backup will begin. You will see the screen say, "Performing backup : .........." When done, the bottom of the screen will say "Backup complete!" and you will be given the menu options again. Go back to the main menu and select reboot system. Rebooting your phone after installing the new recovery image may take several minutes.
Step 9: Once your phone is fully booted, mount the sdcard. You will see a folder called "nandroid"; I highly recommend you copy this to your pc in case you lose your sdcard data or reformat it. Your phone is rooted, 100% backed up, and ready to install a custom rom if you wish!
Please disregard this post
Thank you
blue focus
Anyone know how to make the color change from green to blue when a button is pressed?
How do you install the lockout screen?
I love how it looks.
Do you by chance have a version with out the Hero txt/ Sense txt?
How exactly DO you install the screen? Throw it in a zip? then flash it? or just install it right out in a file manager? Anyone know? i wanna try it out
are there any themes that will change the default select green color to something else .. i am tired of seeing green everytime something is selected
i have to say, im loving the lockscreen, My CDMA Hero is a little buggy at the moment though.

[THEME][8 TOOLS] GIMP Theme Batch Processor [+ .9.png REVERSE ENGINEER] [2014-04-23]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
It uses Python-Fu GIMP Processor to execute the job.
Even not being a GIMPer, one can much benefit of the functions here presented as no previous knowledge of it (or whatever drawing tool) is required to do things.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Each part of the tool is explained below.
- You will need Java installed
- Download GIMP and install. I suggest the releases from Partha's Place. If possible, install 64-bit.
- Extract the contents of KTheme.Plugins.20140423.zip (3.97 MB) to yours GIMP plugin folder (usually "C:\Users\Your_Name\.gimp-2.8\plug-ins"). (Re)Start GIMP and you will find a new menu as above.
- If riding a Windows 32-bit GIMP, do as follow with Notepad++:
Open your GIMP installation path and edit \lib\gimp\2.0\environ\default.env
It should look like this
# Example entry in files like these
# FOOPATH=/path/to/foo/stuff
Just add the red part and save it.
# Example entry in files like these
# FOOPATH=/path/to/foo/stuff
This is necessary and mandatory as the original GIMP PATH does not know where 'java' is installed.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
1 - Create Theming Workspace
Input Folder: Should contain all apk's that you wanna decompile. You may provide the same folder structure that is inside the ROM like:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Output Folder: Where the tool will generate the output of the decompilation process
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Platform: Select the Platform you are decompiling. Options are:
- AOSP / CM : will install only framework-res.apk;
- TouchWizard : will install framework-res.apk and twframework-res.apk;
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Framework Folder: The folder that contains framework-res.apk and twframework-res.apk (for now). They should be from the same ROM/firmware correspondent to the apk's you are decompiling. You even can provide the folder inside the input folder (if you intend to decompile the framework too) like:
Framework Folder = C:\gimp\in\system\framework\
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Decompilation Type: Select through 4 levels of decompilation:
- Full (slower)
- Sources Only (faster compile/decompile)
- Resources Only (faster compile/decompile)
- Drawable Resources Only (will leave only \res\drawable*\ images)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's all .. now you have your workspace ready!
2 - Theme Batch Processor
Over those images extracted in the previous tool or over a set of them, you may apply many transformations in batch mode.
Input Folder: Where images to be processed are stored. It only will be read and no modifications applied to it. Only PNGs and JPGs will be processed. Other file types will be only copied.
ATTENTION: Be careful. If you provide "C:\" as "Input Folder" the tool WILL copy every single file within that drive to the output folder ... not good ... MIND WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Output Folder: Where processed images will be saved to.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Convert to GrayScale: Selectable. Will be done at first. The output image will be always in RGB regardless this option. Indeed, if no option is selected, the tool will process the images just converting all to RGB.
GIMP: Image > Mode > GrayScale
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Rotation Angle: If greater than 0 will be applied a rotation with the specified angle to the images.
GIMP: Layer > Transform
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Use Colorify: Mark this to enable its usage. Colorify and Hue-Saturation can not be selected at same time to run.
Colorify With: Select the color to be applied to the images.
GIMP: Colors > Colorify
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Brightness Value: Select the increase/decrease of Brightness to be applied to the images.
Contrast Value: Select the increase/decrease of Contrast to be applied to the images.
