Should XDA make something against the hate towards some devs - Off-topic

Developers on XDA nowadays face more and more hate just cause they are not the favourite dev of someone, or cause someone thinks they did copy something. Sometimes people even make death threats against developers!
Should XDA do something about that, like for example filter obtrusive, insulting content in posts?
If you want to change something please sign the petition here:
BTW: I say this not just like that but I actually am a victim of this myself! See the pic in the petition!

XDA has Moderators to handle posts that disrespect others, or break any of the site rules. It takes reports to alert us though, we can't monitor every thread.
Also, this kind of drama creating thread is not going to help anything and will only work against your objective.
So please, simply report posts that break rules and Moderators will handle it.
And note, it definitely takes a thick skin to interact with others on the internet, developers especially. You can't let every negative post get you down, just ignore them. Does it matter what a stranger thinks? Not to me.
I am going to close this now. This kind of thing will end badly for everyone and serves no purpose.
Forum Moderator



Help me define. Simple HOW OFF is Off-Topic?
Does anyone know...?
lol... give your best shot.. IQ
LEGO comes to mind.
I never see people here helping each other build cool lego models..
So in other words, you're asking what's OFF Limits in a OFF-TOPIC section? Hmmm .... threats of any kind, damning or belittling(sp?) someone else's religious or political beliefs, making fun of people physical/emotional/psychological disabilities even if it's your friends or family member. Promoting racism, child porn, child abuse, advocating violence, and supporting rape is a definite no no and barbaric in my book. Making fun of someone's grief over a death of a friend or family is also barbaric.
Or how off limits can you be Off Topics section without being banned? As some say, the sky is the limit, but here, the limit is the sky, lol. Child rearing and relational issues are within the bounds in this section, which I haven't heard much about here. But who knows
aftershock said:
Help me define. Simple HOW OFF is Off-Topic?
Does anyone know...?
lol... give your best shot.. IQ
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Your previous post, sending people to survey links would definitely be off limits. Creating threads for free webhosting sites over and over again would also be off limits. Spam is something we try to avoid. Members help by alerting mods to these types of posts. Violators can be warned or banned, depending on the severity of their actions.
I'd also agree with the things robosiris said earlier, as we'd like to keep this forum a friendly place for all to enjoy.
Other than that, off-topic is pretty open. Lego Mindstorm projects would be a great topic off-topic isnt really Off-Topic? or is Everything aother than xda phones
or is anything other than xda phones, softwares and gadgets considered as SPAM. Yes i do agree maybe I erred since I was kinda "zit" where the "limit" of Off-topic was concerned, no one would expect it to be so ENTIRELY "LIMITED"...
I STRONGLY agree 1000% with "robosiris" stuff like that should NEVER be tolerated... and commend XDA moderators+ for being swift on posts and for implementing this feature in their Administration.
Ok then, is it better to QUIT Off-Topic? Since "Off" is not yet defined...
SINCE the statement below contradicts the usual statements i get... "your topic is not related to phones, etc..... always about xda phones... and so on..."
Then IS THAT "Off-Topic"? yet according to Alex (moderator)... Of-topic is pretty much Free..
""Your previous post, sending people to survey links would definitely be off topic. Creating threads for free webhosting sites over and over again would also be off topic. Spam is something we try to avoid. Members help by alerting mods to these types of posts. Violators can be warned or banned, depending on the severity of their actions.
I'd also agree with the things robosiris said earlier, as we'd like to keep this forum a friendly place for all to enjoy.
Other than that, off-topic is pretty open. Lego Mindstorm projects would be a great topic ""
MOD...(ALEX) Help Me... Determine what i did wrong... then "zit" THIS Post..
aftershock said:
or is anything other than xda phones, softwares and gadgets considered as SPAM. Yes i do agree maybe I erred since I was kinda "zit" where the "limit" of Off-topic was concerned, no one would expect it to be so ENTIRELY "LIMITED"...
I STRONGLY agree 1000% with "robosiris" stuff like that should NEVER be tolerated... and commend XDA moderators+ for being swift on posts and for implementing this feature in their Administration.
Ok then, is it better to QUIT Off-Topic? Since "Off" is not yet defined...
SINCE the statement below contradicts the usual statements i get... "your topic is not related to phones, etc..... always about xda phones... and so on..."
Then IS THAT "Off-Topic"? yet according to Alex (moderator)... Of-topic is pretty much Free..
""Your previous post, sending people to survey links would definitely be off topic. Creating threads for free webhosting sites over and over again would also be off topic. Spam is something we try to avoid. Members help by alerting mods to these types of posts. Violators can be warned or banned, depending on the severity of their actions.
