[Q] Strange charging problems - One (M7) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello everybody,
I got my new HTC One just yesterday in the afternoon. I turned it on and battery level was 8%, so I proceeded to charge it while I was doing my initial customizations.
I took it out with me for the evening, when battery level was about 25%. Once I got home, I put it in charge (without switching it off) and went to bed.
This morning battery level was only 37%! Even leaving it in charge, it won't increase... So i went to recovery, did nothing, then did a hard reset and battery level became 63%!!
Now it is stuck at that, even leaving the USB cable for hours.
What can I do??

We need more info please
Are you charging via a mains socket or USB device, if its a USB devise then it may be that it is not supplying enough power
Use the charger and USB lead that came with the phone and power via the mains - its up to 4 hours
Remember it is best not to leave on charge overnight and try not to:
let it go flat
fully charge to 100%

I fully charge mine overnight and leave it on, let it die completely and so on. Never affected one phone I have ever owned, including the One.
Or, use the original charger as suggested for now. Let us know what happens when you use the equipment that came with the phone, plugged in to the wall outlet.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4


8125 DEAD!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!

last night as usual i turned off my puter left the USB charger hooked up to my 8125 and then turned off my phone. (same process every night) this morning i came in to boot up the puter and turn on the phone, i noticed that the orange "Charging" light was NOT on on the phone. i tried to turn it on and NOTHING!!! i unplugged the USB cable still wont turn on, plugged the phone into the wall (AC) charger this time the orange light came on but the phone still will not come on. it is completely DEAD!!!! just to try something a little different i changed the USB port the cable was plugged into and tried to plug the phone into it again, nothing happend (no charge light, etc) went back to the AC charger and now it wont give the charge light with that charger either HELLP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am running the 2.17 ROM with very few programs & plugins and the phone has been ROCK solid maybe a few freezes here and there but nothing to even concern me. phone was working perfect last night 10 ,minutes before i turned it off. at the very least i would like to hard reset it to get my personal info off it before the cingular exchange, but i would feel more comfortable dowwngrading the ROM before the exchange as well. if anybody has any suggestions i am ALL ears.
thanks in advance
Take a deep breath.
Now go get your original charger that came with your 8125 plug it in.
You might to try and hit the soft reset as well.
This is a known problem with the wizard family. If worse comes to worse youw will have to get a new battery.
OK thanks for the reply. so just to be clear you are saying this is a battery issue??? i have tried the soft reset button but nothing happens. the phone is completely dead. how can i verify if it is the battery? the phone will not turn on without a battery?? any help is appreciated
thanks again
You will have to plug your phone into the original AC Charger that came with it for a little bit.
The phone (and even the charge led) won't work until there is a minimal charge to the battery.
I had this happen and simply freaked out for about 10 minutes. Man was I happy once that little LED lit up again!
i had my wizard (8125) battery die on me suddenly. but i let it charge until the light came on, then finally let me power the damned thing on. it only had 2% battery left.
thanks again. very strange it has been plugged in all day with no signs of life. all of a sudden i pressed the ON/OFF one more time and it turned on just like it is supposed to, i am going to leave it on the charger all night but i am a little gun shy on whether to keep it or take the replacement from cingular on monday??? i would like to know why this happened so i can avoid it again in the future.
Some chargers are not up to spec. They may provide enough juice so that the phone says it is getting power but the battery does not charge right.
I have my stock wall charger by my bed and each night it goes on that overnight. Just to be safe
Master K said:
Some chargers are not up to spec. They may provide enough juice so that the phone says it is getting power but the battery does not charge right.
I have my stock wall charger by my bed and each night it goes on that overnight. Just to be safe
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I do the same and have not had a single problem since I started the "Overnight Conditioning".
I used to use a RAZR Moto charger but it is underpowered (only 500mAh).
If you are going to use an off branded charger it has to be a good one and provide 1000mAh. Costs more but worth the investment. I found some nice portable USB Ports (one for the Car and one or AC) that have never failed me and since they are basically just a powered USB port that pushes upto 1000mAh I can use and compatable USB Cable!


