[Tutorial] Speed/slim up your phone: V6 SuperCharger, Fly-On Mod, CrossBreeder, etc. - Optimus L3, L5, L7 General

(i) Slimming your ROM:
Original thread by darknessx10: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2387429
Remove (either from the ROM/Gapps zip before you flash, or after with a file manager, but don't forget to reboot):
/system/fonts/*.ttf (remove all unnecessary fonts that you don't use (see thread linked above))
/system/media/video (useless)
/system/media/audio/alarms (I use a custom song)
/system/media/audio/notifications (just leave one that you use, I use Argon.ogg, or delete all if you use a custom one)
/system/media/audio/ringtones (I use custom songs)
/system/usr/srec/config (offline Google Now - useless)
/system/lib/*.so (remove all unnecessary Google libraries that you don't use, for example, these are safe to remove):
libfilterpack_facedetect.so (Face unlock, useless)
libflint_engine_jni_api.so (Google TTS)
libfrsdk.so (Face unlock, 1.8 MB)
libgcomm_jni.so (obsolete Google+ library, 7-8 MB)
libgoogle_recognizer_jni.so (Google Now, 7-9 MB)
libgoogle_recognizer_jni_l.so (Google Now, 9 MB)
libgtalk_jni.so (Google Talk, 4 MB)
libgtalk_stabilize.so (Google Talk)
libjni_latinime.so (LatinIME, only remove if you use another keyboard app)
libmicrobes_jni.so (Microbes wallpaper)
libnfc.so (only delete if you don't use NFC)
libnfc_jni.so (only delete if you don't use NFC)
libnfc_ndef.so (only delete if you don't use NFC)
libpicowrapper.so (Pico TTS)
libplus_jni_v8.so (Google+)
libspeexresampler.so (Google TTS)
libspeexwrapper.so (Google TTS)
libttscompat.so (Pico TTS)
libttspico.so (Pico TTS)
libvideochat_jni.so (Google Talk, 4 MB)
libvideochat_stabilize.so (Google Talk)
libvorbisencoder.so (Google Ears)
/system/app/*.apk (remove all unnecessary apps that you don't use, for example, these are safe to remove):
CMFileManager.apk (I use Root Explorer)
DrmProvider.apk (leave if you have DRM-protected songs/videos)
Email2.apk (I use Outlook app)
Exchange2.apk (unless you need Exchange Services for email)
(Google)OneTimeInitializer.apk (runs one time after flashing gapps, safe to remove after)
GooglePartnerSetup.apk (do not remove if you have a credit card linked to your Play store)
LatinIME.apk (do NOT remove unless you have another keyboard app (I use Kii))
Nfc.apk (if you don't use NFC)
QuickSearchBox.apk (remove if you don't use the Google search widget in the homescreen)
SetupWizard.apk (do not remove if you have not setup your phone yet (account, language, time, etc.))
Tag.apk (if you don't use NFC)
ThemeChooser.apk (I don't use themes)
ThemeManager.apk (I don't use themes)
Trebuchet.apk (do NOT remove if you don't have another launcher app)
VpnDialogs.apk (unless you use VPN)
ROM and /system will be 85 MB+/- lighter.
See a description of most CM/Google apps here, otherwise google for more information.
If you are not using CM, you have other stock apps. Google them to see if they are okay to delete.
Extra: After every reboot, there are some useless Google services running in the background. Go to Manage apps and select Running apps. For me they are Google Play services and Google Play Store. Click them and stop PendingNotificationsService, GoogleLocationManagerService, NetworkLocationService, NlpLocationReceiverService and AnalyticsService. GPS and Play Store will still work normally and notify you of updates, etc. They seem to re-start themselves every so often, too... If you don't want to do it manually and disable them permanently (without them restarting), you can use Disable Service to do it for you. You can also use this app to disable certain services from, for example, Facebook, if you don't use them, and save RAM. Alternatives that show more service processes/receivers are Autorun Manager (formerly Autorun Killer) and System Tuner.
(ii) V6 SuperCharger:
Original threads by zeppelinrox: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=991276, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1914159
(there may be other steps in future versions)
1. Download the latest SuperCharger_Starter_Kit_RC12.zip (check thread to be sure)
2. Download the latest V6 SuperCharger script, V6_SuperCharger_for_Android-Update9_RC13-For_Your_Lag_QF.sh.pdf (right click and "save as", remove the .pdf file extension from the filename, it is NOT a pdf!) (check thread to be sure)
3. Download the latest Ultimatic_Jar_Patcher_Tools_RC7_TEST6_ALL_DEX_ALL_OSes_NO_FLASH.zip (this does not work on Android 4.4 (KitKat) yet!) (check thread to be sure)
4. Put the contents of SuperCharger_Starter_Kit_RC12.zip and the script (step 2) on your phone.
5. Run Terminal Emulator, go to the directory where you put the contents (ls to show directories, cd to move to a directory), type su and enter. Type sh Start* (Note the capital S, not s. The asterisk * is so you don't have to write the entire filename).
5.1. The script will ask you if you want to install BusyBox v1.19.4 (wraithdu). If you already have BusyBox, skip this step.
5.2. The script will ask you if you want to install the su binary v3.1 (wraithdu). You already have the su binary, so skip this step unless you get an error during setting up the V6 SuperCharger script.
5.3. The script will ask you to install the sqlite3 binary. It will auto-detect if you already have it. If you do, skip this step.
5.4. The script will ask you to install the zipalign binary. It will auto-detect if you already have it. If you do, skip this step.
6. Type sh V6* (Note the capital V, not v).
6.1. The script will ask you to select a scrolling speed. Select 0 (not on the list).
6.2. The script will ask you to select the kernel "reboot tolerance". I chose (N)one, most people choose (H)ard I think.
6.3. The script will ask you to use "Entropy-ness Enlarger", select no
6.4. The script will ask you to use "System Property Accessory Tweaks", select yes.
6.5. The script will ask you to use "3G TurboCharger", select yes.
6.6. The script will ask you to use "SD Read Speed Tweak", select no.
6.7. Set BulletProof Apps if you want.
6.8. The script will ask you to use Engine Flush-O-Matic, select yes, I chose 4 hours.
6.9. The script will ask you to use "Detailing", select yes, I chose 2 boots.
6.10. The script will ask you to use "Fix Alignment", select no.
6.11. The script will ask you to use "Wheel Alignment", select yes.
6.12. The script will ask you to use "Fix Emissions", select yes.
6.13. The script will ask you to disable the script animation, select yes.
6.14. The script will ask you to apply "SuperMinFree Calculator Settings", select yes (you can later change the values by selecting either "Unledded", "Ledded" or "Super UL" values).
The following steps do not work on Android 4.4 (KitKat) yet:
7. Connect your phone to your computer with the USB cable, NOT as a mass storage device. Have debugging turned on.
7.1. Unzip the contents from step 3 to your COMPUTER, not phone. Run "ultimatic_jar_patcher_adb.bat" on Windows, "ultimatic_jar_patcher_adb.sh" on Linux or Mac.
7.2. The script will ask you to restart ADB as root, select no, it works without it.
7.3. The script will ask you to "SuperCharge services.jar", select yes.
7.4. The script will ask you to select the launcher strength, select "Die-Hard" (or something else if you want).
7.5. The script will ask you to use the "Maximum MultiTasking Mods", select yes.
7.6. After the script is done, type su and reboot.
8. Open Terminal Emulator, type su and run the V6 script again (step 6).
8.1. The script should say "100% SuperCharged": If it's not, sucks to be you.
Note from the script:
In case of lag, due to too many apps running, RAISE the minfree levels.
For bettter MultiTasking, LOWER minfree levels.
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Also recommended is to install the 3G TurboCharger script (right click, save as, remove .pdf extension). Read the generated .html file in the SDcard after running the script to select your preferred values (I chose 4).
(iii) Fly-On Mod™:
Original thread by slaid480: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2226373
Download the latest version of the zip - at the time of writing this, it is Signed_Fly-On_Mod™_V4.0-Beta6.zip.
You will have to edit the zip, because there are things that conflict with V6 SuperCharger and CrossBreeder (basically delete all scripts except 98fly_engine and 92cleaner).
Remove the following files:
/system/bin/entropy_on (don't need this)
/system/bin/entropy_off (don't need this)
/system/bin/Fly-On (don't need this)
/system/bin/uninstaller (don't need this)
/system/etc/rngd [B](conflicts with CrossBreeder)[/B]
/system/etc/init.d/03kill_media_server (you can keep this script if you want, but you don't need it on KitKat)
/system/etc/init.d/sqlite_optimize [B](conflicts with V6)[/B]
/system/etc/init.d/09sdcardspeedfix [B](conflicts with CrossBreeder)[/B]
/system/etc/init.d/darky_zipalign [B](conflicts with V6)[/B]
/system/etc/init.d/zipaligndata [B](conflicts with V6)[/B]
/system/etc/init.d/ram_manager [B](conflicts with V6)[/B]
/system/etc/init.d/94Governor_tweaks [B](conflicts with CrossBreeder)[/B]
(and all the .log files in /data/Fly-On/ that you don't use if you want)
And here is a temporary fix for 92cleaner. Do that.
Save zip (don't flash yet). If your ROM's filesystem is EXT4 (type mount into Terminal Emulator and it should list /system, etc. and say which filesystem it is. If you don't see ext4 anywhere, skip this step), also download the Fly-On_EXT4_tweak.zip. Put both zips on your SDcard (don't flash yet).
Note: if you want, you can leave the files that are conflicting with V6 (except ram_manager!), but then you must disable them in V6 so they don't conflict with Fly-On!
(iv) CrossBreeder:
Original thread by idcrisis: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2113150
Download the older 7.2.13 version (needs some manual tweaking for Android 4.3 and 4.4). Goodbye_p_edition and 12.1.2013 are unfinished "work in progress"/test versions and have some bugs. There will be a new app version soon.
Put the zip on your SDcard, reboot into recovery and flash:
1. Fly-On Mod
2. EXT4 tweak (if your ROM supports it)
3. CrossBreeder
Reboot, start Terminal Emulator, run:
su -c "/system/etc/CrossBreeder/ENABLE_GOVERNOR_TWEAKS"
su -c "/system/etc/CrossBreeder/ENABLE_IO_TWEAKS"
NOTE 1: Use CrossBreeder instead of AdAway or AdFree for adblocking. Having a huge hosts file (AdAway/AdFree) actually slows down the network speed! By using CrossBreeder's adblocking engine instead, the network speed is even faster and there are no ads! The only cost is 3 MB of RAM, but it's absolutely worth it. You can still use AdAway to update CrossBreeder's adblock master list. If you have AdFree, uninstall it.
NOTE 2: If you have Seeder (app) or any other entropy generating script, disable them. CrossBreeder's haveged engine is far superior to any other entropy engine. You can use Seeder to check the entropy levels only, but do not enable it. If for some reason entropy does not hover in the 4096 range, force-enable CrossBreeder with (although it should auto-start 99% of the time - maybe it takes a few minutes to stabilize):
su -c "/system/etc/CrossBreeder/zzCrossBreeder FORCE"
(v) Fast GPS lock:
Original thread by sgspluss: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2523667
Thought I'd also throw this in... Some of my must have apps and other useful apps:
Lockscreen Policy - disable widgets in lockscreen on Android 4.2+
Smart Lockscreen protector - disable reboot/power off/aeroplane mode in lockscreen
Volume Locker - lock volume settings so you don't accidentally mute/unmute with the volume keys in lockscreen
FolderMount - like Directory Bind, but better (supports emulated storage and doesn't run in background)
Disable Service - disable certain processes/services
Autorun Manager (formerly Autorun Killer)
System Tuner
(The above two are similar to Disable Service, but they list more processes and have more features. Also, some processes/receivers detected by Autorun Manager aren't detected by System Tuner, and some detected by System Tuner aren't detected by Autorun Manager. So stupid... Make one app that detects all!)
CPU Spy - monitor CPU states
AnTuTu Benchmark
MX Player + codec
Documents To Go or Quickoffice Pro v5.7.327 (before Google acquired it)
Sygic GPS
Opera Mini (fastest/lightest browser) or Opera
ezPDF Reader - pdf annotation
Seeder - to monitor entropy only, otherwise disabled
Titanium Backup
BusyBox Free
Avast Mobile Security - for Firewall and Anti-Theft only (separate apps). Disable all other features, as there are no viruses for Android, so you're just wasting RAM.
No-frills CPU Control - best setup is:
smartassV2 (governor) + sio (scheduler)
SmartassH3 + sio (a little more battery friendly, very tiny (negative) difference in performance from smartassV2)
If smartassV2/SmartassH3 is not available, use ondemand. If sio scheduler is not available, use noop. Also, some people prefer deadline over noop (if available), but most choose noop if sio is not available.