I'd also agree with the things robosiris said earlier, as we'd like to keep this forum a friendly place for all to enjoy.
Other than that, off-topic is pretty open. Lego Mindstorm projects would be a great topic ""
MOD...(ALEX) Help Me... Determine what i did wrong... then "zit" THIS Post..
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I've changed my post to read 'off-limits' instead of 'off-topic' in two key areas, which should hopefully make more sense.
It was late and I didn't realize I was using the same words to explain myself, which tends to lead to a very confusing response
i simple do not know and even do not care what is in and what out - off topic.
but .... am glad to have a place where i can relax and read some other stuff than all about htc devices.
this is where i go when i need to get three steps back and after a while again move forwards install applications, customize, soft reset, hard reset, browse and read off topic, install applications, customize, soft reset, hard ... ;-)

Complaint Department (useless posts,flaming, counter-flaming, and other nonsense)

In an effort to decrease what seems to be a growing number of complaints over useless, counter-productive posts (which in my humble opinion, are in and of themselves, also useless, counter-productive posts) I've started this thread.
Got a problem with a stupid, useless, thread-clogging post?
Want to flame someone endlessly for not reading the thread before posting? Or not reading the Original Post? Or asking a question that was clearly answered three posts before?
Cut and paste it, list it here and comment on it. Then if possible, PM the perceived wrongdoer and let them know. Or let them know as part of your next "useful" post by adding a short comment and a link to this thread. Take the fight or argument off-thread! That way, the complaints that you would be tempted to post in the affected thread, won't cause the very thing you're complaining about!
If anyone likes this idea, add the link to this thread in your signature...please don't PM me telling me you don't like this thread...
First Complaint
This is a waste of space.
All posts I make are a waste of space AND time.
The ironic thing is, although a majority of the posts on XDA qualify for this, watch this thread be the one that's the least commented in. Oh irony.
Oh NO!!!! It's Mr Bill!!!
All posts I make are a waste of space AND time.
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@ tnpapadakos
*sights*... how do I put this?....
There is no flaming allowed ANYWHERE in this site. Not even in Off Topic regarding to anything else. By opening this thread, you are in essence encouraging people to be rude to others, allowing them to "vent" against others. Users are not allowed to be disrespectful or flame at any time in this site. If a user does, then he/she is breaking forum rules and moderators will act accordingly. The little triangle with the exclamation sign on each post is so that anyone can let us know if any of this is going on...
I am going to close this thread simply because the only thing that you wanted this thread to do is causing users to do exactly that. They are flaming you and posting comments that serve no other purpose other than... well, flaming the OP.
If you would like to revisit this case, pm me and I will be more than happy to talk it over with the other mods. But for now...
thread closed.

TownHall Meeting - Finalized - Look @ Post 3 for Summary

The TownHall Meeting has been officially started. Here are the rules of engagement:
Ok, enough joking for now. Here are the true rules of engagement:
1. Posts that are flaming or flame bait are to be deleted, no questions asked.
2. Language to be edited on sight....
3. No banning, No infractions.
4. Moderators will act only as a mediator, so we will not be taking sides with anyone.
Welcome everyone
Please respect the rules above and I can guarantee you that by the end of the day, we will have a much happier and friendlier atmosphere in this place.
Summary of action items
This was a good meeting in General and it has covered all of the things that I had in my agenda. A few action items on our (mods) end:
1. New threads for ROM updates: Rom threads become quasi chaotic after page 100 or so. Since Chefs update most of their work often, I would suggest that chefs open a new thread for each version with a date and version number to distinguish it from the previous one (maybe even a name)
ie [ROM] 12/15/10 - Inchybrid v 1.2 - all is good now
2. Rom Review Thread: In order to minimize the clutter of the usual "what rom is best" questions, we will start a ROM thread where chefs can post a link to their roms on the first few posts and users will be able to leave reviews (not necessarily feedback), but reviews. So, when someone comes asking for the best rom, that person can be directed there.
3. Wiki update and guides (sticky): These need to be heavily updated, but will certainly be a useful tool to help people with questions.
4. Location / shape of the Report button: I will talk to the other admins and see what can be done about this one.
5. Preventing non-devs from making new threads in Dev: We are currently discussing a system for this. We will keep you posted if and when we reach a conclusion.
6. Off Topic Lounge: There will be a thread in General for you guys to blow off steam. Nothing fancy, but you can post there without having to open a new thread in OT general
Now, onto the action items results and requests from us (mods)
1. Further flaming for questions will not be tolerated. I gathered from this meeting that everyone agrees on a stance that people need not be flamed for asking anything. If there are questions in the wrong areas or simply don't feel like answering, refrain from posting and report it to us. We will move it to Q&A or General depending on the question. Building on this point, if anyone is caught flaming someone who posted in the correct section, that person will be given a vacation.
