Android OS uses an incredible amount of data in a short time - Nexus 6 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello guys
I recently upgraded my monthly available data. Got in to a deal, was 5$ for an extra Gb. Now that I have two, I still felt like it wasn't enough for my usage. My cycle restarted today and i busted my 2 gb. I looked in the usage and noticed that the "Android OS" used 800mb of my data. That's a lot of data that I don't actually "use".
This screenshot was taken one week ago. Since I noticed Android OS used that much data, i tried many things to stop it. As you can notice on the screenshot, data saver is ON, its always ON.
I tried some kind of firewalls. Looked like i was able to block different apps from using data, but it didn't seemed to work well, so I uninstalled. Later during the day, when i was in the train and had left work, I noticed Android OS used up to 840 mb of data. 40mb/day is a lot more than my normal usage. All of this, in less than an hour, makes no sense.
I was on Android N beta, developper preview 4, and because of this data usage going crazy, I rolledback to MM and required to wipe the device at the same time, so i am now on a fresh device.
The day I wiped my device, Wednesday last week, I was at work for the whole day, connected on wifi, reinstalled a few apps.
I turned OFF completely the data during the weekend, because I wasn't in town, and I had no cellular network connection there, so no data usage.
Today was a "normal" day in terms of my usage. But still not for Android OS. LTE was turned off uring the whole day, except when I was in transit. Android OS still managed to use 3mb. I took two screenshots, showing how much data is used by this, and here they are.
Notice, I took them with 3 minutes in between. The used data keeps going up, 0,05mb. Doesnt looks like a lot, but at the end of a month, makes a huge difference.
Since then, i keep turning off my data connection when i am on wi-fi and i try to keep it closed as much a possible. I compared the amount of data used by this "app" on data versus on Wi-fi and the quantities are close to each other.
I would say i am connected on wi-fi 90% of the time, and the other 10% on my data connection. This ratio isn't reflected on this data usage of Android OS
I already tried restricting everything, blocking sync of Google account, Google Photos backup, Google Play Store Updates, stopped the bugs and issues reporting, data saver on Android N I think I blocked everything that could potentially use data.
I discussed with an other guy on Reddit with the same issue, he wiped his phone too, booted in safemode, and there too, approximately 1mb/hour of data usage.
This problem is getting very frustrating, i pay for data that I don't actually use for what it should be used. I also feel like I am loosing control over my device, or like my device is controlling me.
I am open to any fix suggestion, even though I probably already tried it. I have really no idea what to do next, I really love this phone for the big display and good functionalities, but this is getting so annoying.
Since I am a new user on XDA, I cant post links for pictures, kind of a bummer, but i hope you get the problem. If you really want to see the screenshots, I will keep them and I have no problem transfering them to you via an other platform. Thanks for understanding
Thanks a lot for your help guys!

I'm not exactly sure (since I've never tried N developer preview) but that 800mb is around the size of an OTA. Again if it were an OTA you would have to have had a version of N that was a bit older to warrant this and when you went back to MM the same thing- having a slightly older build... so just an idea. Otherwise as far as things you haven't mentioned- have you turned off, in the playstore app, the "automatically update apps" and all that? I'm not sure how effective you applications for blocking are(if I even saw that or if you even use such a thing for data). Updating apps doesn't fall in the category of sync either. Updating app also is under google play store services so just an idea, because I know you said Android OS. On avg my android OS is only about 1mb per month so that is shockingly high for you.

That's got to be OTAs or something like that.
For me, Android OS is using 10-20 MB/month.
Also be careful with your character CASE. mb/MB/mB/Mb are NOT the same thing. Big "B" is for Bytes, little "b" is for bits, there are EIGHT bits in a byte, so 1B = 8b. "m" is for "milli", which is one onethousandth (0.001x) of the base unit, since the base unit is a bit, which is indivisible, this is something completely absurd, like dividing by zero. "M" is for "Mega", which is 1000000 times the base unit.


ok so i could use some help... please...

alright it is with great pain that i am writing this, but i really need some help here. for months i've read the forums, searched for answers, asked little individual questions, IMed with people directly for help... and i'm still having trouble.
i rooted my T-Mobile G1 all the way back when cupcake first came out. everything was great. life was grand. everything ruled. i was a happy android fanboy, talking friends into switching to android, talking crap about iphones... the works... but slowly things started getting slower and slower and slower...
the obvious thing was to wipe and reflash. i was constantly just updating to newer cyanogen roms at that point without wiping. so i wiped to the newest cyanogen at the time (can't remember at this point, but just picture it was like a couple months after cupcake). so things were good again for a little bit, but then it started slowing down again, getting FC's, etc. so a friend recommended i switch to superD... i did, and again, everything was great for a while. i consistently upgraded superD roms (sometimes wiping in between sometimes not). eventually i got to the point where i was on the most recent superD release. it lasted about a day before things started slowing down. examples include when i hit home to exit an application and go to the home screen, the whole screen would either turn black or just show my wallpaper for a good 5 seconds before my home screen would appear, or opening the browser would take like 10 seconds. lots of slow down.
so with the help of a friend i decided to completely wipe and reformat/repartition my sd card. i bought titanium backup but i didn't even bother with it, i said to myself, look, you barely use any of the stuff you have right now, how about just start fresh and reinstall things as you need them manually. so i formatted, repartitioned (using amon Ra's recovery, using the menu option that helps you do it automatically). i made sure i had the most recent radio and spl (this was just a couple months ago), and reflashed the most recent superD (i think its 1.11 if i remember correctly)... again, maybe one day of good performance before everything slowed down. this was also about the time when my battery life started becoming an issue. i'm not exaggerating when i say i couldn't make it home without breaking under 20% battery by the end of the day... and i really don't use my phone THAT much. i'd say i'm a little above average on my usage. i'll get into my widgets and apps in a second, but i really don't use that much stuff...