Ultimate L3 build.prop?
I've also compared build.prop values set by the following three scripts:
V6 SuperCharger
Project Fluid
Near Project Butter
And threw them all together, hopefully creating the "ultimate" build.prop for L3 (L5 and L7 with JellyBean don't need this):
#Qualcomm specific tweaks. Might cause reboot on other.
#Unlock fps limit
#Render UI with GPU and GPU tweaks:
#enable harware egl profile
#Enable tile rendering
#16BIT transparency , Smother Scrolling
#3d performance
#Fluid UI
#Device supports EHRPD
#System prop for tethering denied
#Possible screen glitch fix
#Disable boot animation for faster boot
#Disable debugging notify icon on statusbar
#Enable Hardware 3D
#Phone will not wake up from hitting the volume rocker
#Unlock phone by menu key
#Save power while phone is in sleep mode
#Ringtone rings without delay
#The wifi scan interval in seconds so you can use a lower or higher value.
#Better scrolling responsiveness
#Better touchscreen responsiveness
#Support for ipv4 and ipv6.
#Faster boot
#Better battery life
#Enable 16 BIT
#VM tweak
#Disable Zygote loader
#Better in call voice quality
#Signal Tweaks
#Wireless Speed Tweaks
net.ipv4.tcp_mem=187000 187000 187000
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096 39000 187000
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=4096 39000 187000
net.tcp.buffersize.default=4096,87380,256960,4096, 16384,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.edge=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.gprs=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.umts=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.wifi=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
#Website Bypass
#Graphics Enhancement:
#Raise photo and video recording quality
#Raise JPG quality to 100%
#Enables register map for tracking objects to garbage collect. Might give a little more RAM at the cost of a few CPU cycles.
#Unknown functions
#Media quality improvements
#Might or might not work:
#Enable surface dithering
#Raise photo and video recording quality
#Not working:
#Fix some application issues/Disable kernel error logging
Just append at the bottom of /system/build.prop under the values set by V6 SuperCharger, save and reboot. Make a backup just in case you get a bootloop and save it as /system/build.prop.orig as well as on your PC. In that case, it's easy to recover with either ADB or a flashable zip. No need for any nandroid backups. But it shouldn't cause a bootloop...
All credits to the original authors.