2. Rule 12 (aka Kanging): Rom chefs (no matter if they are themers or zip wizards), if they are using someone else's efforts as a base for their rom, they are to abide by Rule 12 by asking permission and posting the due credit in the opening post. Kanging will not be tolerated.
3. Donations: This was barely brushed but I feel that we reached an understanding rather quickly on this one. Chefs shall not ask for Donations to release early work.
4. Posting any kind of flaming will not be tolerated. If you feel that a post shouldn't be there, please let us know and we will take care of that.
I think this pretty much summed everything up. If I missed something, please let me know. I expect everyone to adhere to codes of conduct in this site. Thanks to all for attending.
I think the problems in the Development forums stem from a general misconception of what it means to be a "developer" and how one earns that title. Often I will hear people flame people like Team Whiskey or Master as mere "re-skinners", because the main(not all) thing that is in their changelog is mere aesthetic changes. I think the mods should post clearly that anything that involves changing the rom should be considered a type of development, even if only graphical development. This would dissolve any type of hate towards people that reskin or release graphical modifications to already existing roms.(IMHO)
Ok, since we are off to a slow start, there are a few topics that I would like to address today. The biggest one, in my book anyways, is forum conduct.
We have had numerous complains coming from the Vibrant fora from newcomers (n00bs) complaining that they cannot even dare ask anything due to fear of being flamed to smithereens. Anyone care to elaborate on this?
lralexl said:
I think the problems in the Development forums stem from a general misconception of what it means to be a "developer" and how one earns that title. Often I will hear people flame people like Team Whiskey or Master as mere "re-skinners", because the main(not all) thing that is in their changelog is mere aesthetic changes. I think the mods should post clearly that anything that involves changing the rom should be considered a type of development, even if only graphical development. This would dissolve any type of hate towards people that reskin or release graphical modifications to already existing roms.(IMHO)
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Thanks for starting things off...
So, what you are saying is that a lot of the flaming occurs due to skinners being deemed as kangers. Am I getting this right?
I'm sure there are other personal issues, but I have seen much flaming on reskinning.
lralexl said:
I'm sure there are other personal issues, but I have seen much flaming on reskinning.
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Fair enough, let me bring forth the rule that addresses this issue "Using the work of others"
12. Using the work of others.
If you are developing something that is based on the work of another Member, you MUST first seek their permission, and you must give credit to the member whose work you used. If a dispute occurs about who developed / created a piece of work, first try to settle the matter by private message and NOT in open forum. If this fails then you may contact a moderator with clear evidence that the work was created by you.
Convincing evidence will result in copied work being removed. If there is no clear evidence you created the work then in the spirit of sharing all work will remain posted on the forums.
These rules apply to all software posted on XDA unless that software comes with a license that waives these rules.
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In essence skinning is ok so as long as the member seeks permission from the original dev. It looks like the biggest problem is either a misunderstanding about this rule or lack of knowledge about its existence by both accusing party and "guilty/innocent" party. As a general rule of thumb, if you are making a rom that is based on someone else's work:
* Ask for permission
* Give credit where its due
Simple as that.
Interesting point...
From my experience on hero, people tend to post a theme pack for a ROM. For example, a few regular users port the same few themes into each new ROM I make, and release an add-on patch for it.
They don't go and release it as a separate ROM, but if they did, I have no doubt they would ask me about it first, and I would say sure, but with the caveat that we don't want it to happen too often... What would people think if we had one ROM that is tweaked theme-wise a few times and re-posted as separate ROMs?
There's no "right" answer, but provided people ask the original developers, and give credit per rule 12, then there is no issue with the rules there, so users would be allowed to.
Whether or not it is a "ROM" is up to individual perspectives then.
egzthunder1 said:
Fair enough, let me bring forth the rule that addresses this issue "Using the work of others"
In essence skinning is ok so as long as the member seeks permission from the original dev.
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I don't even think its a permission issue really. I've just seen in a few threads people calling a skinner a developer, and then you'll have a flamefest erupt of people saying that skinning or winzipping isn't developing. I think this leads everyone more away from the truth that it's all contributions to the community and should be treated as such.
As far as the flaming issue goes, I think that people are too quick to respond to bait. If a post is flamebait, I wish people would just ignore it. I think that would help a lot. Maybe along with thanking there could be a voting system for unhelpful posts? I don't know.