SO... continuing my story (thanks for sticking with me if you're still reading...). when cyanogens 2.1 for the g1 rom came out (5.0.8d/s) i decided it was time for a change. i reformatted AGAIN, repartioned AGAIN, and flashed 5.0.8. basically, i've got the same story going on. slowdowns, poor battery life, etc.
so here i am with my cyanogen 5.0.8 flashed g1. let me tell you about apps and widgets and stuff. right now i have a regular wallpaper (not live), 14 icons between my 5 screens and just the google search and power management widgets. i used to have calwidget, the genie widget (both news and weather), and the setcpu widgets too, but i decided to take them off to see if it would help with performance. zero help. apps that i either know for sure are always running or i think may have some impact are twidroyd, newsrob, craigsnotif (craigslist notifier), and dealdroid. i don't think any other apps are running and/or do automatic updates for content and stuff like that.
i also use cachemate (purchased) regularly to clear my caches. apps2sd is enabled.
i'm not sure what other information you'd need to help me out, but just let me know and i'll try to give you more details.
right now, i've got slow down like almost all the time. things are constantly pausing, slowing down. i feel like i'm back on my t-mobile mda with winmo5 haha. and forget about it with the battery. i left the house with 90% battery this morning. i went to the gym. went home. picked up lunch. came to work. its been like 4 hours. i currently have 19% battery. all i've done is make 2 phone calls, about a dozen text messages and i've sent 2 tweets (about my battery problem haha). i also used google maps once to look up a number. my wifi and gps is off.
so there we go. really guys, please please please. help me out if you can. any help would be appreciated. i'm so sick of this. and i'm stuck in contract until july 2011. so i'm not getting a new phone any time soon. i gotta figure this thing out.
i really appreciate your help.
OH... and PS... forgot to mention that I just got a new battery this week thinking maybe the battery was just getting old and bad. obviously, no such luck.
I had the same issues till I flashed a SuperD, then everything was fine. I just recently flashed the Froyo from Cyanogen and its like it fixed everything and I'm on a brand new device (knock on wood)!
How old is your G1? Do we know if there are issues with the first run out of the factory? Is that even an issue?
i got the g1 last july. so it was already out for a while at that point. it was new from a store though. i suppose there could be something actually wrong with the phone itself, but i don't know. i was thinking of trying the cyanogen froyo but because its not a stable release yet i figured it would be just this bad or worse...
I promise cm5.0.8 has wonderful battery life when no custom apps are installed and not on any network..
so the question is what is your phone doing, and ought it be doing what it is doing.
There are some nice built in tools for this
Applications->running services
Applications -> manage applications (check out the filter in the menu from that screen)
You may be surprised by the apps the think they need to constantly have a service running for some painful trivial job the android API has better interfaces for.. if in addition to that you don't need the app uninstall it.
Otherwise experiment with comp cache and lock launcher in memory.
another example, as i was reading this i was on the phone and i just finished the call and hung up, and i was previously in text messages, it took 12 seconds for my text messages to come up. thats just insane...
as for running services:
- GTalkService <--- I use GTalk all the time
- GenieRefresh Service (Restarting) <--- weird considering I disabled this widget, although I'd LIKE to have it back
- Maps FriendsAppWidgetUpdater (Restarting) <--- never used this in my life
- NewsRob UnreadWidgetProvidor (Restarting) <--- never used the widget before (as a matter of fact, you have to pay to use the widget and i have the free version... weird)
-Twidroyd Background Service <--- understandable, I use this constantly
- AKNotepad Snaptic Update (Restarting) <---- umm... I use this all the time but I don't know why a notepad program would need an updater service running... interesting...
- Swype <---- gotta have that
- CM Updater (Restarting) <--- Don't really think that needs to be on all the time. Can easily manually refresh that...
So that's it. I didn't realize this was included now. Very cool. On older roms I had to use task managers which don't seem to really work. I'm going to stop everything except twidroyd, gtalk and swype right now and see how that does... at the bottom it says Avail: 3.2MB+0.00B in 0 ... Other: 55MB in 4 ... While typing that the Maps FriendsAppWidget just popped back up... I'm gonna see if theres a setting...
In the meantime, does any of this give you any ideas? thank you so much for the advice. Also what does (Restarting) mean?
ezterry said:
Otherwise experiment with comp cache and lock launcher in memory.
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oh and i have compcache not checked and launcher in memory IS checked... i just tried turning on the compcache option... lets see how that goes...
ok so...
now that i know about those things that were running, i stopped all the ones i don't need, and also went into the apps to see if there was any options for turning off automatic updates, background syncing, etc etc for those things... i'm gonna charge my phone while getting ready to go out and then we'll see how it goes throughout the evening. lets see if i make it home with more than 20% battery left (i'll be gone for like 5 hours). if so then we're on to something here still i find it weird that i can't have a few widgets loaded. but whatever, i'll take a smoothly running phone that lasts all day and i just have to click on icons to get to stuff any day... thanks for the help, i'll let you know how its going tomorrow.
the next day
ok so i tried the compcache and keep launcher in memory options last night, messing with both settings. i found that every possible combination became very unstable other than the one i already had (which was compcache off and launcher in memory on). after trying to shut excessive running services like i mentioned yesterday, and also restarting the phone and then shutting them again, i got NO difference in performance OR battery life...
so back to square one... any ideas guys?
thanks so much for any help you can give me. i really really appreciate it.
polarbearmc said:
ok so i tried the compcache and keep launcher in memory options last night, messing with both settings. i found that every possible combination became very unstable other than the one i already had (which was compcache off and launcher in memory on). after trying to shut excessive running services like i mentioned yesterday, and also restarting the phone and then shutting them again, i got NO difference in performance OR battery life...