Hey man I have a problem. When I connect my device, it passes java and all, after I select No to restart adb as root, it says:
Found BusyBox v1.20.2-cm9!
But if you see any "applet" not found errors...
...you need a better busybox build!
Storage partition is /sdcard
Permission denied
The system cannot find the file specified.
/sdcard is NOT accessible... Abort! Abort!
And I can't go any further. Suggestions? Thanks.

brchina said:
Hey man I have a problem. When I connect my device, it passes java and all, after I select No to restart adb as root, it says:
Found BusyBox v1.20.2-cm9!
But if you see any "applet" not found errors...
...you need a better busybox build!
Storage partition is /sdcard
Permission denied
The system cannot find the file specified.
/sdcard is NOT accessible... Abort! Abort!
And I can't go any further. Suggestions? Thanks.
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try to dissable android debuging and enable it, also i have alowed root access so that is work for me an hour earlier

You mean during the process?
Sent from my LG-E400 using Tapatalk 2

brchina said:
And I can't go any further. Suggestions? Thanks.
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That's weird. Try Developer options -> Root access -> Apps and ADB, and then when the script asks you to restart ADB as root, select yes instead of no.
There's a newer version of Busybox available, by the way (1.21.1).

thanks, its very nice :good:

great guide,nice and usefull thread.thanx hitted-5 stars rated!!!! :good:

thanks, its very nice

f3tus said:
Original threads by zeppelinrox: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=991276, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1914159
1. Download the latest SuperCharger_Starter_Kit_RC12.zip
2. Download the latest V6 SuperCharger script, V6_SuperCharger_for_Android-Update9_RC12_Test_6.sh.pdf (right click and "save as", remove the .pdf file extension from the filename, it is NOT a pdf)
3. Download the latest Ultimatic_Jar_Patcher_Tools_RC7_TEST6_ALL_DEX_ALL_OSes_NO_FLASH.zip
4. Put the contents of SuperCharger_Starter_Kit_RC12.zip and the script (step 2) on your phone.
5. Run Terminal Emulator, go to the directory where you put the contents (ls to show directories, cd to move to a directory), type su and enter. Type sh Start* (Note the capital S, not s. The asterisk * is so you don't have to write the entire filename).
5.1. The script will ask you if you want to install BusyBox v1.19.4 (wraithdu). If you already have BusyBox, skip this step.
5.2. The script will ask you if you want to install the su binary v3.1 (wraithdu). You already have the su binary, so skip this step unless you get an error during setting up the V6 SuperCharger script.
5.3. The script will ask you to install the sqlite3 binary. It will auto-detect if you already have it. If you do, skip this step.
5.4. The script will ask you to install the zipalign binary. It will auto-detect if you already have it. If you do, skip this step.
6. Type sh V6* (Note the capital V, not v).
6.1. The script will ask you to select a scrolling speed. Select 1 (fast).
6.2. The script will ask you to use Build.prop, select no.
6.3. The script will ask you to select the kernel "reboot tolerance". I chose (N)one, most people choose (H)ard I think.
6.4. The script will ask you to use SD card tweaks, select yes.
6.5. The script will ask you to use "3G TurboCharger", select yes.
6.6. The script will ask you to use "Fix Alignment", select no.
6.7. The script will ask you to use "Wheel Alignment", select yes.
6.8. The script will ask you to use "Fix Emissions", select yes.
6.9. The script will ask you to use "Detailing", select yes, and then set to 5.
6.10. The script will ask you to "Integrate", select yes.
6.11. The script will ask you to disable the script animation, select yes.
6.12. The script will ask you to apply "SuperMinFree Calculator Settings", select yes (you can later change the values by selecting either "Unledded", "Ledded" or "Super UL" values).
6.13. Select option 32 to "SuperClean & ReStart".
7. Connect your phone to your computer with the USB cable, NOT as a mass storage device. Have debugging turned on.
7.1. Unzip the contents from step 3 to your COMPUTER, not phone. Run "ultimatic_jar_patcher_adb.bat" on Windows, "ultimatic_jar_patcher_adb.sh" on Linux or Mac.
7.2. The script will ask you to restart ADB as root, select no, it works without it.
7.3. The script will ask you to "SuperCharge services.jar", select yes.
7.4. The script will ask you to select the launcher strength, select "Die-Hard" (or something else if you want).
7.5. The script will ask you to use the "Maximum MultiTasking Mods", select yes.
7.6. After the script is done, type su and reboot.
8. Open Terminal Emulator, type su and run the V6 script again (step 6).
8.1. The script should say "100% SuperCharged": If it's not, sucks to be you.
Note from the script:
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I have a question: works also on stock lg l3??

diego88it said:
I have a question: works also on stock lg l3??
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I think you need init.d support. You can try, the script will warn you and maybe offer a workaround. Not sure.