GIMP: Colors > Brightness-Contrast
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Gaussian Blur X and Y: Provide the amount of pixels for X and Y axis to be applied a Gaussian Blur to the images.
GIMP: Filters > Blur > Gaussian Blur
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Affected Hue: Which basic color (or master) the change of Hue/Lightness/Saturation should apply.
Hue/Lightness/Saturation: Values to be applied to all images.
GIMP: Colors > Hue-Saturation
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Invert Color: Selectable.
GIMP: Colors > Value Invert
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Opacity: The amount of opacity that will be applied to all images. 100 corresponds to NO Opacity change.
GIMP: Colors > Curves > Alpha Channel
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Now run and enjoy!
3 - Battery Batch Creator
This tool will:
(a) Resize images regarding or disregarding its original size;
(b) Rename files to produce animations accordingly;
(c) Apply 2 different sharpness algorithms;
(d) Inject another PNG in all images at foreground or background
Input Folder: Where images to be processed are stored. It only will be read and no modifications applied to it.
ATTENTION: Be careful. If you provide "C:\" as "Input Folder" the tool WILL copy every single file within that drive to the output folder ... not good ... MIND WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Output Folder: Where processed images will be saved to.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Rename Replacing This: If renaming required, provide the string to be replaced.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
By This: If renaming required, provide the string to replace the above string.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
New Width and Height: If resizing, provide new widths and heights in pixels.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Keep Source Size: If selected, during resizing the image will be cropped to its original dimensions.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sharpeness: Amount of Sharpeness to be applied to the images. (1st algorithm)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Unsharp Radius / Amount / Threshold: Values to be applied in this sharpeness process. (1st algorithm)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Inject Image: Select an PNG (mind itsd size) to be injected into all images.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Image Position: The above PNG will be injected into all images in Background or Foregound.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Now just run!
Two examples of its usage can be found here and here
4 - Battery XML Generator
Will create the XML required to reproduce the animation you've created with the images in the previous step.
Output Folder: Where the XML file will be saved.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
XML Battery: The name of the XML file that will be saved.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
PNG Name: The PNG name pattern to be used by the tool. Two parameters can be provided as the example below:
PNG Name: stat_sys_battery_<index><level>.png
<index> will be replaced by the ones you will provide below (optional)
<level> corresponds to the battery levels (0 to 100) (required).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Animation Steps: How many frames your animation contain for each battery level.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Indexes: The indexes of each battery level animation step. If provided, the same amount of "Animations Steps" have to be present. If not provided, the animation will be done over battery levels.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Duration (ms): The amount of miliseconds that each step will take. If provided, the same amount of "Animations Steps" have to be present.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
An example of its usage can be found here.
5 - Compile 9.patch Images
Input Folder: Where images to be compiled are stored. It only will be read and no modifications applied to it. .9.PNG's will be compiled and anything else will be simply copied to the destination folder.
ATTENTION: Be careful. If you provide "C:\" as "Input Folder" the tool WILL copy every single file within that drive to the output folder ... not good ... MIND WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Output Folder: Where processed images will be saved to.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
666 - 9.patch Reverse Enginneering
Input Folder: Where yours compiled .9.png's images are stored. It only will be read and no modifications applied to it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Output Folder: Where processed images will be saved to.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
7 - Build, Sign and ZipAlign APKs
Input Folder: Where yours decompiled apk's are stored. It only will be read and no modifications applied to it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Output Folder: Where the built, signed and zipaligned result apks will be stored.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Platform: Select the Platform you are building. Options are:
- AOSP / CM : will install only framework-res.apk;
- TouchWizard : will install framework-res.apk and twframework-res.apk;
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Framework Folder: The folder that contains framework-res.apk and twframework-res.apk (for now). They should be from the same ROM/firmware correspondent to the apk's you are building.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
9 - Create Flashable ZIP
Input Folder: Where your 'system' folder ready to be released work is. Yes, system folder ... you have to provide it with the same directory structure that will be used by VRTheme to flash it.
Tiny Example:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Output Folder: Where Flashable ZIP will be created.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ZIP File Name: Tool will append the extension.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
.9.png's Special Treatment.
As you can see in the code, when a .9.png is found, first the tool duplicate the existent layer and then remove the guidelines from it. At the end, the tool reintegrates the guidelines by merging the modded layer to the source one.