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Um... The compcache instability scares me a bit
Compcache has had issues (maybe still does) where the first time you enable it the phone crashes.. but then works fine with Compcache on reboot. Otherwise it really ought no make the phone unstable. (it may or may not speed things up depending on how memory is being used.. usually however it allows 12MB of memory that is rarely used to be compressed, allowing a little more active memory to be utilized) You may want to look into wiping dalvik-cache both on the internal memory and SD card:
Enter console and run (this will restart the phone)
rm -rf /data/dalvik-cache/*
rm -rf /cache/dalvik-cache/*
rm -rf /sd-ext/dalvik-cache/*
if you get an error about no files found thats not an issue; but other errors may indicate a problem.
This may help system stability (with or without compcache) .. but won't do anything about the battery life (nor speed unless something was seriously wrong)
Unfortunately you will either need to erase all your apps and just run stock CM5 [maybe slowly restore your apps you really need] -- OR -- be very patient and debug whatever application(s) are causing issues on your phone (and maybe complain to the dev for failing to read/understand google's documentation on how to write android applications.. not that some of the google apps haven't quite figured that out until recently)
Thus again the main question is what is running on your phone.. The places I mentioned before allow you to see the services (most of which usually restart if you run the related application again) but not strictly all the details to look for.
Example 1 An widget service is likely holding onto memory starving timer services (those not listed) and swapping out other services (phone/launcher making everything feel slow) At the same time the widget is not very active usually and may not connect to the internet at all; thus may not reduce battery life.
Example 2 An IM client on the other hand may requires a service to keep TCP/IP connections alive, and if not coded properly may be very persistent and cause a slow continual stream of data from your phone requiring a large amount of power to keep the phone on 2G/Edge.
Example 3 A Task killer an kill tasks that re-spawn, or kill a task in use if it doesn't know better causing things to behave in strange ways.. so can killing services/applications from the setting screens btw.. but at least that is a one off by user decision not a automatic operation in the background. Tasks when re-spawned may require more data from the internet thus more power to 2G/Edge
User: Then the one that causes me the most problems: A user that keeps the phone in his/her pocket rather than surfing the web, checking XDA, or continuously checking the battery level is using the device less thus will have longer battery life. (careful to not fall into this trap)
Other Ideas:
SetCPU: set the sleep CPU low in profiles (sleep for me is 245/160)[/*]
Verify End action: Settings->End Button Behavior->Go to sleep[/*]
Set longer periods between polls in applications that poll the net (example twitter every 10 or 20mins.. not 5)[/*]
Larger net transfers on wifi if available (example tell newsrob to sync on wifi only) wifi drains the battery faster than idle, but is much cheaper if larger amounts of data are involved.[/*]
As you can see many things will impact the system. You will need to find the ones eating your battery
Another helpful screen for debugging this may be Settings->Spare Parts->Battery History and Settings->Spare Parts->Usage Statistics
I get between 4h and 12h batter life under semi-normal conditions. 4h = surfing 3g + tappatalk + games.. 12h check email/tweat if i get one.. otherwise stays in my pocket. I've seen my test phone hang out for days on a 2g network without data. (so you can always set your apn type to mms if you just need it to be a phone for many hours.. mms keeps mms support btw)
Ebuddy (and most other MSN/AIM/ect chat clients is frequently one of the biggest problems on my phone.. so if I need more battery those are the first to go.. and whomever it is can poke me on gtalk/txt/or wait
Good luck in your search.. Took me a while to make cm5 work as long as cm4.. most of it was mis-behaving apps that I either know to shut off when I need longer battery life.. or have found replacements for.. or avoid widget functionality if the widget was misconfigured. (

[Q] Massive data hit RESSOLVED

Bit of a tricky one this…
I’m on a Darky 4.1JVT Ficeto and have been for months without major issues. I’m on Vodafone UK with my Galaxy S.
My average data use per month is about 600mb, I’m not a stream addict nor a mobile YouTube user but last week at 6am on Monday my phone either up or downloaded .9Gb of data, two hours later it did it again, exactly the same amount and again in two hours. In all a bit under 3Gb in 4 hours. I was in bed at 6am and off work that day. To the best of my knowledge my phone was doing nothing other than it normally does, sit there, poll emails and ring. It’s not happened before and todate it’s happened again. Have locked the gate now after the event by using Watchdog and others 3g monitoring apps.
Has anyone else spotted a one off massive data movement?
Using Watchdog and PhoneUsage I've found that SEESMIC for Android, despite background updates not being enabled has been the cause. Today I caught it doing another 1Gb via wireless this time. Time to ask Seesmic for my bill to be paid.
adirtymonkey said:
Bit of a tricky one this…
I’m on a Darky 4.1JVT Ficeto and have been for months without major issues. I’m on Vodafone UK with my Galaxy S.