Bump. OP has been updated. Newer version of script is available.

f3tus said:
Bump. OP has been updated. Newer version of script is available.
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hi does cm9 roms have native init.d support ?? and also does sdmerge remove it ?? i want to know cause i tried operation killjoy and it din't work.. Exit_only replied back that i din't have init.d
support..! !

drkingtech said:
hi does cm9 roms have native init.d support ?? and also does sdmerge remove it ?? i want to know cause i tried operation killjoy and it din't work.. Exit_only replied back that i din't have init. support..! !
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CM9 has init.d support and SDMergE doesn't remove it. Forget Killjoy, I'll update the OP with more tweaks today.

f3tus said:
CM9 has init.d support and SDMergE doesn't remove it. Forget Killjoy, I'll update the OP with more tweaks today.
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thanks bro ..nice to hear this..!!

drkingtech said:
thanks bro ..nice to hear this..!!
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There you go, OP completely renewed.

Great guides,keep it up:thumbup:

f3tus said:
There you go, OP completely renewed.
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really cool ..Thanks man..!!

I had just done the v6supercharger on V20E , im questionning me it'is necessary to apply all scipt like flying mod etc ? it's stable for the phone ?

Kouhai said:
I had just done the v6supercharger on V20E , im questionning me it'is necessary to apply all scipt like flying mod etc ? it's stable for the phone ?
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Completely stable and noticeably faster than using just V6.


[Q]SuperCharger V6

Pls have someone of you tried the supercharger v6 script? What was the result? Was it easy to install?
Sent from my LG-P990 using Tapatalk
its great. i installed it when still in stock and still using it with neoblaze kernel.
its already fast even without the oc kernel. you wont see higher number on benchmark apps. but you will feel the difference.
this is from the supercharger thread
1. Rooted Phone....
2. Script Manager or Terminal Emulator to run the script. Stock ROMs can also use SM to load up boot scripts!
3. Busybox 1.18.2 OR LOWER - 1.18.3 or newer are VERY much a hassle with errors that should NOT be errors!
4. AutoStart Script by me - Enables Stock ROMS (Milestone) to utilize etc/init.d for boot scripts.
1. Download the attached V6_SuperCharger_for_Android*.txt script and save to your sdcard.
... Do NOT run the V6 SuperCharger install script at boot!
2. Load the script (V6_SuperCharger_for_Android*.txt) into Script Manager and select "Run as Root."
3. Touch the screen for the soft keyboard or slide out the keyboard and get SuperCharged! Just pick an option!
4. READ the script's output!
5. Afterwards, READ the html HELP FILE in the root of your SD Card!
6. Disable "Lock Home in Memory" if your ROM has this option.
7. Optional: For a quick status check, you can put a Script Manager widget for V6 SuperCharger on you desktop
for me, i use the 11th option (oom grouping fixes + hard to kill launcher) then reboot.
cyanogen doesent need the autostarter script ore does it?
Ok,thanks. I am running it now too and it feels really faster
Sent from my LG-P990 using Tapatalk
Hi, may i know which option did you choose? I chose the 8th one(the MAX one) but i don't feel such many differences...
If my memory is correct, i used the option 7, max RAM 512 and hard to kill launcher
It is also for CyanogenMod 7?

V6 supercharger for stock 246

STEP 4 -
THE GOODS >>>>>>>>>>> https://www.box.com/shared/44sq3napck186sbu3080 <<<<<<<<<<<<<
Link fixed
Any ss?
My Bionic!!
Hello_Robert said:
Any ss?
My Bionic!!
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Yeah go ahead and flash with SS
Screen shot
My Bionic!!
Downloads are dead. Is this mod like fast charging support? For example, does it unmount the sd card from being read externally on a pc and treat the USB port as a wall adapter to pull out maximum amperage instead of being limited to USB spec?
This mod is for maintaining more available ram by killing services. It increases performance, and prevents battery drain from unused programs
:/ Nothing to do with the sd or charging :/
:screwy: Look it up :screwy:
Link to original authors supercharge scripts will be posted
So what part of "don't mirror my files" is confusing?
Link to my OP and/or download page.