So I upgraded to the latest mr clean rom and did some tweaks with the registry Wizard. I was playing around with it for a while and turned it off to charge overnight. I wake up and try and turn it on and nothing. I've tried soft reset, and hard reset and it doesn't turn on or do anything. When I plug in my charger the light on my phone doesn't even come on. PLEASE HELP. WHAT CAN I DO!!!.
dew1989 said:
So I upgraded to the latest mr clean rom and did some tweaks with the registry Wizard. I was playing around with it for a while and turned it off to charge overnight. I wake up and try and turn it on and nothing. I've tried soft reset, and hard reset and it doesn't turn on or do anything. When I plug in my charger the light on my phone doesn't even come on. PLEASE HELP. WHAT CAN I DO!!!.
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It seems that you bricked you phone mate. I think that you installed MrClean rom in a G4 phone so you irrimediably f*cked up the bootloader (IPL and SPL). Many users have reported that their phones were able to boot (and behaved normally) immediatly after the flashing but were dead after they turned them off for the first time, this is what happened to you.
Only thing you can try is going to bootloader mode (but i think it won't work since you messed the bootloader) and then flash a new rom. To do this, press and keep pressed both the keys on the right side and then insert a pin in the reset hole briefly. If the phone goes to the tri-colors screen then you're safe, if not continue reading.
If your warranty perior is not yet over then you can have a new phone for free (DON'T tell them that you flashed an experimental rom!!! Tell only that it went off suddenly or that you were installing an official rom!).
Service centre can repair your device (i suppose they've some method to reflash the bootloader) but i don't know how much they'll ask you.
Try asking other users on this forum. Sorry!
...did you ry to recharge it with the ----ORIGINAL 1A CHARGER----? looks stupid, but i resuscitated mine just before throwing it in the bin. if it works, i will explain you the rest....
yup, I tried charging it with the home charger and still nothing. My battery reads at 3v and it's supposed to be 3.8 so it's not out of juice, but maybe it's just dead?
...you can try with just a normal 9 VDC battery, in order to boost up the voltage, to connect it for a few seconds to the ppc battery till you reach the 3.8 VDC and see if it's working...
Ok, i did that...and amazingly it turned on so I pluged it into the charger right away. Windows booted and about 20sec later the device turned off and won't charge again. So i tried again and the same thing happened. Do I need a new battery? TIA
dew1989 said:
Ok, i did that...and amazingly it turned on so I pluged it into the charger right away. Windows booted and about 20sec later the device turned off and won't charge again. So i tried again and the same thing happened. Do I need a new battery? TIA
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This is waht you need:
This charger is somehow wired weird... it charges the battery AND feeds juice to the phone at the same time (believe it or not, regular chargers and USB cables do not engage until the OS is loaded), allowing you to turn the phone on and in a few minutes plug it into the regular charger to continue charging. Just make sure you get the RAZR tip.
It has saved my ass more than once.
I fixed it , What I did was zap the battery with a 9v battery in 3 sec intervals, I did this about 5 times, then I pluged my phone into the charger and turned it on, the 9v gave it enough juice to boot up and the usb took over from there. So to everyone out there who is having this same problem, try this but don't over zap, check your battery with a multimeter.
im having the same problem----my MDA went dead last night because i forgot to charge the battery and then i went to plug it in the charger but the phone doesnt turn on no more...the light doesnt turn on like if it would be charging and i left it overnight and it still doesnt work..... do yall think that its the battery or is the phone just messed up and cant use it nomore????
Last time I had my battery completely drained, it wouldn't charge from laptop via USB. I read something about how the device's "smart-charging" function itself needs a bit of power to start-up...
but anyways, I couldn't charge the battery through the phone (software charging) - what I had to do was to take a USB cable, cut out one end, identify the +/- (red/black) wires, and charge them directly to the battery's two poles (metal plates). It took about 10-20 seconds of charging until I had enough power in the battery to place it back in the phone, start WM5 and charge it thru the phone.
It would have been much easier if you have a battery charger.
I had my phone connected to the computer through the usb cable, and I just left it connected for a week and it was completely dead and could not be turned on. I don't know how it drained the battery (probally by leaving the wifi on, but the computer was in use all the time). Anyway, thanks to this thread, I used the ac charger and it turned on.