My average data use per month is about 600mb, I’m not a stream addict nor a mobile YouTube user but last week at 6am on Monday my phone either up or downloaded .9Gb of data, two hours later it did it again, exactly the same amount and again in two hours. In all a bit under 3Gb in 4 hours. I was in bed at 6am and off work that day. To the best of my knowledge my phone was doing nothing other than it normally does, sit there, poll emails and ring. It’s not happened before and todate it’s happened again. Have locked the gate now after the event by using Watchdog and others 3g monitoring apps.
Has anyone else spotted a one off massive data movement?
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What does Watchdog say about the massive data consumption? have u been able to figure out, which app is reasonable for that?
Another good app to show would be radioopt widget from the market.
If u find out, let me know...another option is, to freeze the mean app with titanium backup.
Do u use a GPS app on ur phone? May be its trying to download new maps in the background?!
Many thanks for replying, I only put Watchdog on after it happened to see if it would happen again. I've spoken to Vodafone UK but they say they cannot say where it was going to or came from. However they did say they have had an increase if unaccounted for data issues with Android & iOS.
adirtymonkey said:
Many thanks for replying, I only put Watchdog on after it happened to see if it would happen again. I've spoken to Vodafone UK but they say they cannot say where it was going to or came from. However they did say they have had an increase if unaccounted for data issues with Android & iOS.
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so u still dont know if this is a provider or an android-issue?! If this will happen again, let me know!
I recommended you the radioopt widget...this is just the developer. The one that i meant is called Traffic Monitor, which is more battery saving than Watchdog. You can find it here
Good luck!
If I helped you, hit Thanks!

My Experience with Lollipop on Nexus 7 (2012)

I've updated my Nexus 7 first-gen recently to Android 5.0 and since than have spent a good amount of time using it. I use the tablet for work and fun through out my whole day, so snappiness is a big factor for me. With the 4.4 update, the tablet just got a lot slower, sometimes I needed to wait for a few seconds before I am able to kill a task. Clearing cache didn't fix the issue.
Made me think about that 5.0 update a lot. (Note that I actively started using the tablet only a few months ago. I had it for 2 years but broke the screen 3 weeks after buying it and only now I decided to repair it.)
The 5.0 update it self took a good 45 minutes. When I loaded it up for the first time, man it was buggy, I couldn't complete a single task without it bugging out. All of the Apps and settings were there untouched. The first thing I did, was go into recovery mode and cleared the cache. Then I cleared the cache for every individual app. And that boosted the performance by 100%. Next, the animations, I cut them down to 0.5x and turned on GPU rendering (just for testing) turns out that helped out a lot. I didn't notice a difference in load times, like some articles suggested.
However there are a few quirks, the sound lags behind the slider, so if I crank up the volume to MAX it will take a moment to do so. I often found my self having to tap the apps drawer button more than once to open it. And the killing of tasks is not as easy as before, now you have to slide from one side to the other in order to kill a task you can't just kick it to the side. Also, the auto-brightness is really aggressive so I disabled that. The WiFi status, when you click on a WiFi connection seems to be broken since in portrait mode all the letters are separated, and at first I couldn't make out any of it. And the biggest downer for me is the keyboard, I think they didn't do any favors with it. I have larger thumbs and it will take some time getting used to the keyboard. These are all small things, but they affect my experience.
Now the good stuff, where do I begin? The interface, it's great I like the design and the contrasts. Performance, I guess that's the biggest question since this is not exactly cutting edge hardware. To summarize it, it's good. I haven't had any issues since I cleared the cache, apps are running as they should, games as well, multitasking is as expected, fluid. Later on I switched the animations to 1.5x and 2.5x. no issues there. Boot up times, something completely irrelevant to me, but since there are people that would like to know, it takes around 30-40 seconds to boot up. However, Chrome is still the biggest enemy. If you want something to make your tablet miserable and make you wait and get frustrated because of it's unresponsiveness, you won't need to search far, just get Chrome.
All in all, the update was a step up, and an improvement.
These were my 2 cents on the subject. Hope it was of use to someone.
thanks for the review. I also updated a few days ago when the ota came through. So far, I'm experiencing terrible lag. I don't have anything stored on the N7 and don't have many apps. There is a ton of available storage on my 32gb. I did a factory rest about 3 months ago, as I like to every now and then to give the N7 a fresh start. I think I may have to yet again and keep my fingers crossed. Unfortunately, it's unusable at this point.
My experience has been variable, but not unexpected. In the past I have had issues with installing OTAs resulting in poor performance -- sluggish response to touch, certain apps immediately displayed odd lag, etc. Going from 4.4.4 to 5.0 was no different. So, I performed a factory reset and the effects were stark. The performance is exactly where you would expect it to be for Lollipop i.e. it is smooth.
HOWEVER, all is not well. There seems to be a set of problems that I suspect is related to Lollipop utilizing the ART runtime. Certain apps, even before performing a factory reset, were really really slow when running the first time. I have experienced this before: when I tried out ART when it became available on the Galaxy Nexus. Two common apps this occurs with are Facebook and Mint. Who's to blame? The app developers? Google? Don't know but hopefully these issues get resolved soon.
alphabets said:
thanks for the review. I also updated a few days ago when the ota came through. So far, I'm experiencing terrible lag. I don't have anything stored on the N7 and don't have many apps. There is a ton of available storage on my 32gb. I did a factory rest about 3 months ago, as I like to every now and then to give the N7 a fresh start. I think I may have to yet again and keep my fingers crossed. Unfortunately, it's unusable at this point.
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Ugh, that is quite an issue. Have you tried wiping the cache? You should check your usage, you might be able to find out what's hogging your system, unless it's the OS it self.