On a different note, I think it would be useful to have a review thread for every ROM in the General forum. Constructive reviews only. This would help keep Development threads for bugfixing and dev issues instead of 8 million "what's battery life like?" User screenshots, battery life comments, general performance commentary, etc could all be in the review thread. If someone posts "omg this rom rulez" or "it sucks" they could be given a canned response to give an actual constructive review in that review thread. Just a suggestion. Thanks.
lralexl said:
I don't even think its a permission issue really. I've just seen in a few threads people calling a skinner a developer, and then you'll have a flamefest erupt of people saying that skinning or winzipping isn't developing. I think this leads everyone more away from the truth that it's all contributions to the community and should be treated as such.
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Ok, I think that we are getting closer to the heart of the matter. Conceptions of what people's role is should not be grounds for calling someone out or flaming them. The whole thing actually gets simpler from this point on.
One (implied) rule of thumb is that if the "dev" in question cannot support their release, you are more than likely dealing with a themer or a "zip wizard" and as such, you are probably better off trying to find the source of the rom and apply the theme/fix as a separate add-on.
Keslynn said:
As far as the flaming issue goes, I think that people are too quick to respond to bait. If a post is flamebait, I wish people would just ignore it. I think that would help a lot. Maybe along with thanking there could be a voting system for unhelpful posts? I don't know.
On a different note, I think it would be useful to have a review thread for every ROM in the General forum. Constructive reviews only. This would help keep Development threads for bugfixing and dev issues instead of 8 million "what's battery life like?" User screenshots, battery life comments, general performance commentary, etc could all be in the review thread. If someone posts "omg this rom rulez" or "it sucks" they could be given a canned response to give an actual constructive review in that review thread. Just a suggestion. Thanks.
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It may be a bit of added work, but the Rom review thread is not a bad idea. Just keep it clean from clutter and you have a very good tool to prevent new threads of "What is the best rom?" kind from erupting... I like that!
When it comes from flaming, some people will just put out flame bait for the hell of it. What I need, or at least I would like to see, is for everyone to stick to code of conduct and either ignore it, report it, or else, just not add to the fire.
First, we do recognize that we have a problem. We know this because 1) developers are leaving and forming their own sites because they don't like some of the things going on here. And 2) newer people are afraid to post here. Instead, they go to other forums and ask questions and state that they are afraid to post here. Both of these are big problems for the health of the site.
So, we look at the root causes. Most of them stem from 1) a lack of courtesy or 2) a lack of proper conduct. But I think the problems start with:
1. The Samsung Vibrant's stock software is not up to par due to some poor performing components, such as the GPS.
2. Samsung and T-Mobile have failed to communicate with their community.
3. Many people have come to sites like XDA for help.
What this means is that we have a lot of people in the Development forum who really aren't developers. But, they are here because they want help making their Vibrants perform better. That's not an excuse. I'm just saying that we probably have a lot of people in the Developer section who probably should be in QA or General section.
I think we would do well to:
1. Create a NooB forum, or emphasize the General forum as the place to be.
2. Post all new released ROMs in its own forum (not General, but "ROMS" or "Releases") That way people can go there for ROMS and for SUPPORT.
3. I would hope that this would enable the development forum to get back to being one were developers (or people who are interested in developing) could hang out.
Lastly, there are just some people who are like to cause trouble or are overly sensitive. I'm not sure what to do with them. But if they can't play nice, probably the first thing is to "parent" them and see if they can play nice. If that doesn't work, then it is time for a "timeout", or a temporary or permanent ban.
Lastly, while I appreciate the TownHall meeting, let's not lose site of the good things happening here. I would say that the majority of people are following the rules and making meaningful contributions. But if just 10% of the people do bad things, it colors the entire community.
The Vibrant subforums have seemed to be more Wild West than anything. I feel there should be a better mod presence. Don't get me wrong, I know exactly how difficult it is to do all the moderating, especially given how much of it is behind the scenes, but I feel that there is still some regulation lacking. We need to see more people get warned within threads that get out of hand, and frankly, some banning might get the message across that XDA is going to stop taking this crap from people. This board has gotten ridiculous w/ the flaming and incessant bs. Moderation can only go so much, since it's really up to the posting base to change their ways and be more respectful towards one another in order to truly make a long-term difference, but in the short-term we need some better, more aggresive moderation since changing peoples' posting habits will not be a quick thing to happen.
