Data Usage Inaccurate and Uploading Data When Not? - Google Pixel 5 Questions & Answers

For the past several months I've noticed this but now I want an answer or solution.
My phone is rooted and I have GravityBox installed so I can use the network traffic monitor tweak, among other things. Something I've noticed is that after a reboot, and I guess periodically throughout the day, I'll have a strange upload happening for up to about 2 minutes.
I've checked the data usage for both cellular and WiFi and I've found that neither of them are accurate to the usage listed for the apps. For cellular it is saying that I've used 1.2GB over the course of the pay period. I've checked with my network and my phone has only actually used 280MB so far into the pay period, which closely lines up with my calculated 290MB after adding up all the app usages. The same is also true for WiFi data usage as well, I'm not as concerned as I have no cap, but it says that I've used 12GB however adding up the individual apps only comes out to 3GB. So this would imply nothing is actually being uploaded.
I thought maybe it is an app or process hitting a local socket on loopback for one reason or another, but I just checked with using ping to send large 32kB packets 100 times a second to the loopback and no change in the network traffic monitor at all.
So something is being uploaded after all, or maybe ping's traffic isn't included? The upload rate might clue something in, as it is always 10-15MB/s, which is higher than my broadband upload speed. I don't know, I'd just like my data usage to be accurate so I don't have to worry about using it up for the month.
Anyone else experience the same thing?

Goggle Play Services and Android Services are constantly pinging, uploading whatever.
A minimum of 2/1 to up to 4/2 or more a minute at idle. That's with Google Transport, Framework, all cloud and social messaging disabled or removed. I started using Karma Firewall, blocking the former to reduce battery consumption... it worked.
I'm using a stock load so that's as deep as I can easily peer into the Android mess.
I also block numerous Samsung, other 3red party apps as well as Playstore. I temporarily lift the package and/or firewall block as needed. Near zero usability issues, a great reduction of wasted bandwidth and aminimum 1-3% increase of battery life.
Google Firebase is yet another worthless hog along with all Google, Samsung, App and carrier feedback... gone.
The typical Android is a hornet's nest of unwanted internet activity and an orgy of user data leaks.
Google is the biggest offender of all; a scope storage wolf in sheep's clothing.

Namelesswonder said:
For the past several months I've noticed this but now I want an answer or solution.
My phone is rooted and I have GravityBox installed so I can use the network traffic monitor tweak, among other things. Something I've noticed is that after a reboot, and I guess periodically throughout the day, I'll have a strange upload happening for up to about 2 minutes.
I've checked the data usage for both cellular and WiFi and I've found that neither of them are accurate to the usage listed for the apps. For cellular it is saying that I've used 1.2GB over the course of the pay period. I've checked with my network and my phone has only actually used 280MB so far into the pay period, which closely lines up with my calculated 290MB after adding up all the app usages. The same is also true for WiFi data usage as well, I'm not as concerned as I have no cap, but it says that I've used 12GB however adding up the individual apps only comes out to 3GB. So this would imply nothing is actually being uploaded.
I thought maybe it is an app or process hitting a local socket on loopback for one reason or another, but I just checked with using ping to send large 32kB packets 100 times a second to the loopback and no change in the network traffic monitor at all.
So something is being uploaded after all, or maybe ping's traffic isn't included? The upload rate might clue something in, as it is always 10-15MB/s, which is higher than my broadband upload speed. I don't know, I'd just like my data usage to be accurate so I don't have to worry about using it up for the month.
Anyone else experience the same thing?
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I'm actually experiencing this for the past few days, have you found a solution yet? I literally tried everything. From clean flashing my rom, trying different kernels, firmwares etc. I checked my data usage its registering via phone settings, but not on my broadband settings. I'm having 5-8mbps uploads every 4-8 mins (it varies).