.9.png Compile process was inspired on @F4bioo 's work at [tool] 9compiler
Please, share you experiences as you will get a LOT OF TIME back.
Kdio said:
Hi All
Just finalized my Theme Batch Processor and would like to share it with you all.
It uses Python-Fu GIMP Processor to execute the job.
Will process a given directory recursively modifying any PNG and JPG found applying the modifications that you will provide.
Copy and Paste the below python code into a new text document (use Notepad++ please) and save it as Whatever.py inside yours plugin's folder.
Restart Gimp and you will find it at Filters >> Theme Batch Processor...
Create a folder and copy to it all your raw content to be cooked. Better this way as the tool will overwrite all png's and jpg's.
Using your Notepad++, edit that 'Whatever.py' file and make the modifications accordingly to your needs. Some examples are already written and you may comment/uncomment them as you wish. Save the file and there is no need to restart GIMP. You may make successive changes during a same GIMP section.
There are a lot of others function that GIMP provide, in fact, anything you do with the mouse can be done with this batch. A lot more can be learned here and from GIMP help.
.9.png's Special Treatment.
As you can see in the code, when a .9.png is found, first the tool duplicate the existent layer and then remove the guidelines from it. At the end, the tool reintegrates the guidelines by merging the modded layer to the source one.
Please, share you experiences as you will get a LOT OF TIME back.
import os
from gimpfu import *
pdb = gimp.pdb
# This is the routine that in fact executes the
# transformations and where you will edit
class DoTransform:
def __init__(self):
def applyMod(self, image, is_9):
drawable = pdb.gimp_image_get_active_drawable(image)
# Image Level Mods
# Convert GrayScale
#is_gray = pdb.gimp_drawable_is_gray(drawable)
#if is_gray == 0:
# Convert RGB
is_rgb = pdb.gimp_drawable_is_rgb(drawable)
if is_rgb == 0:
# Layer Level Mods
# Prevents .9.png guidelines to be touched
if is_9 == 1:
newlayer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_drawable(drawable, image)
pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(image, newlayer, None, 0)
drawable = pdb.gimp_image_get_active_drawable(image)
width = pdb.gimp_image_width(image)
height = pdb.gimp_image_height(image)
pdb.gimp_image_select_rectangle(image, 2, 1, 1, (width - 2), (height - 2))
# Colorify with Plain Green (RGB #00ff00)
#pdb.plug_in_colorify(image, drawable, (0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
# Increase/Decrease Brightness & Contrast
#pdb.gimp_brightness_contrast(drawable, 30, 20)
# Gaussian Blur with Horizontal, Vertical radius (px)
#pdb.plug_in_gauss_rle2(image, drawable, 1.0, 1.0)
# Modify hue, lightness and saturation from a hue range
# Example: from green to yellow
#pdb.gimp_hue_saturation(drawable, 3, -60, 0.2, 0)
# Rotate 180 (1)
#pdb.gimp_drawable_transform_rotate_simple(drawable, 1, TRUE, 0, 0, TRUE)
#Regroup the layers of .9.png
#to reintegrate the guidelines
if is_9 == 1:
layer = pdb.gimp_image_merge_visible_layers(image, 0)
# Harmfull - Toxic - Radioactive
def themeProcess(input_folder):
doTransform = DoTransform()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(input_folder):
for f in files:
themeFile = os.path.join(root, f)
filename, ext = os.path.splitext(themeFile)
# Processes only images (PNG & JPG)
if (ext != ".png"):
if (ext != ".jpg"):
is_9 = (".9.png" in themeFile)
image = pdb.gimp_file_load(themeFile, themeFile)
doTransform.applyMod(image, is_9)
pdb.gimp_file_save(image, image.layers[0], themeFile, themeFile)
"Process images recursively",
"Process images recursively",
"Theme Batch Processor...",
(PF_DIRNAME, "input_folder", "Process Folder", "C:\gimp\in"),
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Hey Mate... I came.
Sorry for not using GIMP
Please explain what it using for and canuse with photoshop? Thank
Hi Pas and ALL
Better explain the tool with an example. It's a simple one using 6 images but this is meant to be used with hundreds so ... lets see ...