Proud to be a noob
I think there does seem to be a general consensus around us "noobs" about our failure to use the "search" function in a thread that has over 600 + pages of posts. God knows I would love to just flash a ROM and read basic information or FAQ's from the developer (the one individual who SHOULD know more about their own product than anyone) if I have questions, but when you have over 200 posts about how much others love/hate the ROM/developer or personal rants or recommendations/requests for the ROM they have had no part in developing, it does make it difficult to filter out the answer to the force close issue I am experiencing (for example). Then the flame wars begin! How DARE I ask that question since it was answered previously 42 pages back with a link to another developers thread, posted on page 418 of their 700 page get the hint. Finding basic answers to questions is challenging at best, and most newcomers end up getting ridiculed to the point of not wanting to have any further part, or end up flaming right back. Newsflash : just because you have flashed every possible combination of ROM/kernel/modem, does in no way make you an expert. Leave that to the people that make the ROM. Replies should be streamlined to relevant information allowed only, or force a PM if you want to discuss something irrelevant or bash a newcomer if it makes you feel better.
Keslynn said:
As far as the flaming issue goes, I think that people are too quick to respond to bait. If a post is flamebait, I wish people would just ignore it. I think that would help a lot. Maybe along with thanking there could be a voting system for unhelpful posts? I don't know.
On a different note, I think it would be useful to have a review thread for every ROM in the General forum. Constructive reviews only. This would help keep Development threads for bugfixing and dev issues instead of 8 million "what's battery life like?" User screenshots, battery life comments, general performance commentary, etc could all be in the review thread. If someone posts "omg this rom rulez" or "it sucks" they could be given a canned response to give an actual constructive review in that review thread. Just a suggestion. Thanks.
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I was think about that the other day...that's a good idea and that way the develoment forum will be kept clean.
lralexl said:
I'm sure there are other personal issues, but I have seen much flaming on reskinning.
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Are you able to comment on the personal issues or are you simply surmising?
egzthunder1 said:
Ok, I think that we are getting closer to the heart of the matter. Conceptions of what people's role is should not be grounds for calling someone out or flaming them. The whole thing actually gets simpler from this point on.
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To expand on this point, I've noticed people flaming over pretty much any definition. Someone posts that they're disappointed by GPS performance or screen burn in, and they get an argument over what constitutes a "feature" of the phone and told that their concern is not important. People forget that what might not be important to them may be a dealbreaker for someone else.
egzthunder1 said:
Ok, since we are off to a slow start, there are a few topics that I would like to address today. The biggest one, in my book anyways, is forum conduct.
We have had numerous complains coming from the Vibrant fora from newcomers (n00bs) complaining that they cannot even dare ask anything due to fear of being flamed to smithereens. Anyone care to elaborate on this?
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Since that's where I spend most of my time I can say for certain that this is true. I think there's a lot of younger kids in the vibrant forum who like picking fights and just generally being less than friendly. It seems like the answer to most questions asked is go search for it yourself. The information is readily available most of the time if theyd just look, but there's no reason to be rude about it.
With that said, I think since the thanks button has been added its made for a better atmosphere--so far. Definitely a welcome addition that will hopefully keep things civil.

A Friendly Reminder From The Mods Regarding Newcomers and Threads in OT

Hello Everybody,
We would like to remind everyone in this forum that even though this is the off topic section and we like to have fun and joke around, that the forum rules still apply here. As of late there has been a lot of "trolling" of new members, or newcomers to OT, and especially new threads posted here in the off topic section. This is something that needs to stop. Here at XDA we are an open forum and any member is more than welcome to post where they choose to (assuming of course that they aren't spamming up a dev thread with questions etc etc). As with any forum if you see a thread that needs to be closed use the report button. Also, as with any other forum unless you have something to contribute to the topic of the thread in a friendly way please do not post in that thread. As cliche as this sounds it remains true. "If you have nothing nice to say it is wise to say nothing at all."
What may seem as a harmless joke to you may come off as rude or offensive to a member that doesn't know you or understand the fact that you mean what you say as joke and nothing more. If you want to "troll" stick to joking around with your friends that way no one mis-interprets your posts as an attack on them personally. Members of XDA deserve to have peace of mind when posting in OT and at the moment they do not have that luxury. Violators of this rule will be considered spamming and your posts will be deleted without any prior notice. Repeat offenders will be dealt with according to XDA rules.
To give you some recent examples of why were are saying this please look at the threads linked below
[Q] Chair Type
The Longest Sentence
How Do You Shave Your Legs
iOS7 Discussion
Girls on Xda
The last one was by far the worst!
I know this seems like we may be picking on you but please understand this is not the case. This is the type of behavior we expect from each and every member on XDA no matter the forum. To all members who do choose to violate this rule, if we have to, the moderation team will hand down official warnings and infractions or even bans if necessary. Remember this is the last thing we want to do. We only want anyone and everyone that wants to join in on the fun of the Off Topic section to get their chance to do so without feeling like they are not welcomed in the section. Here at XDA we are all one big family so lets act like it.:angel:
So lets sum this up for everyone. These are not suggestions but these are the rules here on XDA!!!