[GUIDE][Script][Tweaks] V6 SuperCharger for HTC Desire C

Desire C people!
This stuff is good. Probably you heard about it already, now I tried it and seems to work very well, especially the memory management. Quite a sophisticated tool as far as me noob understand ugh,ugh! :cyclops:
So basically a collection of kernel and memory management tweaks, but has a lot of other like SD card tweaks and maintenance scripts which you can also schedule with SManager. And the download page has some other useful stuff like 3G turbocharger and battery calibrator.
In all it seems like a must have for DC users.
Once you used it a bit it's pretty straight forward and explains everything in details when running the script, and you have the option to "unsupercharge", but have a nandroid backup at hand.
I used two guides, but the first is for Galaxy and the second is less detailed:
And for Desire C, check the post below
Many thanks for nikhil16242 for recommending me this, many scripts are in his Customiser already, he would have integrated the whole V6 Supercharger, but Aroma doesn't like it. That would be awesome though!
All credits to zeppelinrox for these truly awesome scripts:good:
One wonders why android doesn't have some of them by default.
V6 Supercharger Install Guide for Desire C
~ v6 supercharger install guide for desire c ~
aka how I have done it, so it's not an absolute one.
zeppelinrox's original thread is here.
Originally Posted by zeppelinrox
What's it do?
It makes your phone FAST... super snappy with better multitasking!
It rearranges and fixes the OOM Groupings and Priorites and lowmemorykiller values.
It's the ONLY one of it's kind
NO LAUNCHER REDRAWS, faster than ever, multitasking is better... why?
Because it works with the lowmemorykiller and letting it work the way it's meant to work.
Also, because of the rearrangement, it works the same on all roms!
The problem with using minfree tweakers like AMM or AKMO is that it doesn't work the same on all roms.
Secondary apps may be in slot 3 on some roms but in slot 5 in others!
That's why you hear people comment "I tried AKMO but it didn't do anything..."
Most likely it didn't do anything because the apps weren't sitting where they were expected to be.
So fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride!
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NOTE: Delete all conflicting scripts from init.d folder, otherwise it will be laggy and annoying!
Conflicting scripts I have found so far:
- all the thunderbolt except miuiCMremount (V6 does most of these like sd card tweaks and zipalign anyway)
- mpengine and laserdroid (also from /system and /xbit)
If you don't know which scripts are from where, unzip nikhil16242's Customiser and check the folders.
Also do not install everything on one breath. Do it gradually (v6 - nullifier - engine flush and so on), test with a demanding game like Temple Run, so you can opt out any possible problems.
What you need:
All V6 scripts are here.
ScriptManager [download]
- If you have stock ROM:
Download Supercharger Starter Kit from the V6 scripts, on the page it's explained how to use it, couldn't be more simple:
Using SuperCharger Starter Kit (Prepares your ROM with the fixed su binary, zipalign binary, sqlite3 binary and busybox v1.19.4... and does NOT include the V6 SuperCharger scipt):
- Extract the zip to the root of the sdcard and it will all be in /sdcard/SuperCharger_Starter_Kit
- With Script Manager, just run StartMeUp.sh to install everything at once.
- Or, in terminal do: su, enter, sh /sdcard/Super*/Start*
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All the rest is the same as the following:
- If you are on custom ROM:
then busybox is already installed, so you don't need the starter kit.
The script guides you through the process, so watch it closely. In the setup it automatically determines some optimal settings, but you can change them any time.
Step 1. Put the latest V6_SuperCharger_for_Android-UpdateX_XXX (X is the actual version number) on your SD card
Step 2. In SManager:
--- 1. make sure you have granted SuperUser access, and set browse in root (long press recent apps button > Menu > Advanced > Configuration > Browse as root), but if you used before it's already set
--- 2. open the script on your SD card, set the properties to: Favorites (star icon), Root (green android skull icon) and tap Run to execute the script installer.
Step 3. A bunch of text start to come up, watch it closely, it guides you through the installer. Home Locked in Memory? n (No) and press enter and another enter to continue to drivers console.
First it goes to Pit Stop to set Driver Options, where you will be asked for Scroll Speed but also various tweaks which can improve the performance. Go through each and decide if you want them or not (I enabled most of them in he script)
When asks Use Build.Prop? : n (No) to use local.prop - I chose this, it sounds safer.
Step 4. You need to patch services.jar. It can be done automatically or manually (however the script recommends manual, and when I did it automatically for the first time, it did not backup services.jar and could not unsupercharge, only by restoring it from the rom .zip) Don't worry, doing it manually couldn't be easier:
In the Driver's Console choose:
25. Jelly ISCream Parlor {Install services.jar}​Choose manual mode, which will take you to the [RC9] ULTIMATIC RC6! [EXE]-=Ultimate Jar Power Tools=-With Maximum MultiTasking Mods! thread in your default browser, from which the essential instructions are the following:
--- 1. Connect your Android to your PC with Android Debugging ENABLED and Mass Storage DISABLED so your device has access to your sdcard. I just put it in Charge Only mode...
--- 2. Download the latest Ultimatic_Jar_Patcher_Tools_XXX_Windows.exe.zip to your PC - Windows exe is NOT zipped. Just remove the .zip extension!
--- 3. Start the exe and follow the instructions in the script. It will ask you which mode you want to use your Launcher in: Hard To Kill Launcher, Die-Hard Launcher or BulletProof Launcher. Choose Hard to Kill (HK), it is the best for our device.
You can add Maximum Multitasking mod as well, according to tests it works fine, but I did not install it in the beginning, then didn't bother
If follow the instructions in the script till the end, your services.jar should be patched, and the script will confirm this.
--- 4. On your phone in V6 script, you are still in the menu 25., right? Press x (exit), which takes you again to the Driver's Console. Choose: 32. SuperClean & ReStart! (ie. Wipe Dalvik Cache & Reboot)​
Step 5. Press enter to return to Drivers Console. Pressing enter will automatically run Quick V6 Cust-OOMizer and will calculate optimum SuperMinFree values
Apply SuperMinFree Calculator Settings? : y (Yes) to apply calculated MinFree (low memory killer - lmk) values so you don’t need to choose, but you can change it after completing the initial setup and then running the script again in menu point:
10. Quick V6 Cust-OOMizer.​Or if you type n (No), you can choose manually right away, doesn't make a difference. If it was set automatically, go to step 5. and come back later if you want to change it:
For a low memory device like ours, 512 HP recommended, these are the options in menu points:
5. UnLedded (Multitasking) {8,14,40,50,60, 75}
6. Ledded (Balanced) {8,14,55,70,85,100}
7. Super UL (Aggressive) {8,14,75,90,95,125} - it does 130-140MB​
However the best setting recommended me by educated colleague nikhil16242 and I tried is:
10 15 25 45 80 100 (slot1 - slot2 and so on)
with this I always have 120-130MB free RAM and no lag, Temple Run is butter smooth Basically it kills processes below that level (but still prioritises them - really smart script), which means less multitasking, but two-three apps that I needed in multitask were working perfectly, I didn't notice any difference, but snappier phone.
Try whichever suits you best.
Step 6. Press Enter - this action will backup Re-SuperCharger files to SD Card, in case you want to restore your Supercharger settings.