Kaiser Automatic email retrieval wont turn off

hi gurus
i have a big problem
i live in the uk, and have had my Kaiser for approx a month.
absolutely fantastic.
Only issue is that i need to regularly check my email. so i have set my settings to automatically retrieve email.
It does that superbly. but the problem lies there. i have an unlimited data plan (so called limits me to 2gb), When automatically retrieving my email every 2 hours. the connection remains and does not turn off. thus eating into my allowance and racking up a higggggggggggh bill as going over the 2gb is £1 p/mb
Any chance anyone can help me either with a reg edit or just simple settings to disconnect after checking mail. even after 10mins. or 5 mins.
please help gurus
How is the connection eating in to your allowance by just being on?
Surely it will only eat in to your allowance if it's actually downloading something...
thats what i thought but, im just doouble checking. i thought an active connection regardless of dowloading or surfing is still consuming data... maybe?
I'd assume it isn't.
There is probably some software you can use to monitor the data usage to make sure.
I'm sure somebody can recommend something that does the job.
Theres a bandwidth monitor that comes on the CD with the Kaiser.
And as far as I know it does eat some data just being on (networky type keep alive / config signals).
I have noticed this more when moving between locations (and presumably switching cells needed re-establishing the connections).
Can't say how much per day this uses though.
I don't think you are using any data (well maybe the odd byte to keep the connection alive).
Try - I use this to track my data usage. It works well for me.