If you succeeded installing the tool, a new option menu will appear as follows:
Clicking on it, the Tool Dialog window will appear
Input Folder: Is where your source images are stored.
Output Folder: Where the tool will generate the result images.
Restore Source Mode: The image mode that enters (indexed, grayscale or rgb) will be the same of the output, otherwise it will be outputted as RGB.
I've picked 6 battery icons from you:
EDIT: to turn this exequible by everyone (using GIMP), grab the icons used in the View attachment example.zip.
Edited that file with Notepad++ uncommenting just the below lines and adjusting the colorify hue/saturation parameters accordingly:
- The 1st line tells Gimp to, whenever he finds green like pixel (3), decrease the hue by -60 and increase the lightness by 15
- The 2sd line rotates the image by 180º (1)
- Save before running
When the Tool is executed, you will see this result.
Got the idea now.
As you already use PS, give GIMP a try as it is very alike PS and has these enhanced features.
Nice regards.
pas2001 said:
Sorry for not using GIMP
Please explain what it using for and canuse with photoshop? Thank
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very nice :good:
Sorry mate, I can't deal with gimp too.
The idea is great but I think (like pas2001) PS is more comfortable. I use it since nearly 10 years, and it have a lot of options.
Sorry mate
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
*wii360* said:
PS is more comfortable. I use it since nearly 10 years, and it have a lot of options.
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Don't be sorry.
PS probably has it's batch processor too so you may do it there but ... if PS doesn't have, maybe you can use GIMP only to do batch things for you.
For myself, GIMP is unbeatable.
Nice regards.
I use Gimp.
will try it.
great Idea Mate
Kdio said:
Don't be sorry.
PS probably has it's batch processor too so you may do it there but ... if PS doesn't have, maybe you can use GIMP only to do batch things for you.
For myself, GIMP is unbeatable.
Nice regards.
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PS have a batch processor too, and u can record your own as you edit one image/icon. It's easier for me.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
xxmrgreenxx said:
I use Gimp.
will try it.
great Idea Mate
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Hey xxmrgreenxx
Thank you dude for the words.
I've Ctrl+C/V almost everything there unless the .9.png safety routine that is very usefull for us indeed.
If you need any support on some functionality not yet showed on examples, please be welcome to ask ... I probably don't know the answer but we can learn together
*wii360* said:
PS have a batch processor too, and u can record your own as you edit one image/icon. It's easier for me.
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That's great! Do you think it would deal automatically with all diversity of sizes in .9.png's guidelines correctly too?
If it has not a proprietary programing language, I may give it a try to port this to it.
Nice regards.
Do you think it would deal automatically with all diversity of sizes in .9.png's guidelines correctly too?
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I didn't try it, I think NO.
for .9.png I'm using xUltimate-d9pc,this tool recompile only 9.png icons, and draw9parch. Do u know the tools?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
*wii360* said:
I didn't try it, I rhino NO.
for .9.png I'm using xUltimate-d9pc,this tool recompile only 9.png icons, and draw9parch. Do u know the tools?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I keep my GIMP for editing .9.png ... why change to another tool ??? Not very productive.
For compiling them back, I would like to suggest your attention to:
[tool] 9compiler - batch process for themers android
As I'm doing now ...
I place all my decompiled project graphics inside 1 folder, \app , \priv-app and \framework altogether. Run that GIMP batch with my configs. Give all that result to 9compiler ... It's all done in 5 minutes.
Thanks, It sounds better then my tools, I'll check that tomorrow.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I same as wii360 mate use same tool and will see this too THANK
@pas2001 @*wii360* @xxmrgreenxx @mochingnawy @jlmvc and all users
As you all can see at OP, I've made a little revamp in the interface. There is no more Notepad++ need. Just feed the parameters and go.
Nice regards.
Will rewrite the example later.
This seems cool ... downloading.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
can you add a resize Option to?
xxmrgreenxx said:
can you add a resize Option to?
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Hi xxmrgreenxx
Yep ... seems possible but would not be advisable to change android png's sizes.
Could you please exemplify? May be a can do better regarding your objective.
Nice regards.
I know it is not necessary fpr .9.png's
But can be helpfull to only resize some Battery Icons to match them on Galaxy S2.
If i resize them with Irfanview the Output Images look very strange.
Or can U make me a resize Script for Gimp?
xxmrgreenxx said:
Or can U make me a resize Script for Gimp?