Step 7. SuperClean & ReStart : y (Yes), this will wipe your dalvik-cache so bootup time will take longer this time.
Step 8. After restart, open SManager and:
--- 1. Go to /system/etc/init.d (you can bookmark it for later access)
--- 2. Tap on S99SuperCharger and set the following properties:
------ a. Favorites (star icon)
------ b. Root (green android skull icon)
------ c. Start on Boot (gear icon)
--- 3. Tap on Save, close Script Manager and Restart your phone
If you don’t follow step 8., you will get an error the next time you run the script and it will show you owner’s handbook on your default web browser.
If you patched services.jar and choose SuperMinFree values manually then you have this already. If not, then:
OOM Grouping Fixes will determine which are the more priority apps and keeps them alive better. The Launcher mode determines how easy it will be for the mem killer to kill the launcher in case of low memory. Works flippin good, I'm tellin ya
Step 9. After restart, open SManager and Run V6_SuperCharger_for_AndroidX_XXX script again (make sure you run it in root [skull icon] but not boot [gear icon])
--- 1. SuperCharger will run Test Drive, just wait for it to finish and then continue to the Drivers Console.
During the install it should set the optimal mode automatically, which was BulletProof for me, probably because I chose the aggressive memory kill (sounds convincing lol) mode. Anyway, this means the Launcher will never get killed, about which some say it's not recommended.
--- 2. So on the Drivers Console you can choose between these launcher modes in the menu points, in reverse order of toughness:[/INDENT]
11. OOM Grouping Fixes + Hard To Kill Launcher
12. OOM Grouping Fixes + Die-Hard Launcher
13. OOM Grouping Fixes + BulletProof Launcher​Eventually I changed it to Hard To Kill, but it's up to you.
--- 3. Hard To Kill? : y (Yes) to apply
Press Enter to go back to Drivers Console
It's an experimental feature, don't know what it does exactly, but I switched it on Everything is flawless for me since, so I say go for it.
Step 10. In the Drivers Console, select:
21. Nitro Lag Nullifier {Experimental}​Enter (N)ullify, (U)n-Nullify, E(X)it: N (Nullify) to apply Nitro Lag Nullifier
After applying Nitro Lag Nullifier, press enter to go back to Drivers Console.
It flushes the RAM cache so the phone doesn't get sluggish after days of usage.
The 2 Modes are: -=Fast Engine Flush=- for instant flush and -=Engine Flush-O-Matic=- for automation.
Step 11. In the Drivers Console, select:
17. Engine Flush-O-Matic {ReCoupe RAM Booster}​Continue and drop all file system caches? : y (Yes) to clear system cache on RAM
It will ask you (gives you 20 s to decide lol) if you want to automate it, so you don't need to schedule it in SManager. If yes, you set an interval between 1-24, which counts as hours, so it determines how frequently flushes the RAM cache. Some people set it for every hour, so why not, I did that too. Hmmm that was good
After Engine Flush, press enter to go back to Drivers Console.
Wipes dalvik and reboots the phone, you need that before you start to using it.
Step 12. In the Drivers Console, select:
30. SuperClean & ReStart {Wipe Dalvik & Reboot}​Do you want to SuperClean & ReStart now? : y (Yes)
Step 13. After restart, open SManager and run V6 SuperCharger again. You should see Supercharger Level: 100%, then you are good to go.
As the script rolls it indicates your settings so you know what is set and what's not. You can check out the other menu points, and number:
27. Owner's Guide {Open !SuperCharger.html}​This opens the... Owners Guide! ...in the default browser, you can wise yourself up about the different options.
Downolad the script and launch it the same way as V6. Look at the text, wisen up and choose KickAss (k).
It will place S98KickAssKerneliser script in init.d, skull it and gear it, and reboot the phone.
If you are only 75% supercharged, that probably means MinFree (the mem killer) settings doesn't stick (so you see you have the usual low amount of free RAM). Check the S99Supercharger script in SManager if it has the root and boot privileges (In /system/etc/init.d or Long pressing recent apps button > Menu > Scripts), set them again if they were not and reboot the phone. If it's not set again, open Owner's Guide to figure out what's next, but if you followed the steps properly, you should be fine.
Check the note in the beginning of the post for deleting conflicting scripts!
All the scripts and backups are in two places:
1. on SD card /V6_SuperCharger folder
2. /data/V6_SuperCharger
and the logs and manuals under them.
When you run a script in SuperCharger, it places a separate one in the folders, so you can make widgets with SManager for fast access:
- Long press home screen, select SManager from widgets, locate the SuperCharger folder and select the script you want to have at hand.
- For example for quick change between MinFree modes, the scripts will be in V6SuperCharger/PowerShift_Scripts (you need to run them in SuperCharger first in order to be created separately, or if you installed the additional V6 scripts (or something like that) in nikhil16242's Customiser before, they will be in init.d already).
You'll know you have chosen a suitable MinFree mode if if you play Temple Run with no lags at all shaboooooom!!!!
See, wasn't too hard and you are SuperCharged now.
Enjoy it like a Boss!
Kudos to CarlDeanCatabay and Androidmarketuser for the guides that helped me and are in the OP.
And most of all to zeppelinrox for V6 SuperCharger :good:
Started reading looks great but by ekk I'm finding it hard to get my old head round some of it. Usually when I'm like this I have to read read read till it starts making sense .So will prolly take me a bit of time.
Re: [Script][TWEAKS] V6 Supercharger
This script is really awesome once you get everything done properly,just takes a while to read the entire OP though .
Ram management is another very essential thing to be done on a low ram device like ours.Stock ram management seems to be poor imo so I use this and the results are truely amazing .
Sent from my HTC Desire C using xda app-developers app
neoyoli said:
Desire C people!
This stuff is good. Probably you heard about it already, now I tried it and seems to work very well, especially the memory management. Quite a sophisticated tool as far as me noob understand ugh,ugh! :cyclops:
So basically a collection of kernel and memory management tweaks, but has a lot of other like SD card tweaks and maintenance scripts which you can also schedule with SManager. And on the download page has some other useful stuff like 3G turbocharger and battery calibrator.
In all it seems like a must have for DC users.
Once you used it a bit it's pretty straight forward and explains everything in details when running the script, and you have the option to "unsupercharge", but have a nandroid backup at hand.
I used this detailed guide, but it's for Galaxy so use your brain
Here's is an other one, just in case, but less detailed:
Many thanks for nikhil16242 for recommending me this, many scripts are in his Customiser already, he would have integrated the whole V6 Supercharger, but Aroma doesn't like it. That would be awesome though!
All credits to zeppelinrox for these truly awesome scripts:good:
One wonders why android doesn't have some of them by default.
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works great
guide updated
Hey guys, well actually i have an issue while i'm trying to run the v6 supercharger. It succesfully passes the drive test but it gets stuck at the next step. it throws me a lot of lines like 'find system/lost+found/ Too many open files' and i can't get rid of it, please help
this guide is quite old now, supercharger has been updated since numerous times. if you have a nandroid backup restore it, if not then ask zeppelinrox in his original thread. also supercharger does automatic backup before you apply the settings, which can be restored from the menu if something goes wrong, try it.