Data Usage - Rough Guide

Hi folks, I am looking at a driod to replace my WM6.5 unit and up till now I have managed to avoid using anything that needed data, reason... I live in Australia and the telcos know how to charge for data like it was gold.
But as a LOT of the new apps and services require data then I have to look at the plans and make a stab based on expected monthly data usage...
I know, I know, how long is the piece of string......
What I am asking is can people give me a rough estimate of monthly data usage on any network with any apps enabled, I reckon with good and bad I can figure out what may be feasible for my selection.
email usage is light, web next to nothing (for now) and not sure about other services, I have wifi at home so would attempt updates and stuff there rather than OTA
Any help would be much appreciated.
Well, not sure of my exact data usage, but it would be sure to increase 10 fold (it did for me at least coming from a blackberry). There is so much stuff that can be gained through apps that use data. Maybe you could tell us the various price ranges for the data plans and decide that way?
Aldo there are tons of apps that will monitor your data and give you alerts and such so the fear or unintentionnaly going over is slim.
Hope this helps.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Chopes said:
Well, not sure of my exact data usage, but it would be sure to increase 10 fold (it did for me at least coming from a blackberry). There is so much stuff that can be gained through apps that use data. Maybe you could tell us the various price ranges for the data plans and decide that way?
Aldo there are tons of apps that will monitor your data and give you alerts and such so the fear or unintentionnaly going over is slim.
Hope this helps.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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Thats the problem from my end, none of the telcos are helpful as such, they range from 200mb to 1gb but are ALL different in price, so one charges x for 200mb on y cap and another is double for the same 200mb but a different cap
So what I needed was someone to say what they do on an average month, 2mb, 20mb, 784mb, 3.2gb etc etc, this way i can figure out the cort/benefit ratio of cap/plan v's qouta and extras
It seems to me that many apps I use give my flexibility in this area. The main apps I use that download data are configurable of how often to check for updates. For example, I can set my weather widget to download new info anywhere from every 15 min to every couple hours. Also, syncing with gmail and other google services can be turned on and off so you could only have it on when on wifi. Twitter and Facebook apps also have settings to change how often you have them refresh the data. So if you don't use too many apps or just set all of them to only update manually you can limit your data usage by a lot.
OK, can I just ask people to actualy state
Thank you.
my first month, i have no idea how but i used 3.3gb.
every month after that has been around just under 1gb, except last month when i had to tether my laptop because my home internet was out for a week, the data for that month showed 1.2gb.
I have two widgets, facebook and twitter that sync about every 2-4 hours, i adjust them some times to sync less and i manually sync them if i want to read and am bored. I have newsrob which syncs my google reader articles, sometimes i have that sync every 4 hours sometimes fully manual. I have background data turned on almost all the time and gps turned on always updating my location with latitude, i have gmail and an exchange account syncing for work using ssl. i have scrobbling all the music i listen to and stream music with it occasionally, not all the time. i browse the web on it quite abit whiel sitting at home and watching movies with the girlfriend as well as look up random facts and other things i come across day to day.
let me know if you need any other input!
I use on average somewhere between 900mb and 1.2gb
Thats streaming Pandora most of the time I'm in my car, using GPS maybe 2-3 times a week and pretty heavy data usage in other ways (i.e web surfing and apps)
I don't do much tethering or downloading of large files. I have tethered a few times but nothing that I would call average.
I used to use about ~2 GB when just using it for Pandora, hulu, and browsing. Now I'm at around 7 GB since I tether.
For comparison, I used 65mb on my bb bold 9000 and now 1gb on my n1. Mostly because its so fast! I do not really stream. I only browse, email, chat and some videos. Its a lot of usage from just browsing
before froyo i ran about 1-1.5 gb a month, now ive tethered a lot and started listening to more music so im up to about 4 gb
silashack said:
OK, can I just ask people to actualy state
Thank you.
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billing cycle: 7/20 - 8/19
data used: 36Mb
txt (sms to you non american types ): 16
minutes: 13
what I'm using that is data intensive:
google maps- hourly, with two 2 hour driving trips using it
gmail - it pushes all emails
email - check every 15 minutes, two additional accounts
maverick pro - uses gps and data
pandora - no usage this cycle, i usally stream at work, and i'm on vacation this week
normally, if i use pandora, it's for 4-6 hours per day, at roughly 1Mb / 15 mintues
there, hopefully you'll have an idea what a typical nexus user will burn through in a billing period.
I have a 500mb plan, and to date (over a year) I've only come close to that once.
I have Twitter refreshing every 10 minutes, GMail push, Email every 15, and Facebook every 30. Plus some web browsing (of relatively light sites). No video or audio streaming.
On average I'm around 250mb a month now, because we have no wifi at work. When I was in school (wifi on campus, and at home), I never went over 100mb. Usually less than 50.
~600MB monthly.
It consists of me tethering the laptop on the way to work and back ~2 hours a day, mostly. When I didn't use it and just surfed for fun, I'd get ~150MB monthly. When I didn't surf at all, the data apps put me at ~40MB monthly. I'm using Gmail, Gtalk and several smaller-scale apps like Astrid.
THANK YOU THANK YOU to those that actualy posted figures, the plans over here are rather stringent and no way could you support some of the figures you have indicated without incurring signifiacnt costs, I now have an idea that data costs are a priority something I have to factor in to the overall package, and unless the telco has an unlimited plan I have to read the fine print for excess charges VERY clearly.
Thank you once again
I hovered around 7-11gb a month when I was on att wireless. Their footprints issue great in Miami. I swapped to T-Mobile and they suck. Its horrible. I hardly ever touch my phone now. And it shows! I now hover around 300mb-800mb

[Q] Can my N1 using huge amounts of data?