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Sure dude ...
I got an appointment right now but will do and let you know ...
Just resize ? No crops ?
Just point your needs and I will provide.
Nice regards.
Can u pls explain that!
i am not thaaaat PRO u think.
Only a little Thememaker

[GUIDE][THEMING]How to theme any Android App

I make (another) guide on how to theme, but it’s based on my experience. If moderators think this thread redundant , they are free to delete or close it.
This tutorial is for « every » operating system. In this tutorial I will change the color of some object of the XDA Labs app . There will be 2 part for this guide, the first is the general method and the second one is the description of what I’ve done on the XDA Labs app to theme it. Please , before asking , read the entire OP , maybe your answer is into it.
I’m running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS but the softwares are also compatible with windows and mac.
Which software I use :
• Inkscape (to make icons)
• Alpha Colour for Android (to see which aplha code correspond to which level of opacity)
• Pipette for Android (to identify colors on the app’s screenshot) No longer available , use this app, it's even more accurate
• ZipSigner for Android(to sign apk)
No longer available, for signing please refer to this tool
I-General Method :
1-First you need to set-up your PC’s environment:
• A 64-bit PC Processor ( 32-bit has too many bugs linked to aapt compatibility)
• Apktool or other reverse engineering tools properly installed
• Java 7 or above
• Notepad++ or any text editor
2-What you should know before theming:
Modifying colors is quite simple a process, but you should first understand it.Then you can change the app as your mind tells you to.
1-A regular line in this file is built like this :
-<color name="[object’s id]">#[alpha channel][hex code]</color>
2-Meaning :
- Alpha channel : This is the 2 characters that change the opacity of the color
- Hex Code : This is the 6 characters that define the color itself
3-For example :
<color name="design_fab_stroke_end_outer_color">#0f000000</color>
- «design_fab_stroke_end_outer_color» is the id of the object I want to change the color from
- «0f» is the alpha channel of the initial color
- «000000» is the hex code of the initial color
4-To modify them :
Replace the hex code of the initial colors by the hex code of the color you want to add , be careful not to delete a piece of the line with the old hex code because it will cause errors on apktool. I use alpha colour app for Android to see levels of opacity and to find color’s hex code.
B)Pictures :
You want to change pictures inside the app , that’s simple :
• Search for the picture you want to change in the drawable folder or mipmap folder
• Folders you want to browse to find the pictures :drawable-xhdpi-v4 / xxhdpi-v4 / xxxhdpi-v4 for the « in-app » pictures , every mipmap folders for icons (sometimes icons are in drawable folders and there aren’t any mipmap folders).
• When you prepare the pictures , make sure they have the SAME SIZE as the original pictures.
• Rename the picture you have prepared to replace old ones with the SAME NAME AS THE OLDER PICTURES.
• Once you have renamed those pictures, put them into the folder where you found them.
C) App name :
• go to /res/values and open string.xml
• Modify this string : <string name="app_name">[The name you want]</string>
Example :<string name="app_name">XDA Evolved</string>
3-Now , we can start theming :
• Go to the apktool’s directory , and open a command prompt there (keep it open till the end)
• Enter this command :
java -jar apktool.jar d [the apk name.apk]
• There should be a new folder which has the name of your apk file. Open this folder.
• Then go to /res/values and open the colors.xml file
• Modify the colors
• Search for the pictures you want to change and change them as I have written above
• Open the terminal you kept open
• Enter this command :
java -jar apktool.jar b [the apk name.apk]
4-Before installing , signing :
I use an Android app called zip signer , with which I can sign apks from my phone.
• Open the app , click on input and browse for the apk you’ve put on your phone
• Click on the file when you’ve found it
• Click on Output and select the same apk file as in the first step
• Rename the path adding a « -signed » just before « .apk » at the end of the path.
• Select on the « key/mode » menu « platform »
• Finally , click on « sign the file » and wait till the end of the progress bar.