AuroEdge said:
My experience has been variable, but not unexpected. In the past I have had issues with installing OTAs resulting in poor performance -- sluggish response to touch, certain apps immediately displayed odd lag, etc. Going from 4.4.4 to 5.0 was no different. So, I performed a factory reset and the effects were stark. The performance is exactly where you would expect it to be for Lollipop i.e. it is smooth.
HOWEVER, all is not well. There seems to be a set of problems that I suspect is related to Lollipop utilizing the ART runtime. Certain apps, even before performing a factory reset, were really really slow when running the first time. I have experienced this before: when I tried out ART when it became available on the Galaxy Nexus. Two common apps this occurs with are Facebook and Mint. Who's to blame? The app developers? Google? Don't know but hopefully these issues get resolved soon.
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I also tried out the ART on some devices, mine were not even supported. There were a lot crashes but I also noticed some performance improvements.
Does factory reset also wipe the cache?
My Lollipop experience with my 16 GB WiFi-only Grouper isn't as good as yours. First, I thought I messed something up by rooting it with NRT, but after a manual factory image (flash-all.bat failed out of the box) without root it didn't get any better.
Most time its not as responsive as my N5, I've already had 1-2 minute hangs followed by hung apps (Google Search/GNL, system in most cases) and heavy lagging under most conditions. From time to time its getting close to 75-80% of the smoothness experienced on the N5 (which has better hardware, of course).
I have no idea what went wrong, I've already enabled 2D GPU hardware acceleration, but I'll definitely wipe the cache in recovery once more - you never know...
Thanks for the extensive review - Chrome is just a pain in the a** if you don't have at least 2 GB memory available.
iolinux333 said:
Does factory reset also wipe the cache?
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I suggest wiping cache, because you get to keep your apps and settings.
DoNuT_1985 said:
My Lollipop experience with my 16 GB WiFi-only Grouper isn't as good as yours. First, I thought I messed something up by rooting it with NRT, but after a manual factory image (flash-all.bat failed out of the box) without root it didn't get any better.
Most time its not as responsive as my N5, I've already had 1-2 minute hangs followed by hung apps (Google Search/GNL, system in most cases) and heavy lagging under most conditions. From time to time its getting close to 75-80% of the smoothness experienced on the N5 (which has better hardware, of course).
I have no idea what went wrong, I've already enabled 2D GPU hardware acceleration, but I'll definitely wipe the cache in recovery once more - you never know...
Thanks for the extensive review - Chrome is just a pain in the a** if you don't have at least 2 GB memory available.
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One thing I forgot to mention is that after the cache wipe the tablet was fairly fast but I also went into Settings > Storage, and noticed I have a lot of app data which frankly shouldn't be that much. I then went and cleared cache manually on every app and as it turns out, I managed to scrape off another 1GB there. So, I'm not sure how that would affect the overhaul system performance but it sure helped me get the snappiness I have right now.
Looks like wiping the cache had an impact on performance. I wasn't able to play around much, but it definitely felt faster after first reboot.
Too bad I just noticed my user partion only had 6,x GB (8 GB image obviously) - there are so many ways you could f**k up an Android system - so I'll have to format user data once more, approximately the third or fourth time in the last week.
Sometimes I understand why people fancy those awful Apple devices, but let's hope the speed boost persists.
Go in and delete all the apps in system folder that can be installed from play store and are not needed. After installing the lollipop images you have 11mb in system which seems to be main cause of lag. I freed up like 160 mb and no lag or stuttering. Not sure why google kept things like dialer and other things unusable on the tablet in there.
Also get now launcher and delete launcher.
For even better performance get faux kernel (Set kernel up to his recommendations) and/or install aosp 5.0 F2FS with minimal 5.0 gapps.
Oh I do have a problem with WiFi being weaker on 5.0 though.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
i am getting terrible lag too. last week i updated with the OTA file. wiping the cache improved performance but only for a short time. i guess eventually if ii want the speed back on my 2012 nexus 7 i am going to have to root and go back to jellybean
KiljoyMcCoy said:
Go in and delete all the apps in system folder that can be installed from play store and are not needed. After installing the lollipop images you have 11mb in system which seems to be main cause of lag. I freed up like 160 mb and no lag or stuttering. Not sure why google kept things like dialer and other things unusable on the tablet in there.
Also get now launcher and delete launcher.
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Thanks, that sped up things significantly. It's definitely a memory problem, because event on full stock setup you're getting glances of Lollipop smoothness.
But WTH is Google delivering a potentially lagging factory image? Couldn't they just resize /system by default in order to fit in all apps nicely? Well, that's Android - if it doesn't work, you have tons of options to fix it.
After my old N7 screen broke, I got a new refurbished 16GB unit for about US$100.
Had some bootloader issue earlier while trying to flash lollipop, and had to revert back to 4.2.2. Then it got all the OTA up to lollipop, and is running really well since.
Loving it now, better than most non-lollipop newer tablets around...
Lollipop is big disappointment. I hate new notification (double swipe down to access settings)
I am back on 4.4.4 Slimkat rom with Legokernel and f2fs
now is system smooth without lags
Listening to some of the advice in this thread, I rebooted into Recovery and wiped cache (I did it 3 times, because why not, right?)
In addition, I went into the developer settings and turned OFF "Force GPU".
After doing both of those, my performance seems to have greatly improved (specifically Chrome, which was borderline unusable).
For reference, I flashed the factory image from 4.4.4, and didn't get it OTA.