I have this big, big problem with my carrier (Orange Spain) where they are charging me an arm and an eye for data connections I didn't make. I mean I just got this month's bill and I owe them 150€! Looking at it in detail I see numerous data connections ranging in the tens or hundreds of megs, made when I wasn't even using the phone. There's even one where I supposedly used 1,7 Gb!
They assure me that the connections have been made even if I'm not aware of them, and said that maybe they're due to a faulty phone. Is there a known problem with the N1 or any Android apps where they might be using those huge amounts of data without the user knowing it?
The apps use as much data as you let them use.
For example, if you have unprotected tethering turned on - you're providing all your surroundings with free internet on your account. Don't be surprised that doing it will result in huge bills.
No, there is no "known problem". Apps use internet connection, some more, some less. Want to control it? Install 3G Watchdog or any other app that checks the amount of data traffic used, and find what's using it.
what apps do you have that sync data?
gallery syncing with Picasa?
Lookup mobile security backing up your photos?
email accounts with sync amount=all?
data is fairly heavy with the phone, I average around 5-8gbs/month
Jack_R1 said:
For example, if you have unprotected tethering turned on - you're providing all your surroundings with free internet on your account.
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Nope, I don't. I wasn't even tethering by USB at the time these connections were made.
Jack_R1 said:
No, there is no "known problem". Apps use internet connection, some more, some less. Want to control it? Install 3G Watchdog or any other app that checks the amount of data traffic used, and find what's using it.
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Does 3G Watchdog tell you which app is using / has used the data?
britoso said:
what apps do you have that sync data?
gallery syncing with Picasa?
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Yep... but no new photos were uploaded.
britoso said:
Lookup mobile security backing up your photos?
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No, none of that.
britoso said:
email accounts with sync amount=all?
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Yes... still, those amount to 5-10 mails a day, tops.
osugsxr said:
data is fairly heavy with the phone, I average around 5-8gbs/month
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I never surpassed 400Mb before this, and I haven't changed my habits at all. Suddenly I'm over 3Gb.
No, 3G Watchdog doesn't tell you what app used the traffic. But there are others that do. Recently someone asked about such app, try to search the forum.
frandavid100 said:
I never surpassed 400Mb before this, and I haven't changed my habits at all. Suddenly I'm over 3Gb.
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Well, that should rule out Android itself from your OP. It must be an app. Newsrob? You should look into any app that autosyncs. Also check their sync interval settings.
Alright, I ran some tests regarding this problem yesterday. First I turned off the phone and removed the SIM card, to see if there was any data traffic. I suspect my carrier is charging me for fake connections, so it was important to rule out the possibility of they registering connections while the card was removed.
I had it off for the rest of the day and, as expected, no connections were registered.
Then I installed 3G Watchdog and something curious happened: 3G Watchdog says I've spent exactly 91,4Kb, but Orange's web says I've spent 3,4Mb.
This brings a question, and the answer is very very important to me: is is possible that the phone is making connections and these are going unregistered by 3G Watchdog? That is, that the phone is using the Internet and 3G Watchdog doesn't see it?
frandavid100 said:
Alright, I ran some tests regarding this problem yesterday. First I turned off the phone and removed the SIM card, to see if there was any data traffic. I suspect my carrier is charging me for fake connections, so it was important to rule out the possibility of they registering connections while the card was removed.
I had it off for the rest of the day and, as expected, no connections were registered.
Then I installed 3G Watchdog and something curious happened: 3G Watchdog says I've spent exactly 91,4Kb, but Orange's web says I've spent 3,4Mb.