II-What I’ve done
1-Identifying :
Here is the list of the infos I’ve written down :
• Image Size
• The Hex code of the color I want to change :
- Take a screenshot of the color(s) you want to modify
- Open the screenshot on Pipette
- Tap on the lock button and click on the color , the hex code will be displayed at the bottom
• The Hex code of the color I want to add : Same process with Pipette
• The colors I want to add :
-Blue :3174f1
-Yellow :fbb002
-Background :47595c
-Background of the posts :2d2d2d
-the secondary color :c0c0c0
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• The colors I want to change:
-Background color :212121
-Accent color :edb02d
-Primary color :353535
-The secondary color :#aaffffff
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2-Editing and making new icon, etc.:
• I used Inkscape (free alternative to illustrator) because there were vector-designed icons.
• I used gimp to resize the picture after making them.
3-Decompiling the apk file :
• I typed in the terminal :
java -jar apktool.jar d XDALabs.apk
4-Replacing icons and other images :
• I put the pictures in the 3 drawable folders because it’s where I found them
5-Editing colors and the name :
• I went to /res/values and I opened colors.xml file and I replaced colors and some alpha channel :
<color name="accent">#ffedb02d</color>
<color name="accent_translucent">#ddedb02d</color>
<color name="background_dark">#ff212121</color>
<color name="dialog_bg_dark">#ff212121</color>
<color name="primary">#ff353535</color>
<color name="primary_bg">#ff353535</color>
<color name="primary_dark">#ff2b2b2b</color>
<color name="search_divider_dark">#ff212121</color>
<color name="search_list_results_bg_dark">#ff212121</color>
<color name="secondary_text">#ff727272</color>
<color name="accent">#fffbb002</color>
<color name="accent_translucent">#ddfbb002</color>
<color name="background_dark">#ff47595c</color>
<color name="dialog_bg_dark">#ff2d2d2d</color>
<color name="primary">#ff3174f1</color>
<color name="primary_bg">#ff2d2d2d</color>
<color name="primary_dark">#ff3174f1</color>
<color name="search_divider_dark">#ff2d2d2d</color>
<color name="search_list_results_bg_dark">#ff2d2d2d</color>
<color name="secondary_text">#ffc0c0c0</color>
• I opened strings.xml file and I replaced the app name line :
<string name="app_name">XDA Labs</string>
<string name="app_name">XDA Evolved</string>
6-Recompiling the new apk file :
• I opened the same command prompt and I typed this command :
java -jar apktool.jar b XDALabs
7-Signing the apk after install it :
• The same process as in the step 4 in the part one of my guide (I - 4).
8-Install the Apk :
• Uninstall the original app
• Install the signed version of the apk.
You can ask me on this thread about everything about the theming and I'll do my best to solve your problems, but do it in the respect and following the Forum Rules
You can go to themed XDA Labs version's thread clicking here.
And please , if you found this guide useful , press the thank button.
When I learn
Thank you for posting this. I always wanted to customize an android app, but have never had much success.
coluvatz12 said:
Thank you for posting this. I always wanted to customize an android app, but have never had much success.
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Glad to hear that , thanks!
If you think this thread helped you , please press the thank button , I'm happy to see that my work is appreciated , Happy Theming !
nandakumar12 via PM said:
dude one doubt, how can i change the background color of an app, i cant find a code to change..??
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First you should have installed the app and identified the hex code of the background color (E.G :#36ge87)
You can do it via Pipette , an app which identify hex code in a picture. Just take a screenshot and identify the colors via Pipette .
Then you will have to search for the hex code of the background color you identified with Pipette previously.
This step is on your PC , you opened the color.xml file in notepad++ or whatever it is , and you wrote the hex code of the background color in the search bar. Make the search and find all the lines that have the hex code in it.
If you found multiple line , try to modify one of the lines , compile the APK , sign it and install it on your phone to see if something changed. Do that until you find the line holding the background color.
Theming , at the beginning is pretty long on require patience and many test before finding which line is the good one .
I hope my answer will help you .
Happy theming !!???