Keywords: t-mobile tmobile mda phone won't don't turn on
phone down
thanks for infos
I'm going to give this a go; a Crossbow ROM flash went horribly wrong last night and in my attempts to repair it (I also must have flashed at least 9 times) the phone went dead. It won't charge either, but battery voltage is 3.7 volts, and I'm sat here wishing it was 3
Will get back to you all!
To update: no... it didn't work! I hooked the battery up to a computer power supply (nearest thing to hand) on 5v and 12v and the voltage increased to about 3.81V... I guess the battery is not the problem with my phone, though the symptoms were the same :-(
Any buttons I can press (i.e. like the voice command button for bootloader) to wake the damned thing up? It's probably fried.
CrArc said:
To update: no... it didn't work! I hooked the battery up to a computer power supply (nearest thing to hand) on 5v and 12v and the voltage increased to about 3.81V... I guess the battery is not the problem with my phone, though the symptoms were the same :-(
Any buttons I can press (i.e. like the voice command button for bootloader) to wake the damned thing up? It's probably fried.
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My phone has a hardware problem with the on / off button (doesn´t work at all), at the beggining I thought it was a software problem and I tried all sort of tricks, then I gave up and recognized that was a hardware issue and I found 2 ways to turn the phone on 1) When is totally off (This happens when I have to remove the battery to change SIM card) I connect to the USB cable to my PC or to the car or wall charger and I make a soft reset. 2) When I see the phone signal led blinking I remove the memory card and wakes the phone up (not a good idea since I know that the card is going to get damaged sooner or later).
I just got a G3 wizard from a friend a couple days ago. On Thursday I upgraded it to XDA Mobile 6 and left it on the 2.25.11 (I think) T-Mobile Radio that the T-Mobile 2.26 firmware flash put on it. I used it all day on Friday and then I held the power button and shut the phone completely off for 25 hours, but left it plugged in to a usb to 110V AC adapter that came with my Dell Axim X50V. On Saturday night I went to turn it on and it would not come on no matter what I tried. I found this thread and checked the voltage on the battery directly with a multimeter, 3.13V. I cut the head off a usb cable and then held the black and red wires to the positive and negative terminals on the battery for 2 minutes with the head plugged into a front USB port on my PC. The multimeter then read 3.7V. I put it back into the MDA and it turned on, booted and informed me that the battery was completely drained. I plugged it into the USB to AC charger and it read 10% battery on BatteryStatus. I have left it to charge and it is currently at 60%.
I guess the lesson here is to not totally shut the phone off and let it sit, or the battery won't charge, even plugged into my charger. I guess the OS needs to be running in suspend mode for the charging circuit to run. I know I won't turn it all the way off ever again unless I have my little plug thing and my laptop with me.
(old) Nokia phones have a state called "Acting dead" (from service manuals) which takes place when phone is turned off and battery inserted. It means that the energy is flowing around the board so that the responsible hardware keeps waiting for a 'HIGH' signal ordering to turn ON the phone.
When batteries go bellow the 2.x volts they stop being charged by the phones. This is why i protect the battery terminals with tape when the phone is stored for some time and the reason why a lot of people thinks the phones are broken when not used for months. I usually use the 'freezer trick' where i leave the batteries inside the freezer all night and charge them next day.
just 2 cents...
My Wizard XDA got discharged over the weekend and wouldn't start up - after 12 hours on USB it still wouldn't start.
The charge tips saved my bacon - I modified a USB cable as per the instructions above, and used it to charge up the XDA battery - it only needed five seconds and the phone now boots!
Thanks All, great information!
My 2 cents...
If you're going to try the same, connect red usb to the +ve terminal of your battery and black USB to the -ve terminal of the battery. I'd suggest having a voltmeter to hand to check battery and supply voltage.
Disclaimer - the ablve worked for me, but I'm not responsible for anyone damaging themselves, their PC,their phone or anything else by using the above info!
BUMP! thought my phone was dead, hacked a USB cable and i'm back in business!!!!
TYTN II won't turn on
i left it plugged in all day and when i tried to turn it on it didn't respond. i have a second battery that was fully charged and that didn't work either. i tried a hard reset with it unplugged and with it plugged into the charger. nothing works. i'm on the standard at&t rom with lots of programs. i got it unlocked so i can't go to at&t.