Working with su.d

Hi @Chainfire,
So, a while ago, I posted in the Liveboot thread inquiring as to how I'd go about incorporating liveboot into a ROM so that it could just run on first boot.
Your instructions were to chmod 0770 both the files and folders in su.d, and it should work:
If /system/su.d/0000liveboot.script exists (chmod 0644, not 0700 like other files in /system/su.d/ !), this script will be run instead of logcat and dmesg, and its output will be shown in white (stdout) and red (stderr).
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However, I tried this, and never got it to work, and essentially moved on to other stuff for a while.
Today, I tried to revisit it, and while I was at it, replace my current init.d stuff with su.d.
So, I created the folder in /system which gets copied with t he rest of the ROM on install. I'm setting folder and file permissions to 0700, owner and group to root, SE context to ubject_r:system_file:s0, which, is exactly the same as what I'm seeing on 0000liveboot when I look at it's info.
This leaves two questions.
One, the above quote you say to set it to 0644, but liveboot itself sets it to 0700 when it installs it.
Two, what is the trick to getting other scripts to work? In your "How to SU" guide, you mention this:
From versions 2.22 onwards, after the policies have been patched and the daemon is ready to go, all executables in the /system/su.d/ directory are executed (chmod 0700 both the directoy and the scripts), followed by setprop supolicy.loaded 1. This is akin to /system/(etc/)init.d/, though execution of those scripts is both kernel-dependent and they may run before the SELinux are patches and/or su is available.
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Setprop supolicy.loaded. Where am I supposed to do that? You say execution of those scripts is kernel-dependent - you're referring to init.d, yes? So, again, what am I missing?
This is 5.0.1 GPE for M8VZW. I have selinux set to permissive via boot image in init.rc, and verify that "getenforce" returns "permissive" from shell.
Any help you could lend would be greatly appreciated - which is also why I'm posting this as a thread...because su.d sounds like an awesome idea, and I bet more devs would like to start using this method over init.d.
digitalhigh said:
One, the above quote you say to set it to 0644, but liveboot itself sets it to 0700 when it installs it.
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liveboot sets the script that gets run by SuperSU to 0700. The script which I said to be set 0644 is a different script, and is not executed by SuperSU, but by liveboot.
Setprop supolicy.loaded. Where am I supposed to do that?
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You don't. SuperSU sets this. Kernel developers can hook this event to run their own code.
You say execution of those scripts is kernel-dependent - you're referring to init.d, yes?
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Yes, not all kernels support init.d, and init.d stuff generally runs before SuperSU patches policies, so there's no guarantees about any SELinux state.
So, again, what am I missing?
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I don't know. Make sure you are running the latest version of SuperSU (2.46 at the time of writing). Make sure /system/su.d is chmod 0700. Make sure the scripts you want to run are also chmod 0700 and #!'d to a working shell executable. Keep in mind that the scripts are called one-by-one, in a blocking way. So if a script never exits, the next script isn't run.
Say I have SU v2.62. I have 2 files in my /system/su.d folder. The first file doesn't have an exit, neither does the second. The second file DOES get executed as it sets selinux to permissive at boot as directed. First file is 0700 (text file), second is 0755 (a .sh file).
Now, I want to take an init.d setprop script and try it via su.d.
1) Do the other files need exit commands?
2) What should the third file (setprop file) be set to, 0755? A .sh or text file?
3) Are the other two set to the correct chmod?
Thank you for any input!
EDIT: Left it as text, and 0755. No exits, and it worked?
Using su.d to disable doze
Is it possible to use su.d in order to load a script that disables Android doze mode?
I'm trying to run this script:
dumpsys deviceidle disable
Script file is located in root\su\su.d
Permissions are set to 0700.
However, script is not loaded automatically during the boot, because if I run the script manually in SManager I get a response Idle mode disabled, which means su.d script wasn't loaded.
Currenlty I use SManager to execute this doze disabling script automatically on every boot, but I wonder why wouldn't the same script work using su.d?
I use another su.d script that disables LED back-lights of hardware navigation buttons and the script works just fine.
I'm using SuperSU v2.82
Thanks for your input.

