[Guide] Get out of Qualcomm Crashdump Mode for Android 11 - OnePlus 7 Pro Guides, News, & Discussion

Before you start, make sure to put all of the files that you need in the same folder as your adb.exe and fastboot.exe because it will make things easier when you have to fastboot files to your phone. Make sure to follow the directions from the original developers of the tools below. Also, in the windows file explorer, right click on the "Name" tab, in the pop up click "More," select "Path," and also select "Folder Path," then click "Okay." This will make it easier to find the file path name if you need it when you are flashing a specific file to your phone using ADB.
Once you navigate to your android fastboot/adb folder, at the top of your file explorer, click in the address bar, this will highlight the text blue in the address bar, delete the text in the address bar, type CMD and then press enter. The adb/fastboot command window will pop up and be ready for you to use. You may as well leave that command window, the MSM tool, credits: Lucifer6: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/msm-tool-guac-for-all.3934691/ and the Tool all in One, credits: mauronofrio: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...boot-roms-for-oneplus-7-pro-7-pro-5g.3931424/ , https://toolaio.tk/ open in case one of these tools decides to bite you in the brain so hard your phone melts into booting itself properly.
You'll be needing this Twrp.img from this post if you're on android 11 like I am, credits: Nebrassy:
And Magisk, credit: topjohnwu, which can be downloaded from Step 1 in this article https://www.xda-developers.com/how-to-install-magisk/
Credit: Sumukh for the article (code word the instructions in this article are for a different breed of TWRP then the one needed for rooting android 11 OnePlus 7 Pro, so please after booting into TWRP go to "Advanced," then in the list click "Flash Current TWRP," then reboot straight back to TWRP, flash Magisk, then reboot straight back to TWRP, then flash Magisk again, and then reboot the system ((if possible at this time)) or you'll have boot loops for breakfast), credits: topjohnwu for Magisk
And the android 11 stock rom of your oneplus 7 pro which can be found here, credit OPTeam: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...a-oxygen-os-repo-of-oxygen-os-builds.3930585/
I wasn't able to use MSM Tool by Lucifer6 because my phone didn't want to be recognized by my computer and I am not sure the files exist for android 11 to work with the MSM Tool, but if they do exist or there is a way to use the android 11 zip with the MSM Tool, please someone post it with detailed instructions so that everyone can find it.
I couldn't get the Tool All in One to work because I don't know, however, there are important files in mauronofrio's zip file in this post: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...boot-roms-for-oneplus-7-pro-7-pro-5g.3931424/ Grab the zip file from the link next to "All Roms on AFH." This can help get your phone back from the nightmare of the qualcomm crashdump scenario. If you are on android 11, do not flash the images in this zip folder because the zips in this post are for android 10 and I don't think you can downgrade. There are more directions about this in number 3 of this post.
If at any point you are able to boot your phone into the system, DO NOT put a password, fingerprints, facelock, swipe pattern, nudey collage on your phone to lock it up until AFTER you are sure you are completely done using TWRP, because Nebrassy's TWRP, as far as I know, is not supposed to be able to decrypt the phone once it has a nudey papier-mâché password on it. So, once you put a password on your phone, you may not be able to use TWRP again unless you like pain.
And yes, I did try, in the past week to clean install my rom, made sure to not create a password, flash TWRP and magisk, make a password for the phone, realized I needed to do something else in TWRP, deleted my papier-mâché password and the fingerprints to go along with and then try to get back into TWRP. It's really a hit or miss. You may get back in, you may end up flashing something only for it to get stuck in a TWRP booting boot loop like I did.
It's risky. Take off your password to your phone, then TWRP it up, say your goodbyes to TWRP and then finish setting up your phone with a password. Also, you may have to try plugging the OEM charging cable into different USB ports on your computer at specifically any time.
There are three different recipes that I tried to get my phone to work again after crash dumping. Any one of these could help. For me, it took doing all three, trial and error and error and error for my phone to get booted and rooted after the crash dump so you can try doing the easiest looking ones first, which are number 1 and number 2, see if that works, and then move on to the harder one.
Read all three recipes first before you try anything because some things from number two you can use in one or three. You're in for a real one right now so relax and get comfy. Take your time and make sure you follow the directions in the original posts by the developers because it will waste less of your time if you make sure you extract everything and other scientific ratchet. And you'll make less of a mess of your phone than it already is.
It's bricked, not dead. Hopefully. Hopefully, it's not dead. And I'm not much for hope nor am I much for being blamed if your phone slips into an endless hell pit, it contacts a plane's black box and directs said plane to land onto your roof, or some other maniacal nonsense backwater dribble okay let's get started.
1.) Easy: I used a combination of movements buttons including power off and volume down, only volume up and volume down which did other things, and power off and volume up. At first, none of these movements buttons would take me to fastboot mode. It would just keep rebooting to qualcomm crashdump mode no matter what.
Flustered, red, breathing hard because I don't walk enough, I tried these movements buttons again and again and again and again and not always in the order I wrote them down. I kept trying until I saw some Chinese writing.
Choose the first option even if you can't read the text. Guess where the "Okay" (bottom right) is and click it. The text--the first option--is highlighted in blue, which I should have said in the first place. Hopefully after twitching that phone for a good 30-45 minutes or more depending on how long you like crying, it will finally boot into fastboot mode. Plug the phone to the windows, fastboot boot the twrp.img from Nebrassy in the CMD window. If you are still trying to root, grab a usb or an external hard drive that has the rom zip and the latest magisk.apk that you need for your phone (directions below). If you are not trying to root, grab a usb or an external hard drive that has the rom zip and just flash the rom and that's it (directions below).