Correct way to charge your phone?

I was just wondering what the correct way to charge your phone is. I have an AT&T tilt. When the battery would get to like 3% I would just turn it off and then plug in my AC wall charger that came with it and leave it until it was fully charged. But I want to leave my phone on all the time so I dont miss calls, So when I leave it on while charging the phone gets pretty warm and the screen turns on by itself randomly. And when i plugged it in the other night before i went to bed (phone was still on whole night) in the morning I went to wake it up and it wouldnt. When i slid the keyboard out it lit up and everything so it was definitely on, but the screen wouldnt come on no matter what I did. Am i not suppose to be charging it while the phone is still on or leaving it plugged in for a long time after the battery has reached its full charge using the AC wall charger that came with it. Should I instead by one of those cradle chargers cuz dont they have a thing where once your battery is full, it will stop charging it? Any feedback would be really appreciated. Thank you.
hmm i dont really know bout u
but i've really never turned off my phone....the tytnII or any of my previous phones i would just leave it on day and nite and i go to bed i charge it or any time when i'm home if its low on battery
kinda wild how many people torture their batts on acount of that old myth
How are you charging it? Supplied wall charger or USB port?
The supplied wall charger will turn it on initially and it should then turn back to standby as set by your power settings. Make sure you don't have it set to ramain on when on external power.
USB charge connection to PC or laptop will keep polling the phone if Activesync is enabled and turn it on continuosly.
Some external chargers, such as the ones for the previous TyTyn (not TyTynII) required two pins connected to enable charging and if you are using one of those the TyTynII thinks a data connection is being made and randomly powers up.
It's been my experience to keep the battery on a charger whenever possible. Those batteries "like" to be topped off. I have killed a couple of batteries by running them down all the way and trying to bring them back to life. Li Ion batteries are not like NiCads
When I'm driving, it's plugged in. At home, it's on my desk charging. While I sleep, it's charging on my night stand.
I found charging when every possible, and keeping it topped off as much as possible will enable the battery to last longer for those times you can't get to a charger. This has been the case for all the HTC phones I've used.