This brings a question, and the answer is very very important to me: is is possible that the phone is making connections and these are going unregistered by 3G Watchdog? That is, that the phone is using the Internet and 3G Watchdog doesn't see it?
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Interesting. I would also argue that there is a lot more "background" data going on in android than on other mobile OS.
No, the connections don't go "unnoticed" by 3G Watchdog. But the charge for the connections isn't always calculated in "straightforward" way, as one would expect - please try to find earlier threads for it, I remember someone bringing this point already, and if I'm not mistaken - it was for one of the European carriers. For example, carriers can charge for any data packet, regardless of its size, as minimum of X size - so if you have an app that syncs and it has downloaded 5kB from the internet in 10 packets, it'll still register as charge for 100kB of data on your provider's site.
Check if they recently changed the calculation of the data charges - it might be the answer why suddenly you see your data usage blown.
nexusdue said:
Interesting. I would also argue that there is a lot more "background" data going on in android than on other mobile OS.
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This is, obviously, your bias showing and nothing more. There is no "background" data besides the obvious data - Gmail? Email? Contact sync (only when contacts change)? Data-syncing apps? Data-downloading apps (Maps/Navigation)? They're not present on "other mobile OS"? If they are - they draw the same data.
You might argue that Android gives a lot more "connectivity" to use by default, so users end up using a lot more data. That's closer to the truth - since Google apps rely on web availability, and they're available by default and easily accessible, they end up being used. On the other hand, it doesn't differ from installing those apps on any other mobile platform that supports it.
Jack_R1 said:
No, the connections don't go "unnoticed" by 3G Watchdog. But the charge for the connections isn't always calculated in "straightforward" way, as one would expect - please try to find earlier threads for it, I remember someone bringing this point already, and if I'm not mistaken - it was for one of the European carriers. For example, carriers can charge for any data packet, regardless of its size, as minimum of X size - so if you have an app that syncs and it has downloaded 5kB from the internet in 10 packets, it'll still register as charge for 100kB of data on your provider's site.
Check if they recently changed the calculation of the data charges - it might be the answer why suddenly you see your data usage blown.
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I already took that into account: some of the connections Orange is charging me for don't amount to a Kylobyte, so we can discard that. And I have single connections that range from the tens of Megs to a top of 1.67Gb. All of them connections I didn't make, obviously.
Install this:
And check, what is connecting. If it's your phone at all.
Thanks, I've just started using it.
tcpdump -vv -s 0 -w /sdcard/output.cap
After a while, open that on your computer using WIRESHARK. It will tell you EXACTLY WHERE your phone is connecting to, as well as what protocol it is using, and even (if it isn't encrypted data), what data is being transferred.
frandavid100 said:
Thanks, I've just started using it.
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I am encountering the same issue (not so huge leaks but unknown as well)
TrafficInfo says me the following components use that data (every day lots of megabytes):
DRM Protected Content Storage
Download Manager
have you figured out what that was?
Please let us know.
Thank you in advance
lbcoder said:
tcpdump -vv -s 0 -w /sdcard/output.cap
After a while, open that on your computer using WIRESHARK. It will tell you EXACTLY WHERE your phone is connecting to, as well as what protocol it is using, and even (if it isn't encrypted data), what data is being transferred.
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Thanks a lot man,
I don't know what that was in case of frandavid100,
but thanks to you I've figured out what is happening on my side.
I did tcpdump -vv -s 0 -w /sdcard/output.cap as you mentioned.
Your wise advice and mighty tool let me understand that my N1 downloads FRG83 firmware update from Google servers some times per day (but it can't install it because CM6 ROM is on board).
I really appreciate your help ! Thanks again.