No more "IBTL" posts.... instead please use the report button. That is what it is for
No more "GTFO NOOB" posts... if you ignore them they will leave you in peace.
This is a public forum and therefore all threads are public too. You may not decide who can post in a given thread, if you want a private members club start a social group.
No more spamming/trolling new threads! Only post if you have something to contribute to the topic. Anyone who wants a chance at having a thread in OT deserves a chance to have one of their own and its not up to you all to decide what stays and what goes :highfive:
Cheers Mates :victory:
The Moderation Team
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Thanks, the trolls in the bad threads are worse than the thread itself, imo
Ahh Alright... BTW why isn't this thread locked ?
EDIT While you guys are here, could you basically define Off Topic? I mean, we have something completely off topic and that's in no way related to XDA and there is some "off topic" that somewhat related, like tech stuff. Currently there is a bit of confusion over this that brings a lot "spam" over here.
ak700 said:
Ahh Alright... BTW why isn't this thread locked ?
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Because there are undoubtedly going to be some questions about this and a little discussion (serious discussion mind you) goes a long way.
This is all really silly.
I actually saw the iOS7 thread from your link and wow, I would've loved to just discuss the operating system without anyone saying "Apple sucks Android 5ever hahahaha if you think iOS is worth talking about you're wrong omg!"
Because while I like to be silly (and poke fun at apple) at the appropriate times, I also like to have deep and meaningful conversations about electronics and whatnot without having a fanboy come up and start a pointless argument.
and some people (no one in specific) need to cut their... stuff they're doing with the "Inb4 lock" and whatnot. It doesn't add to the conversation, it doesn't help the OP if the OP is asking a question, and it basically does nothing productive. If you think a thread should be locked/is spam, report it and move on.
estabien said:
This is all really silly.
I actually saw the iOS7 thread from your link and wow, I would've loved to just discuss the operating system without anyone saying "Apple sucks Android 5ever hahahaha if you think iOS is worth talking about you're wrong omg!"
Because while I like to be silly (and poke fun at apple) at the appropriate times, I also like to have deep and meaningful conversations about electronics and whatnot without having a fanboy come up and start a pointless argument.
and some people (no one in specific) need to cut their... stuff they're doing with the "Inb4 lock" and whatnot. It doesn't add to the conversation, it doesn't help the OP if the OP is asking a question, and it basically does nothing productive. If you think a thread should be locked/is spam, report it and move on.
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THIS. Summed up my though process whenever I see a thread "trolled'
ak700 said:
EDIT While you guys are here, could you basically define Off Topic? I mean, we have something completely off topic and that's in no way related to XDA and there is some "off topic" that somewhat related, like tech stuff. Currently there is a bit of confusion over this that brings a lot "spam" over here.
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Anything not related to the devices or development for them. This however is not the appropriate time for a "what is OT?" discussion or "My (insert device here) off topic thread relates to the device and should be moved back to that forum" discussion.
This is about making sure that the off topic forum is accessible to all without being needlessly trolled or made to feel in any way unwelcome.
Hmm okay Points noted :good::good: (No sarcasm)
That means no more Lulz?
Seraz007 said:
Hmm okay Points noted :good::good: (No sarcasm)
That means no more Lulz?
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Not true at all. No one wants to take the fun away. We just ask that you respect the rules and don't have your fun at the expense of others or their threads
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
mark manning said:
Not true at all. No one wants to take the fun away. We just ask that you respect the rules and don't have your fun at the expense of others or their threads
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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umm okay then...:good:
Ironically ibtl posts were always a no no afair. Thanks for reclarifying this issue.
This is a good thread. I can see some thinking this sucks but when mods post threads like this it actually shows they care about their site. I could mention a few other forums where they don't.
Nice write up.
sent from my T.A.R.T.I.S
(Time And Relative Tarts In Space)
Certainly excellent points. It's gotten a little out of hand lately. Admittedly the amount of new users who can't bloody read has also gotten out of hand. (Which makes me wonder, isn't it possible to simply disable the posting permissions for <10 posts users in OT (and General)? That way they can still read, just not post. Would save us all a lot of time, irritation and trouble, not to mention the mods a lot of work of both deleting the posts and keeping everyone else from trolling.)
The problem is that most people seem to be somewhat confused as to the difference between 'fun' and 'trolling'. And there's also a difference between clever/funny trolling (which even the mods do from time to time), and outright offensive trolling so obvious even my sociopathic brain finds it pathetic...
You can be clever without being a total arse. (Yes, I know, being nice isn't my speciality either.) Nobody said we can't have fun. But bullying the new kids is exactly the behavior we all hated to have directed towards us in school.