DoNuT_1985 said:
Sometimes I understand why people fancy those awful Apple devices, but let's hope the speed boost persists.
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Not any more! I have three new iOS devices and things are far, far worse since iOS 8 dropped. Apple now holds the lag crown. At least with Android you can revert back to earlier versions that worked. With Apple all you can do is whimper at the master's feet.
KiljoyMcCoy said:
Go in and delete all the apps in system folder that can be installed from play store and are not needed. After installing the lollipop images you have 11mb in system which seems to be main cause of lag. I freed up like 160 mb and no lag or stuttering.
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UTTER nonsense. Stop it. System being full affects nothing; it's read-only.
Is there a way to disable the storage encryption that is enabled by default? Disabling this apparently had huge performance upgrade for the nexus 6
funtomi said:
Lollipop is big disappointment. I hate new notification (double swipe down to access settings)
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Swipe once with two fingers.
I've done cleaned every thing in this ROM, repeatedly. Hopefully CM 12 will make it work!
khaytsus said:
UTTER nonsense. Stop it. System being full affects nothing; it's read-only.
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understand what you are saying but after doing so i have no lag.
Have 2 x 2012 and both were lagging. After trying other things i deleted stuff in system and both are very smooth now. Very happy with them.
Even wiped and re installed one and just deleted stuff in system, to make sure it wasn't something else or a combo of things i did prior.

Question Mobile network usage - android systen

Just in one day, android system used 2+ gb. what is happening and how to limit this? I turned off mobile sim data for this but it gave me a warning says system needs access and still went up a few hundreds MB after that.
Which ROM are you using? Some people are reporting the CN ROM is sending quite a lot of data.
That being said this really looks big. Did you just get your phone? At the very beginning the phone does need to send & receive a fair amount of data , especially if you are reinstalling apps, syncing your data, etc...
Further clicking on that "System apps" menu will reveal a lot more information for troubleshooting.
In this way you can see if you're experiencing any abnormal behavior.
I for one have high usage on wlan as well but from the system apps i have the updater because of the... Updates of course
global rom. It's been used for a while, nothing unusual.
Clicking into system apps gives me nothing more.
linnil said:
global rom. It's been used for a while, nothing unusual.
Clicking into system apps gives me nothing more.
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Then that's really weird. Sorry I don't have much more idea at this point. (I am on a international model, global ROM and don't have this issue)

Question Sometimes apps close as soon as I open them

I bought a Samsung S23+ a week ago. I'm really like it. It's a significant improvement over my old S10.
However, sometimes when I open an app, it immediately closes. It just goes away. No error message, it just disappears. However, tapping on it again brings it up. It isn't consistent which app suddenly closes; it just does. And sometimes it's a major feature of Android, such as Messages. A few times I've tapped on Messages, it starts to come up, then closes immediately. But why does it do that? Is there anything I can do to stop it?
You do a clean load or use SmartSwitch?
Clear system cache.
blackhawk said:
You do a clean load or use SmartSwitch?
Clear system cache.
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I'm sorry, I don't follow you. What do you mean by "clean load" and what's a "SmartSwitch"? What I have done is tried to open an app, like Messages, to have the app initially open, but the immediately close. Not always and not the same app.
And how do I clear the system cache?
Rod F said:
I'm sorry, I don't follow you. What do you mean by "clean load" and what's a "SmartSwitch"? What I have done is tried to open an app, like Messages, to have the app initially open, but the immediately close. Not always and not the same app.
And how do I clear the system cache?
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I think by "clean load" he means booting up the phone and not restoring any previous backup from google or from the samsung account. Smartswitch is a samsung app that allows you to copy the data from one phone to another. It tends to cause some issues, or carry on issues from the previous smartphones.
I recently traded my N20U for a S23 and used smart switch for i didn't have all my stuff backed up. the phone was overheating and the battery was draining hella fast. I did a clean load and everything is fine; except for this problem of apps closing all of the sudden. Clean loading didn't fixed it for me.
To clear the system cache you have to enter the recovery mode by shutting down your phone and pressing power + volume up until it boots and goes into the recovery mode. From there you can delete the cache. I will try it later and report back.
Today i have received the prompt for the february update, but i am still on january patch.
guile50 said:
I think by "clean load" he means booting up the phone and not restoring any previous backup from google or from the samsung account. Smartswitch is a samsung app that allows you to copy the data from one phone to another. It tends to cause some issues, or carry on issues from the previous smartphones.
I recently traded my N20U for a S23 and used smart switch for i didn't have all my stuff backed up. the phone was overheating and the battery was draining hella fast. I did a clean load and everything is fine; except for this problem of apps closing all of the sudden. Clean loading didn't fixed it for me.
To clear the system cache you have to enter the recovery mode by shutting down your phone and pressing power + volume up until it boots and goes into the recovery mode. From there you can delete the cache. I will try it later and report back.
Today i have received the prompt for the february update, but i am still on january patch.
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Which apps are acting up?
blackhawk said:
Which apps are acting up?
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Telegram, GBwhatsapp and twitter are very frequent. Once and a while a random app crashes, but happens twice a day at most. IK GB is a modded app but it and none of the other apps displayed this behaviour on my previous phones.
guile50 said:
Telegram, GBwhatsapp and twitter are very frequent. Once and a while a random app crashes, but happens twice a day at most. IK GB is a modded app but it and none of the other apps displayed this behaviour on my previous phones.
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Ditch them; no social media or sales apps should ever be installed. Multi vector security risks and resource hogs. If you must use them login through a secure browser like Brave only. They simply aren't worth all the trouble they will cause.