Data Usage

I'm 10 days into my monthly usage and already I've used 1.5gb, but I hardly use the phone. Is anyone elses' that high?
mr8820 said:
I'm 10 days into my monthly usage and already I've used 1.5gb, but I hardly use the phone. Is anyone elses' that high?
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There's a bug with WP7 that causes excessive data usage. Read about it in the main WP7 general section. There's a thread with a link to the story there.
After talking to the tmobile rep, he suggested I use WiFi, but that has a bug also lol.
I primarily use Wifi as it's available 90% of my day. I have the 200mb limit through TMo so I had data turned off for the first 20 days or so except when I needed it. The last 10 days I left it on and closely monitored my usage and I'm at 52mb. Now, I'm not d/l videos and trailers or streaming music, just email and web browsing. I'm thrilled by how little data I've used so far. Going four or five links deep into ESPN or Yahoo amounts to fractions of a mb.
And when I have both WiFi and Data enabled, I've never had an issue of it using data rather than Wifi.
They(tmo) said to monitor this and report back...they said Microsoft is looking for feedback and that's why I started this thread .

Atrix HD AT&T Smart Wifi using data?

Hello all.
I work at a Best Buy in the mobile department. Today I had a lady come in and show me that her Atrix HD had used 85 MB of her 200 MB data package. She told me that in the previous month her phone had exceeded her allowance and that she was only two weeks through her current month, and that with her old phone she had barely used the 200 MB at all.
I checked the data usage settings and found out that AT&T Smart Wifi accounted for 60 MB of that 85 MB of usage.
What I would love is if anyone of you have the Atrix HD on the stock ROM with that app, for you to go into your settings and check to see if Smart Wifi is using inordinate data like her phone is. The reason why is simple: AT&T bundled the app into a software update for the phone and made it uninstallable. The average user is not going to figure out how to stop the app from chewing up data like that, so it's potentially costing a lot of people money. If you see similar data usage to what I'm describing, I would love it if you could post screenshots. I want to tip off the tech sites if I can corroborate this, because if this is a real issue and it goes public, we have a chance to make AT&T fix it.
thelastholdout said:
Hello all.
I work at a Best Buy in the mobile department. Today I had a lady come in and show me that her Atrix HD had used 85 MB of her 200 MB data package. She told me that in the previous month her phone had exceeded her allowance and that she was only two weeks through her current month, and that with her old phone she had barely used the 200 MB at all.
I checked the data usage settings and found out that AT&T Smart Wifi accounted for 60 MB of that 85 MB of usage.
What I would love is if anyone of you have the Atrix HD on the stock ROM with that app, for you to go into your settings and check to see if Smart Wifi is using inordinate data like her phone is. The reason why is simple: AT&T bundled the app into a software update for the phone and made it uninstallable. The average user is not going to figure out how to stop the app from chewing up data like that, so it's potentially costing a lot of people money. If you see similar data usage to what I'm describing, I would love it if you could post screenshots. I want to tip off the tech sites if I can corroborate this, because if this is a real issue and it goes public, we have a chance to make AT&T fix it.
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Nothing on my Atrix HD shows AT&T apps using data at all, but I also skipped that portion of setup and use T-Mobile on my AT&T model.
thelastholdout said:
Hello all.
I work at a Best Buy in the mobile department. Today I had a lady come in and show me that her Atrix HD had used 85 MB of her 200 MB data package. She told me that in the previous month her phone had exceeded her allowance and that she was only two weeks through her current month, and that with her old phone she had barely used the 200 MB at all.
I checked the data usage settings and found out that AT&T Smart Wifi accounted for 60 MB of that 85 MB of usage.
What I would love is if anyone of you have the Atrix HD on the stock ROM with that app, for you to go into your settings and check to see if Smart Wifi is using inordinate data like her phone is. The reason why is simple: AT&T bundled the app into a software update for the phone and made it uninstallable. The average user is not going to figure out how to stop the app from chewing up data like that, so it's potentially costing a lot of people money. If you see similar data usage to what I'm describing, I would love it if you could post screenshots. I want to tip off the tech sites if I can corroborate this, because if this is a real issue and it goes public, we have a chance to make AT&T fix it.
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I disabled mine. I don't know about the app itself using data (although it might download lists of AT&T access points or something), but I did see someone over on say that it seemed to make their home WiFi connection unstable when it was running. They were seeing cases where their home connection would disconnect and then subsequent data would be over the carrier connection. I tried it on for a while and generally didn't see that issue, but I saw a blip or two where it looked like the Smart WiFi app may have put the AHD's WiFi to sleep causing it to flip back to carrier data... Between that and the fact that I saw little value to the app, I disabled it.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
I disabled that crap. Dumb app....
Sent from my MotoAHD
I use smart WiFi, but it's not in my list of apps using data. In that same list, you can disable background data if you have a data limit set. I've disabled background data for every app in the list, and it's made a HUGE difference in my data usage. Only used 114 mb this month, and the billing cycle ends in 2 days...
Deep rooted in the mAtrix HD...
I had to disable it also, it was disabling my wifi leading to crazy data usage.
+1 , Smart Wifi was acting like a Smart Ass , i deleted it too .