Please Help!! Xperia X1 Will Not Turn On Anymore

My battery died last night and i charged the phone up and now the phone will not turn on anymore. Anyone have any ideas cause i'm completely out of them???
have you tried takin git out an putting in the phone again?
Yup. I dunno what is going on. I was using sony's cable to charge the thing and the power button was lit up red and now i switched to a different cable and the power button doesn't turn red anymore but the indicator lights are flashing like it doesn't have enough power to start. It may just be dead and sony's cable just stopped working and never charged the thing
Nope that isn't it... it just won't power on for some reason. i hope someone has an idea as to what is going on because i don't
I had a similar problem and had to leave it plugged in for at least 10 mins before the LEDs indicated it was charging.
THANK THE LORD THANK THE LORD. I was right. The crap cable sony uses just didn't charge the phone at all. Now that i switched i was able to turn the phone on again.
Try hard reseting the device while it is powered, might do something if its a software issue.
battery stone dead~won't recharge
I have the same problem. I don't believe ti has anything to do with the cable. The first time it suddenly came to life after a day or two fo being dead, but this time so far it is still in a coma. It did briefly awaken when connected to the pc, but it kept blacking out, and now it's completely gone again.
Could it be that it is not set to power off until the battery is completely stone dead, and therefore it won't recharge?
I think you are absolutely right. I don't believe it allows you to charge it until it is turned on. So try and plug it for like 15mins and try and power it on. Let us know if it works
This sounds like what I have seen on more than one device. If you let the battery go completely dead it will not take a charge from a USB cable to a PC or hub, even if it was a powered hub. We had some old HTCs that would only take a charge from a transformer when the battery had been fully depleted. It was like the USB to PC or hub did not give it enough amps or watts to turn it on and start charging.
Tanquen said:
This sounds like what I have seen on more than one device. If you let the battery go completely dead it will not take a charge from a USB cable to a PC or hub, even if it was a powered hub. We had some old HTCs that would only take a charge from a transformer when the battery had been fully depleted. It was like the USB to PC or hub did not give it enough amps or watts to turn it on and start charging.
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Came accross this also in the Kaiser forums - think it has something to do with the battery being absolutely drained, so much that there isn't enough power to switch the current to the battery again.
Never happened to me, so never quite figured it out. But the Kaiser forum had a lot of discussion (and solutions I think) on this. (Xperia has HTC involvement..or so it's rumoured).
Tanquen said:
This sounds like what I have seen on more than one device. If you let the battery go completely dead it will not take a charge from a USB cable to a PC or hub, even if it was a powered hub. We had some old HTCs that would only take a charge from a transformer when the battery had been fully depleted. It was like the USB to PC or hub did not give it enough amps or watts to turn it on and start charging.
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yep... I have had that happened to my blackjack 2 a couple times too. everytime I had to connect it to the charger for like 10 15mins before it can turn on again... plugging it to the pc/hub never work.... also happened once to my iphone as well
Hey I just ran into this problem today.
Turns out it was activesync messing with the phone
Ended the mobile device center process in task manager and phone went back to normal.
EDIT: Ok maybe its not back to normal. But it was definitely caused by activesync...
EDIT2: Back to normal now... Had to plug in the wall charger. After a minute the charging lights flashed and i was able to turn it on.
Checking battery status, and its in the red.. I guess the activesync was just a coincidence.
But wow, I left the thing plugged into my computer overnight to charge, and apparently it drained more than it charged?
There is defiantly something extra going on with the Xperia. While other devices I’ve seen fully drained refuse to start charging again from a USB to PC cable and even some power outlet charges. My Xperia is also doing as Nipperos. With an almost full charge I plugged it into the USB to PC cable and the icon went to the little plug and when I clicked on it the status said that it is was charging but when I got ready to leave for the day it had drained down one red bar. It was also very warm. With this, the $800 price tag and the random crashing made worse by the incredibly poor location of the reset button and made even worse by the incredibly poor design of the battery cover. Really, what is the proper way to get the thing off without breaking it? I’m fighting the urge to return it.
Any word on a new firmware?
Nippero said:
Hey I just ran into this problem today.
Turns out it was activesync messing with the phone
Ended the mobile device center process in task manager and phone went back to normal.
EDIT: Ok maybe its not back to normal. But it was definitely caused by activesync...
EDIT2: Back to normal now... Had to plug in the wall charger. After a minute the charging lights flashed and i was able to turn it on.
Checking battery status, and its in the red.. I guess the activesync was just a coincidence.
But wow, I left the thing plugged into my computer overnight to charge, and apparently it drained more than it charged?
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I've noticed this too... My phone will be on full charge, i connect it to my PC to install a software, then i check one bar's gone... it drains more than it charges...
my x1 did this today. my buddy has a verizon htc phone and let me use hus htc wall charger and it did the trick...
my x1 is a x1i so i dont know if the US. plugs or what dont agree with the phone. but out of 6 cables and chargers only 2 will charge the phone from a dead battery the other 4 would only charge after it was on.
so my best solution for you all is to find yourself a htc wall charger and let it charger for 20 mins before trying to turn it on.
and of course theres htc involvment on the x1. look in the windows folder. all drivers are HTCxxx.dll the comm manager is htc. theres a forum here the htc developers site. this isnt a site for samsungs and other makers. this is a site for htc devices. if it wasnt a htc device it wouldnt be here.
My experience
I had a similar experience while on a trip to Korea. I didn't foresee that a 200mA difference in the current output of a wall socket charger will cause me so much pain.
I had always been able to charge the X1 with my Jabra headset's wall socket charger, hence I brought it on my trip. Not being mindful of the ratings, it can only supply 500mA, which is different from the X1's charger, 700mA. I was using it happily on a bus, happily keeping it alive with a solar USB charger (till it ran out of juice too). A while later, playing with the GPS I noticed my battery power dropped to 20% (2 bar) so I pressed the power button to conserve energy.
Unknowingly, the battery kept draining and the next time I wanted to turn it on I couldn't. The top 2 LEDs gave me 3 red blinks. I thought, "ok, so I just go back to the hotel to charge it with my Jabra charger."
When I tried that, I noticed that the power button gave a constant red LED and the battery did not charge. Taking out the battery and putting it back, I noticed the power LED went off (which indicates it was going to charge) but came back out again. It never charged.
Back home, after using the supplied SE charger, the power LED went off and never came back. I tried to turn on the X1 after 15mins and it powered up, showing the usual charging LED cycles.
Lesson Learnt. Always use original accessories.
Same problem here....
I knew about problem charging totally dead battery with wall plug-in (from previous HTC). Totally dead battery was not possible to charge via USB (from PC). But I have bought xperia via ebay and didn't know the wall charger is not original SE charger... Hope to work with previous HTC charger
Tx for coming to the idea
Just happened to me :S
I had used it all day and Wifi was turned on so obviously battery was almost dead. To save battery I turned off the Xperia.
When I tried to turn it on again it wouldnt and so I connected it to the pc.
That didnt work out so I connected it to the standard charger but that also didnt work. Right now my Xperia X1 is lying unplugged on the table because someone said you should leave it unplugged for a couple of minutes.
Hopefully it will work, I only have had it for 3 days :´(
Also hope this doesnt happen everytime your battery is drained because that would be annoying as hell.
Ok so what I did was I removed the battery and plugged it back in. This worked and I managed to turn it on and right now its charging.
Though when I try to go to sleep mode it turns the display on again after about 3 seconds and does what I am guessing is a low battery beep (Sorry windowsmobile noob here) but then stops instantly, which is pretty stange.
ok anyone know a way to increase the power wattage from your pc to the usb device? (sounds dangerous i know), but there must be someone who has had a similar prob and was able to fix with a bit of tweaking....ill google and come back with any results
okay...i had similar problem today morning..it wudnt start.
so i left it charging for ten minutes...and now it has turned on finally.
i think the battery goes completely dead.