But the Girls on XDA thread wasn't that bad before it was moved to off topic. After the move there were more deleted posts than remaining posts xD
ShadowLea said:
Certainly excellent points. It's gotten a little out of hand lately. Admittedly the amount of new users who can't bloody read has also gotten out of hand. (Which makes me wonder, isn't it possible to simply disable the posting permissions for <10 posts users in OT (and General)? That way they can still read, just not post. Would save us all a lot of time, irritation and trouble, not to mention the mods a lot of work of both deleting the posts and keeping everyone else from trolling.)
The problem is that most people seem to be somewhat confused as to the difference between 'fun' and 'trolling'. And there's also a difference between clever/funny trolling (which even the mods do from time to time), and outright offensive trolling so obvious even my sociopathic brain finds it pathetic...
You can be clever without being a total arse. (Yes, I know, being nice isn't my speciality either.) Nobody said we can't have fun. But bullying the new kids is exactly the behavior we all hated to have directed towards us in school.
But the Girls on XDA thread wasn't that bad before it was moved to off topic. After the move there were more deleted posts than remaining posts xD
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With regards to the 10 post rule, I'd like to make this clear as it seems that it really isn't. There is no rule stating that you can't get your first 10 posts in the Off-topic forum. There's obviously a rule about spamming, and that applies here as well. So, someone posting "Hi" 10 times in the "Say Hi" thread is spamming, but someone posting in there to say hello and then engaging in conversation in other threads is not. I really don't know why there's such a beef about new people posting in OT, other than people misunderstanding the request made a while back to not spam.
Now that's out in public I shall rest
And with regards to the girls' thread, it's that exact type of thread that we're trying to help here, hence it being mentioned in the first post. Sometimes trolling is funny, yeah, but sometimes it's just disrespectful, and that's what I personally dislike seeing.
**** just got real, Offtopic just got more serious. This is like moving from the Attitude era to the PG13 era :silly:
Just want to throw my tuppence in this here hat.
I agree with most of what has been said in the op and other comments. @ShadowLea comment about people not reading is true enough, as moderators how many times have you locked a thread someone has opened to post a video, or a picture etc? Only for them to open yet another thread to say 'WTF'? Ok so a lot of us plow in and spam the thread, this is done because most of the time an existing thread that has been going for a long time is only a couple of lines away. It's our way of reminding people that just because this is ot doesn't mean the search button was left at the door.
People with less than ten posts do get a raw deal in ot i admit, since I've been registered with xda the the ten posts issue has always been present as an understanding that users try to make 10 useful posts. People that make their all of their first ten posts inside of ot cannot be deemed to have made 10 useful posts. Ten posts isn't hard, even if it's in the form of a question. The answers to a simple question can be useful for someone with the same issue, using search.
A lot of the more respected and older OT regulars come here to chat with like minded people away from the constant barrage of pm's and questions from new users in their device threads, i actually have a lot of respect for quite a few people in here for maintaining as much calm as they do. Recently I've noticed that there has been a lot of posts that even by my "low" standards has gone way over what is acceptable, this really does have to stop. Users here are getting younger and younger, we tend to forget this because all we see is the avatar and words on a screen.
Imma gonna stop there as even i feel that im waffling about this again ( :thumbup take what points you want from the above, it's just my opinions nothing more.
Never interrupt me when I'm eating a banana.
Ryan Stiles
jugg1es said:
Just want to throw my tuppence in this here hat.
I agree with most of what has been said in the op and other comments. @ShadowLea comment about people not reading is true enough, as moderators how many times have you locked a thread someone has opened to post a video, or a picture etc? Only for them to open yet another thread to say 'WTF'? Ok so a lot of us plow in and spam the thread, this is done because most of the time an existing thread that has been going for a long time is only a couple of lines away. It's our way of reminding people that just because this is ot doesn't mean the search button was left at the door.
People with less than ten posts do get a raw deal in ot i admit, since I've been registered with xda the the ten posts issue has always been present as an understanding that users try to make 10 useful posts. People that make their all of their first ten posts inside of ot cannot be deemed to have made 10 useful posts. Ten posts isn't hard, even if it's in the form of a question. The answers to a simple question can be useful for someone with the same issue, using search.
A lot of the more respected and older OT regulars come here to chat with like minded people away from the constant barrage of pm's and questions from new users in their device threads, i actually have a lot of respect for quite a few people in here for maintaining as much calm as they do. Recently I've noticed that there has been a lot of posts that even by my "low" standards has gone way over what is acceptable, this really does have to stop. Users here are getting younger and younger, we tend to forget this because all we see is the avatar and words on a screen.