Instead of Telegram try the Samsung messaging app. The Samsung app runs well for me, no issues. Not the solution you probably wanted but time to take out the trash... it's stinking up the place.
blackhawk said:
Ditch them; no social media or sales apps should ever be installed. Multi vector security risks and resource hogs. If you must use them login through a secure browser like Brave only. They simply aren't worth all the trouble they will cause.
Instead of Telegram try the Samsung messaging app. The Samsung app runs well for me, no issues. Not the solution you probably wanted but time to take out the trash... it's stinking up the place.
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While i do understand and agree on the resource and security aspect, and shoulda' coulda' woulda' stopped using them, as i have done in the past and still do to this day with some of them, for a few reasons i need to be using some socials nowadays, and have done so for a few years without much hassle until this phone came in. If i could have ditched them, I wouldn't have come to a forum to figure out a way to fix the issue.
But I'll check how functional the web version of some of my socials work on mobile, for it's been a while i haven't used them and they used to lack functions.
guile50 said:
While i do understand and agree on the resource and security aspect, and shoulda' coulda' woulda' stopped using them, as i have done in the past and still do to this day with some of them, for a few reasons i need to be using some socials nowadays, and have done so for a few years without much hassle until this phone came in. If i could have ditched them, I wouldn't have come to a forum to figure out a way to fix the issue.
But I'll check how functional the web version of some of my socials work on mobile, for it's been a while i haven't used them and they used to lack functions.
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They tend to be a mess. They probably aren't up to date with the latest Android version or Samsung has some glitches with their new firmware. One reason I don't upgrade firmware or update apps is because the phone is running well. In your case perhaps it's going the be a game of upgrade/update roulette.
Is power management active? Any disabled apps or services? Setting changes to system apps? Is a firewall installed? In Accessibility are there any services installed for those apps? For Android 11 and higher there maybe more settings... Samsung's notorious for burying them.
blackhawk said:
They tend to be a mess. They probably aren't up to date with the latest Android version or Samsung has some glitches with their new firmware. One reason I don't upgrade firmware or update apps is because the phone is running well. In your case perhaps it's going the be a game of upgrade/update roulette.
Is power management active? Any disabled apps or services? Setting changes to system apps? Is a firewall installed? In Accessibility are there any services installed for those apps? For Android 11 and higher there maybe more settings... Samsung's notorious for burying them.
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Gave a shot at updating the firmware; it boosted the performance a little bit, the battery is lasting way longer and the apps are closing less.
I ran a bugreport of a full day of use through battery historian and i found something strange, all app crashes are attributed to (which a quick google told me it's the MediaProvider Module from AOSP). Is there something i can do about it?
idk about power management but i have adaptive battery on, and i put discord to sleep; disabled google, meets and chrome; no settings changed; no firewall installed; all accessivility settings are off and no apps are using those permissions. I ****ed around a lil bit and toggled some of the samsung stuff off, but there might still be something buried, yes.
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Adaptive battery is global power management. To verify it's on: Developer options>standby apps, the app bucket states will be varied if it on ie active, frequently, rarely etc.
When off they will always show as active and you can not change the bucket state (it seems to take but after a refresh it hasn't).
This lame feature never worked and uses much more battery than if the the device is hand optimized. It can cause erratic behaviors.
If you deal with the power hog correctly the results are apparent within hours not days or weeks. Lol, Gookill tends to get more stupid over time, not smarter That said hand optimizing takes time but the results are much better and yield a substantial increase in SOT, standby time as well as a snappier, cooler running device.
Optimizing is somewhat trial and error at first and a bit tricky. It eventually becomes almost second nature. This N10+ was a stuttering hot running power hog before it was optimized, now it runs like a bat out of hell. Try temporarily disabling Google play Services and see what that does. Gmail, Playstore and Google backup Transport are dependencies, simply turn on if needed. Kill the notifications for too so it doesn't nag you constantly. See if that helps your issues.
Use Device Care>memory>optimize. Install SD Maid Pro to do more clean up, it's a very useful app. A logging firewall can be very useful for tracking down issues, lets you see what's being busy in the background using data and resources., interesting. Apparently it's caused trouble going back to 2011 from time to time. It's a needed service. Go through all the Google account settings. It's good to explore all setting options anyway. Maybe try clearing the Media Storage app cache and check the settings.
I'm more clueless than you why this happening.
Maybe someone here knows why it's puking on you. Otherwise play with it, eventually you'll track the cause down but it may take a while.
If you're in the US you could go to a Samsung Experience center at best buy; they allegedly can run advanced diagnostic tests on it.
blackhawk said:
Adaptive battery is global power management. To verify it's on: Developer options>standby apps, the app bucket states will be varied if it on ie active, frequently, rarely etc.
When off they will always show as active and you can not change the bucket state (it seems to take but after a refresh it hasn't).
This lame feature never worked and uses much more battery than if the the device is hand optimized. It can cause erratic behaviors.
If you deal with the power hog correctly the results are apparent within hours not days or weeks. Lol, Gookill tends to get more stupid over time, not smarter That said hand optimizing takes time but the results are much better and yield a substantial increase in SOT, standby time as well as a snappier, cooler running device.