[Magisk][Module][Deprecated] Unified Hosts Adblocker

This mod has since been discontinued in favor of Adaway. Read on for information on how to use Unified Hosts with Adaway
What are Unified Host Files?
Unified host files combine many reputable sources into a single hosts file (with duplicates removed). Some examples include adaway, mvps, yoyo.org, and malware domain list (see Steven Black's page here for a complete list).
Adaway Installation for Magisk:
Adaway version 4.x now works properly with magisk systemless hosts. To enable it, just install the latest version from here (the main xda thread for it hasn't been updated for it yet). Then go to Preferences -> Enable systemless mode. This automatically enables the Systemless hosts option in magisk manager so no need to bother with that. Then use the app as normal.
How to Add Unified Hosts to Adaway:
In the adaway app, go to Preferences -> Redirection IP (NOT Allow Redirects). Change the value to Read the readme on Steven Black's GitHub linked above for why.
Then go to Hosts Sources. Then add the url of the unified hosts you want (ONLY CHOOSE 1):
Master: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts
Master+FakeNews: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/fakenews/hosts
Master+Gambling: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/gambling/hosts
Master+Porn: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/porn/hosts
Master+Social: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/social/hosts
Master+FakeNews+Gambling: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/fakenews-gambling/hosts
Master+FakeNews+Porn: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/fakenews-porn/hosts
Master+FakeNews+Social: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/fakenews-social/hosts
Master+Gambling+Porn: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/gambling-porn/hosts
Master+Gambling+Social https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/gambling-social/hosts
Master+Porn+Social: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/porn-social/hosts
Master+Fakenews+Gambling+Porn (This is the one I use): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/fakenews-gambling-porn/hosts
Master+Fakenews+Gambling+Social: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/fakenews-gambling-social/hosts
Master+Fakenews+Porn+Social: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/fakenews-porn-social/hosts
Master+Gambling+Porn+Social: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/gambling-porn-social/hosts
Master+Fakenews+Gambling+Porn+social: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/S...lternates/fakenews-gambling-porn-social/hosts
You can then uncheck the host sources already added by default to adaway since they're included in unified hosts sources already
**Note that the 'Social' filter does exactly what you think: blocks social networks. So if you use any kind of social networking, DO NOT CHOOSE THIS ANY SOURCE WITH THIS IN IT**
Using a APN that uses a proxy server or a subsidiary provider and unable to get adblocking working? See here for a fix
Original Mod Information:
Blocks ads by using Steven Black's Unified Hosts
Comes with a small utility based off of LarappsOfDongle's RP modular host module that allows you to choose which kind of host file you want (adware/malware, fakenews, gambling, porn, social, or any combination)
Go to Settings in Magisk Manager and enable 'Systemless Hosts'
Flash module
Open terminal and type:
Then follow the prompts to install the host file of your choice.
- Open terminal and type:
su -c hosts arg1 arg2 arg3
- The script will apply your arguments all at once and close. Useful for automation purposes
- For example: `su -c hosts m wr b`
- Script will apply the master filter, then your regex whitelist, then your blacklist
Updating Hosts:
Just run the hosts file again in terminal and it'll overwrite the old one
Note: The script will now notify you to say if you need to update or not at the top of it
Disabling Host Mod:
Just toggle the enable systemless hosts option in magisk manager
Whitelist Instructions:
Create an empty file on sdcard card called "whitelist"
Either add exact lines you want remove to it -> Run hosts script and choose whitelist option
For example:
Code: facebook.com
Will unblock facebook.com
Or add regex for lines you want removed -> Run hosts script and choose whitelist regex option
For example:
Will unblock all domains with "facebook" in them
Blacklist Instructions:
Create an empty file on sdcard card called "blacklist"
Add exact lines you want to remove it (do not include the -> so for example: "facebook.com")
Run hosts script and choose blacklist option
For example:
Will block the google-analytics.com domain (it will add the entry " google-analytics.com" to the hosts file - note the lack of the 0's here. The script takes care of it automatically for the blacklist feature)
To Remove Whitelist:
Just run hosts script and reinstall host file of choice
Latest Magisk Version Compatibility:
Can't Boot?
Try rebooting into the bootloader, then boot into system. Thanks @rignfool for the tip
I made a quick automate flow to update the hosts file. Just import it, add a shortcut to your home screen, and you can update it in one click
Just change the 2nd block to whatever options you want
@Didgeridoohan made a tasker profile here for any who use tasker: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=73369050&postcount=451
How does this differ from AdAway?
serubin323 said:
How does this differ from AdAway?
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The unified hosts file combine many sources including AdAway, mvps, malware domains, and more. Check out steve black's page in the op for a full list.
Also, for some reason, adaway wouldn't detect the systemless hosts file for me so i had to set a custom path and symlink it
Updated module for latest magisk manager update (required changes to the readme). Doesn't change the functionality of the module at all so if you're in 1.1, there's no need to upgrade since these readme changes will only be reflected in magisk manager once this module is approved into the repo.
Damnit... Wrong thread...
su -c hosts ______
Please fill in the blank...
rignfool said:
Damnit... Wrong thread...
su -c hosts ______
Please fill in the blank...
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Give root permissions
Program will prompt for input. For example, if you want malware/adware (master) + fakenews + gambling, you're input would be:
The reason for not including the master (adware/malware) in the arguments is that it's already included by default in each host file. So the fakenews host file is actually master + fakenews. It's how steven set it up so I have no control over it (and who wouldn't want the malware block anyways)
Found a typo in the directions for the host file. Once again doesn't effect functionality at all but does eliminate confusion so uploaded fixed version (sorry)
Zackptg5 said:
Give root permissions
Program will prompt for input. For example, if you want malware/adware (master) + fakenews + gambling, you're input would be:
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I'm looking to execute as a one line shell command with tasker...
So I'm using 'su -c' cuz SU detection in tasker with magisksu is broken...
Then hosts... But I want to run with an argument so I don't need to interact with the script... Just have it update the hosts file...
rignfool said:
I'm looking to execute as a one line shell command with tasker...
So I'm using 'su -c' cuz SU detection in tasker with magisksu is broken...
Then hosts... But I want to run with an argument so I don't need to interact with the script... Just have it update the hosts file...
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I've never used tasker (use automate instead). Perhaps
su -c; hosts; sleep 1; fgps; sleep 2; q
Not sure if the sleep command works for tasker (linux thing) but if there's a way to have it wait a half a second or so before inputting the next command, and then waiting 2 seconds or so to quit after the hosts is applied (not sure on the time, just guessing).
Edit, just saw you didn't want to deal with the script. The 'hosts' command is the script. If you look my source for the hosts script, it lists each url for the file and what it does. So all of the terminal code for fgps would be:
su -c
cd /magisk/.core
wget -O hosts --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/fakenews-gambling-porn-social/hosts
This will replace the systemless hosts file with the one you want. Note you will at least need the wget portion of the module (system/bin) since it's not included in most roms
v1.3 update: Noticed that the disable option was broken so I removed it since it's not needed (see OP for disable instructions)
Using ze551ml, after rebooting, module disappeared. I can't find hosts command anywhere.
danzel said:
Using ze551ml, after rebooting, module disappeared. I can't find hosts command anywhere.
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Does magisk manager say root is enabled? There's been an ongoing issue where root will disappear and so all modules will disappear as well. This isn't a module issue but a magisk issue
Automating hosts update?
Hi Zack!
Love your module, thank you!
Is there a way I can update with FG running a shell command from Tasker?
When I try
echo fg|hosts
it does download the fg file, but then it infinitely loops and never quits, until I send a CTRL-C to the terminal.
Could you please make it so hosts accepts arguments from the command line, instead of a menu?
Thank you!
Yom said:
Hi Zack!
Love your module, thank you!
Is there a way I can update with FG running a shell command from Tasker?
When I try
echo fg|hosts
it does download the fg file, but then it infinitely loops and never quits, until I send a CTRL-C to the terminal.
Could you please make it so hosts accepts arguments from the command line, instead of a menu?
Thank you!
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The menu is part of the command line. I don't have tasker however, maybe this post will help: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=71117156&postcount=9
You can circumvent running the script completely and just wget your host of choice. In that post, I have a link to the source for the hosts file with all of the urls. For fg for example, it would be: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/fakenews-gambling/hosts
Yom said:
Hi Zack!
Love your module, thank you!
Is there a way I can update with FG running a shell command from Tasker?
When I try
echo fg|hosts
it does download the fg file, but then it infinitely loops and never quits, until I send a CTRL-C to the terminal.
Could you please make it so hosts accepts arguments from the command line, instead of a menu?
Thank you!
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As @Zackptg5 says, to automate with Tasker it's easier to just circumvent the script altogether...
I have a Tasker profile set up to fetch the hosts file directly from Steven Blacks GitHub and save it to /magisk/.core/hosts. I couldn't get wget to work properly with Taskers Run Shell, so I used the HTTP Get instead to fetch it to /sdcard and then Run Shell to move it to /magisk/.core/hosts (and to remove it from /sdcard afterwards).
Is there a possibility of whitelists?
ChronoReverse said:
Is there a possibility of whitelists?
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In theory, you shouldn't need a white list with these hosts files. I chose them because they are gone over with a fine tooth comb so you shouldn't have any issues. However, when I get on spring break, I could attempt to add a whitelist option to the script. I was thinking the easiest way to do this would be to read a text file (would be a blank one in the module folder by default but is editable the uses to add whatever) and remove any matches from the host file. Have any better ideas to implement this? I have no experience with GUI development and that would add unnecessary overhead anyways
Does this module work currently? I disabled adaway and enabled this but it's not blocking ads that adaway blocks.
Testcase: root check by Jrummy
Adaway blocks the in app ads. This module does not
EDIT: apparently I can't read... Lol. Followed the Op and now it works great!
Neat module. It's working great! Thanks for sharing it!
Yom said:
Hi Zack!
Love your module, thank you!
Is there a way I can update with FG running a shell command from Tasker?
When I try
echo fg|hosts
it does download the fg file, but then it infinitely loops and never quits, until I send a CTRL-C to the terminal.
Could you please make it so hosts accepts arguments from the command line, instead of a menu?
Thank you!
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I have a profile set up to do this every 12 hours. If you still need it, I updated it to use your preferred settings and exported it. All you need to do is import it in Tasker (long-press Profiles header) and turn it on.