Imma gonna stop there as even i feel that im waffling about this again ( :thumbup take what points you want from the above, it's just my opinions nothing more.
Never interrupt me when I'm eating a banana.
Ryan Stiles
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Second that to the very last full stop.
Good description of what is happening atm, but what exactly would you like to happen?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
undercover said:
Second that to the very last full stop.
Good description of what is happening atm, but what exactly would you like to happen?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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I haven't thought that far too be honest, i read the posts and just started waffling which generally means i have more than a passing interest in saying what I'm thinking.
Never interrupt me when I'm eating a banana.
Ryan Stiles
jugg1es said:
I haven't thought that far too be honest, i read the posts and just started waffling which generally means i have more than a passing interest in saying what I'm thinking.
Never interrupt me when I'm eating a banana.
Ryan Stiles
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Gotcha. I'll be eagerly waiting for more. :thumbup:
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Archer said:
With regards to the 10 post rule, I'd like to make this clear as it seems that it really isn't. There is no rule stating that you can't get your first 10 posts in the Off-topic forum. There's obviously a rule about spamming, and that applies here as well. So, someone posting "Hi" 10 times in the "Say Hi" thread is spamming, but someone posting in there to say hello and then engaging in conversation in other threads is not. I really don't know why there's such a beef about new people posting in OT, other than people misunderstanding the request made a while back to not spam.
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Some of my first 10 posts were probably in Off Topic, and they probably weren't all useful. But they never consisted of simply "Lol" or "I agree" or "Hi!" or "Hahaha". Or worse, as @jugg1es says, threads about 'see this picture' or 'look at this video'. Especially when the destined thread for it is on the bloody first page!.
Those are the issue. If someone makes a decent contribution, they're not doing anything wrong, and they don't get trolled. (much.).
It's not the best solution, and I doubt it's even good idea, but this is exactly why many forums have an age minimum. (I believe we have some seriously good developers that are under 15, though. They are the exceptions that prove the rule.)
It doesn't matter how many rules or threads about rules we have. Fact is that only about 2% of new users actually reads the rules, even if you wave it in their faces. Hell, even if you made it a "must scroll to the end to select yes" thing some EULA's have, they'd still just scroll and ignore it.
The only people who really know the rules are those of us who point them out to the people that break them.
I couldn't agree more with a lot of the points being raised here. Even though I haven't been a regular in this forum for a while now, the issue which this thread refers to was an issue then and probably ever since the Off-Topic forum was even created. As I haven't been around here recently, I can't really say whether this issue has gotten worse recently (although I guess it must've done to require a thread such as this to be needed) but, as we're all aware, most of the time it hasn't really been a bad thing and has simply been a bit of harmless trolling.
The point ShadowLea made above about people not reading the rules is, again, something we're all more than aware of and blindingly obvious that it's the main reason why any ideas such as this, however good they look "on paper", will only do so much. The only true solution, that I can think of, would be changes to the actual sign up process.
I haven't really got the ideas on such changes or even if they'd be made but I see it as the only way to stop such problems from manifesting like they have.
Sent from my HTC One via Tapatalk 4

[Q] How to report an abuse?

I've had a very bad experience at XDA because i've unfortunately come across a developer who has humiliated me to the extent that now i'm hesitating to post any query in the respective forum. I want to report the situation but am not able to find a proper medium. Can anyone make me aware of the proper channel in order to seek help?
I always feel watched and ready to be abused all the time since my time here because of that person. I cannot live with fear, i need to find a solution to it.
Best regards.
I have been humiliated to the extent that not i'm hesitant to post regarding my query because of a developer who intimidates me, provides discomfort to me and leads to my depression.
The developer challenged me and ordered all the members to not help me because he thinks of himself that highly. This is so disgusting and insulting for me to bear. He called upon all the members to not co-operate with me! As if he owns the whole place.
He has talked very rudely to me and now i fear doing any activity on XDA since his intimidating posts can hit me any time and any where.
On top of that the moderator has cleaned the thread and has not done any justice. The developer abused me and robbed me of my rights in the community and the moderator has done nothing. I will not be silent on this issue.
I will stop only when my grievance would be heard and appropriate action will be taken.
Someone from the X+ forum just pointed me here and knew you were on about me, I'll tell you how to deal with my "abuse"
@Judge Joseph Dredd
because I'm an RC
Because I'm an RD
take your complaint to them
Can we cease this pointless discussion and move on? While I understand your concerns, bringing them in public should not take place. We have reports, private messages etc. to deal with such things.
I know that some people are more fragile than the others, but come on... It has been already dealt with by one of moderators.
Thread closed.