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All my apps are active and i cannot flick the switch so i guess it's off. i turned adaptive battery off on battery and device care > battery > more battery settings.
blackhawk said:
Optimizing is somewhat trial and error at first and a bit tricky. It eventually becomes almost second nature. This N10+ was a stuttering hot running power hog before it was optimized, now it runs like a bat out of hell. Try temporarily disabling Google play Services and see what that does. Gmail, Playstore and Google backup Transport are dependencies, simply turn on if needed. Kill the notifications for too so it doesn't nag you constantly. See if that helps your issues.
Use Device Care>memory>optimize. Install SD Maid Pro to do more clean up, it's a very useful app. A logging firewall can be very useful for tracking down issues, lets you see what's being busy in the background using data and resources.
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While i'm aware of some optimization techniques, it's been so long since I actually felt the need to tweak something it's actually surreal. My two previous phones were a Mi A2 and a N20U (for almost three years), and I didn't mess around for basically nothing. they ran absolutely fine, I thought my XDA days were gone
But anyways, I did the following: After updating the firmware, I disabled and cleaned the media provider app cache and cleaned the system cache. The phone got immediately snappier, but some of the crashes were still happening. I ruled the Whatsapp crashes to a faulty backup, since I noticed it happened when I open certain chats. idk how to fix this so I just deleted the chat; the crash count went down from 10 to 4 on my two last battery cycles. Something is still crashing, but possibly in the background. I'll keep monitoring it.
Is there any other thread that shows the ropes of optimizing samsung devices aside from this one?
guile50 said:
All my apps are active and i cannot flick the switch so i guess it's off. i turned adaptive battery off on battery and device care > battery > more battery settings.
While i'm aware of some optimization techniques, it's been so long since I actually felt the need to tweak something it's actually surreal. My two previous phones were a Mi A2 and a N20U (for almost three years), and I didn't mess around for basically nothing. they ran absolutely fine, I thought my XDA days were gone
But anyways, I did the following: After updating the firmware, I disabled and cleaned the media provider app cache and cleaned the system cache. The phone got immediately snappier, but some of the crashes were still happening. I ruled the Whatsapp crashes to a faulty backup, since I noticed it happened when I open certain chats. idk how to fix this so I just deleted the chat; the crash count went down from 10 to 4 on my two last battery cycles. Something is still crashing, but possibly in the background. I'll keep monitoring it.
Is there any other thread that shows the ropes of optimizing samsung devices aside from this one?
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WhatsApp... ditch the trashware. An unstable OS can end up turning into a boot loop very quickly.
Any app that's misbehaving and can't be sorted out gets uninstalled or package disabled.
Find and correct the root cause(s).
All I ever played with are Samsung's and all needed to be optimized. There are numerous posts I've made of it but you see my post count; even I be hard pressed to ferret them all out.
I've thought about starting a thread but I run 9 and 10, plus I have mine configured to my device and needs. So what works well for me may be useless to others. It's a steep learning curve that works best if you learn the what's and why's rather than blindly implementing someone else's list. Eventually you get a feel for it by playing with it. That comes in handy when
Other than Package Disabler I deal with everything through the UI settings, and with 3rd party add ons; no adb edits. The result is a very stable stock Samsung that runs well and a very long lived load. I block upgrades and updates; these can and do break Samsung's so I have learned and waste my time trying to fix the mess they make.
blackhawk said:
WhatsApp... ditch the trashware. An unstable OS can end up turning into a boot loop very quickly.
Any app that's misbehaving and can't be sorted out gets uninstalled or package disabled.
Find and correct the root cause(s).
All I ever played with are Samsung's and all needed to be optimized. There are numerous posts I've made of it but you see my post count; even I be hard pressed to ferret them all out.
I've thought about starting a thread but I run 9 and 10, plus I have mine configured to my device and needs. So what works well for me may be useless to others. It's a steep learning curve that works best if you learn the what's and why's rather than blindly implementing someone else's list. Eventually you get a feel for it by playing with it. That comes in handy when
Other than Package Disabler I deal with everything through the UI settings, and with 3rd party add ons; no adb edits. The result is a very stable stock Samsung that runs well and a very long lived load. I block upgrades and updates; these can and do break Samsung's so I have learned and waste my time trying to fix the mess they make.
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Jesus, do you have any apps on your phone? Shouldn't you just get a nokia 3310 at this point?
You bash every feature of a smartphone that makes it smart.
No apps, no software update, no features, no fun. Try living in the woods completely off the grid. Seems more up your alley.
Me Gusta said:
You bash every feature of a smartphone that makes it smart.
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If you pay more attention, this statement will read as follows:
"You bash every 'feature' of a smartphone that makes it a better spyware."
@Rod F
OneUI has a bug. I used to see app crashing pop-ups quite frequently during the initial period on my S22U. The same build and version of apps ran absolutely fine on my other devices, which too were running on the same Android version as my S22U.
Over time, due to optimisations and updates from Samsung, the number of such pop-ups have reduced to almost none now.
TheMystic said:
If you pay more attention, this statement will read as follows:
"You bash every 'feature' of a smartphone that makes it a better spyware."
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Like I said. You should get a Nokia 3310.
Me Gusta said:
Like I said. You should get a Nokia 3310.
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GDPR happened because someone raised the issue and created awareness. Although it is only a first step, but that too wouldn't have happened if he had just decided to get the Nokia 3310.
Me Gusta said:
Jesus, do you have any apps on your phone? Shouldn't you just get a nokia 3310 at this point?
You bash every feature of a smartphone that makes it smart.
No apps, no software update, no features, no fun. Try living in the woods completely off the grid. Seems more up your alley.
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You failed to counterpoint my specific suggestions with your off topic retorts. You got possible solutions for the OP or just hot air for me?