[Q] 0% Battery + no charge

Hi all
This is my first thread - although I have been on xda many many years. I have searched the forums before posting this.
This morning whilst travelling to work by car I decided to recharge my Note (which was at 0% due to the previous day of use). I unplugged my Galaxy S2 and plugged the charger into the Note.
The Note would not take any charge from this USB car charger.
Now I know that the charger outputs 1000mA and that it was pumping 750mA into the S2 literally moments before.
I had started to think that the Note was bricked as the low battery and a yellow triangle were the only thing that the display would show, however, I could force the device to boot into Recovery mode (Redpill says the batt % in the corner - it stayed at 0%).
I tried a battery pull. I tried getting the device to reboot system from Recovery and I also tried wiping the battery stats.
The only fix I found was when I plugged it into a 1000mA AC charger.
Has anybody else had this problem? It could be quite an inconvenience if one were to run out of juice (ie 0%) whilst on the move, expecting to be able to charge from the car usb charger...
Moved To Q&A​
Please post all questions in the Q&A section​
Use Original charger and charge for 1 hour. do not try to turn it on. then try to turn ON.
if this doesn't work. try with different Note battery.
Hi. I got it to work eventually using an AC charger but my point was - has anybody else experienced this inability to recharge when at 0% and with only a USB charger or car charger available.
Samsungs recognise when they are plugged into AC Mains or USB don't they. Could there bee something in this that we may have to tweak, within a script during boot?
Sent from my GT-N7000
I hve this problem! Is it because I'm using non genuine chargers / cables?
I think it may be something to do with the juice it requires to get the initial kick from 0%... perhaps it will only take charge from AC in these .
Sent from my GT-N7000
I got this when i flowed all juice to 0%. I've used only genuine wall adapter / charger and got that triangle + ! too.. I just let it be that way and fired up Note few mins after that. Then it started to charge..
marcyspark said:
Hi. I got it to work eventually using an AC charger but my point was - has anybody else experienced this inability to recharge when at 0% and with only a USB charger or car charger available.
Samsungs recognise when they are plugged into AC Mains or USB don't they. Could there bee something in this that we may have to tweak, within a script during boot?
Sent from my GT-N7000
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Yes, other users have faced this issue. It is not uncommon and has been in various posts over the last few months. As mentioned - use original charger and leave phone turned off for an hour or so - this will kick start it.
I had same problem with Blackberry bold - once below 5% would not charge unless I turned screen off and waited for at least 30 minutes.
I know this sounds all very well in hindsight, but I never let my phone drop below 20% - always charge it around that time. I still get around 2 days on average use but refuse to let it go any lower than that.
Would also recommend purchasing a second battery in case - with a separate charger.
Hope that helps - you are not alone
another one in the club......
i never let the battery go below 10%
below 10% my hands start shaking and my transpiration raise
at 5% i got defects to my view and i cant speack properly
below 5% my body becomes cold and covered by psoriasis.....