Hello friends of the forum xda developers Instead, this forum is a newbie Needed to take a doubts:
I have a mobile model with windows 10 installed that is stopped in the drawer without use
He has put windows phone 10
I would like to change it on an Iphone with COMPATIVEL System OR ate pie android EVEN Instalar 9,0
I wonder if this is possible and what procedures to take I assume of all the risks ok
Other question:
I have a moto g5 plus and the Manufacturer Promised me an Update for the oreo 8.1.0 but until the moment nothing arrived and the artist said that it has already been released but up to the moment without conditions of receipt
There is a rumor that will be released only in September
Someone confirms this information
I await any response
Marcelo - DJ KUKA
djkukapr said:
Hello friends of the forum xda developers Instead, this forum is a newbie Needed to take a doubts:
I have a mobile model with windows 10 installed that is stopped in the drawer without use
He has put windows phone 10
I would like to change it on an Iphone with COMPATIVEL System OR ate pie android EVEN Instalar 9,0
I wonder if this is possible and what procedures to take I assume of all the risks ok
Other question:
I have a moto g5 plus and the Manufacturer Promised me an Update for the oreo 8.1.0 but until the moment nothing arrived and the artist said that it has already been released but up to the moment without conditions of receipt
There is a rumor that will be released only in September
Someone confirms this information
I await any response
Marcelo - DJ KUKA
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Don't know what you want to ask
Please be clear
All I can infer is that this doubt doesn't belong here look over the ROMs sections
Don't know what you want to ask
Please be clear
All I can infer is that this doubt doesn't belong here look over the ROMs sections
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Don't worry , that's a random spam , that's why I ignored it.
And I don't think he'll respond .
RaiZProduction said:
Don't worry , that's a random spam , that's why I ignored it.
And I don't think he'll respond .
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Since you've replied please check the Signing Apk Guide..
You've mentioned a thread dated 4 sep
Can you please link me to it?
Since you've replied please check the Signing Apk Guide..
You've mentioned a thread dated 4 sep
Can you please link me to it?
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Fixed !
That was just a typo , what I really meant is the step four in the first part of the Guide , the I - 4 .
RaiZProduction said:
Fixed !
That was just a typo , what I really meant is the step four in the first part of the Guide , the I - 4 .
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Trying to theme Instagram
Will ping you if any issue occurs
Thanks for the simplest and to the point guide I've seen ever
Trying to theme Instagram
Will ping you if any issue occurs
Thanks for the simplest and to the point guide I've seen ever
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You're welcome , all the pleasure is for me :highfive:
Does this work similar for changing a boot logo?
hello. i got this after compiling. is this normal ?
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
thanks !
Tarwada said:
hello. i got this after compiling. is this normal ?
thanks !
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You can try to get your framework-res.apk from your ROM and set it to apktool with this command :
java -jar apktool.jar if framework-res.apk
RaiZProduction said:
You can try to get your framework-res.apk from your ROM and set it to apktool with this command :
java -jar apktool.jar if framework-res.apk
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sorry i don't get it. im not connecting my phone to the computer
im trying to theme an app called mewe :\
Tarwada said:
You can try to get your framework-res.apk from your ROM and set it to apktool with this command :
sorry i don't get it. im not connecting my phone to the computer
im trying to theme an app called mewe :\
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Hey buddy to theme some apps you need the framework apk also because it's some how dependent on framework as far as I know
Hey buddy to theme some apps you need the framework apk also because it's some how dependent on framework as far as I know
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what about the message i got above
Tarwada said:
what about the message i got above
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The message above means that the file I asked you to gather from your system isn't in the Apktool folder.
Sometimes, some apps require a framework to theme them correctly , that's why I asked you to do that.
So if you have root you can copy it from the /system/framework folder and paste it into your download folder to transfer it to your PC.
If not I'll search for you some others solution ?.
i managed to do it using apk editor on my phone but there's one thing i can't theme it in the app
can you help me so i provide some pictures ?
no pressure at all
---------- Post added at 01:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 PM ----------
RaiZProduction said:
The message above means that the file I asked you to gather from your system isn't in the Apktool folder.
Sometimes, some apps require a framework to theme them correctly , that's why I asked you to do that.
So if you have root you can copy it from the /system/framework folder and paste it into your download folder to transfer it to your PC.
If not I'll search for you some others solution .
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i extracted the framework-res.apk from my phone (im rooted)
but when i compile i get the same error even if i didn't modify the app :\
help ?
Tarwada said:
i managed to do it using apk editor on my phone but there's one thing i can't theme it in the app
can you help me so i provide some pictures ?
no pressure at all
---------- Post added at 01:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 PM ----------
i extracted the framework-res.apk from my phone (im rooted)
but when i compile i get the same error even if i didn't modify the app :\
help ?
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Can you tell me precisely what you modified in your APK ?