Plug the USB storage into your phone. On twrp go to "Mount," click the checkbox next to "USB Storage," click "Select Storage," then in the pop up click the circle next to your USB or external hard drive or whatever you're using. Go to "Install," select the zip of the rom on your USB Storage, click "Install."
You can then flash twrp afterwards by going back in the past and selecting to have TWRP flashed automatically after a rom installation; it's in the options. Or by going to "Advanced," then click "Flash Current TWRP" (mind you this is for the Oneplus 7 Pro using the TWRP 3.5.2_11-Nebrassy image in October of 2021, so if you're reading this and have a different phone or you're from the future, please, don't laugh at me if the current way of flashing TWRP is outdated by the time you read this).
Then you must flash magisk, reboot to TWRP recovery, and then flash magisk again or else the phone won't boot. After flashing magisk that second time, you may reboot the system. Once you get past those sussy terms and voluntary agreements, magisk will look like an android 1 icon. Click it.
The phone will ask you for your hand in marriage by asking if you are truly ready to jump off the deep end by allowing magisk to install unknown apps. Click I do, and magisk will install. Then, magisk will ask you to install the other half of itself, and again, make that app yo baby momma by saying yes, yes, yes. And now you have a new phone with none of your old life to spy on you and tell you how good you weren't in the past or whatever.
3.) Not so easy, but manageable. Caution, read slowly: Another thing I did try was to flash all of the images in the stock rom zip. You can download the correct rom for your phone in this post, credit OPTeam: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...a-oxygen-os-repo-of-oxygen-os-builds.3930585/ ,search the googles, or use the OEM website. Then, use the payload dumper method from here: credits to djsubterrain
After I djsubterrained my payload, all of this sounding unnecessarily dirty, I put it in this other thing that I tried (directions below): credits to mauronofrio
I downloaded the zip file from the above post in the link next to "All roms on AFH." Extract it. Once I did the dump on my payload, I took all of the extracted images from the "payload_output" folder, put them in a new folder inside of mauronofrio's extracted zip folder, named that new folder "images," and just renamed the original "images" folder that was in the zip file to something else.
In mauronofrio's extracted zip folder, I copied the file named "flash-all-partitions-fastboot.bat" from the "Others_flashall" folder and pasted it into my new "images" folder. I double clicked on the "flash-all-partitions-fastboot.bat" file. An alluring window opened and I typed "Y" for yasss and then clicked "Enter."
And then that flashed most of the images to the phone. Not all of the images flashed. Some of them said "failed," but the important ones like the system.img and boot.img, among others, flashed successfully. I have no idea if using that specific ".bat" file was the right one for my situation because I wasn't sure if I was wearing comfy enough pants to be seen by the oracle.
After that, I did the the whole fastboot boot to TWRP and flashed the zip rom over again using my USB storage because it was easier for me to do that than to figure out how to adb sideload when the adb sideload button in TWRP wasn't working and while I was crash dumping for qualcomm, my phone refused to be recognized by the Tool All In One and the MSM Tool. Then I flashed TWRP, then I flashed magisk, rebooted to recovery, flashed magisk again, and then I tried to reboot to the system. But my phone booted back to twrp, a lot, a lot of times before the end of this story.
2.) Also easy: I think from TRWP (or you can use the power and volume buttons mantra from number one) I clicked on reboot the bootloader from fastboot mode. I used the up and down volume buttons to select "Bootloader" or "Start" (do both until the "Boot Reason" screen shows up for you).
For whatever reason I clicked "Boot Reason" and the reason was something made up like fs_mgr_mount_all. I clicked "Next" at the bottom of the screen and it asked me to wipe everything like music and photos which I already thought were long gone. But I have a backup of my music and my photos so no big deal.
I clicked on "wipe all data," and my phone finally booted back up into the OS. I went through the completely voluntary terms and conditions and voluntarily, completely voluntarily, and no one else is here with me, agreed to the voluntary terms and conditions. And then I clicked on the android 1 icon for magisk and...
At some point in time I formatted the system using TWRP after flashing the zips and the stuffs and now even though my phone says encrypted, the first time I booted back to twrp after finishing setting up my phone and putting a password on it, TWRP said that it decrypted USER 0 after putting my password into TWRP. I have no idea how it happened.
Nebrassy's TWRP is not supposed to be able to do that for android 11 as far as I know. About 30 mins later I booted back to TWRP just to see what would happen, and sure enough it took my password and decrypted my phone. Even though I am on android 11, rooted with a TWRP that is not supposed to be able to decrypt USER 0. I don't know how. Maybe I'll try to upload a log file so that can be figured out, or maybe by now it has already been figured out. Don't know.
So, that was fun, I hope you were able to get out of the crashdump by any of the means used here or not here. If you were able to get out of the qualcomm crashdump some other way or have advice on how any of the recipes could have been cooked better please post it in a forum or in this thread or sector B.92-80 of space so that no one ever comes close to using the very last tears their body has to offer.
I'm sorry if I forgot to give credit to anyone but at this point you'll have to flash me into recovery to get it. Or just say "I belong in here too," and post a link to your something helpful.


[Q] Tough time going back to stock

I've been running CM 11 for a little more than a month and have been really enjoying it. So, I have no idea why I decided to download the MythTools and revert back to stock At&t. Doing so, I messed something up on my phone.
To start, I'm using Windows 7 64bit and when selecting option 1 (install ADB-fastboot-apkTools) I get the new cmd window that states "please select install button after new window is opened press any key to continue...." when I press any key the cmd window would just close. Hoping it would help, I then chose option 6 to update my Motorola drivers. When my browser window opened I got the ADB installer window and clicked install. It seemed to have installed fine. I then updated my moto drivers. Thinking I was all set I went for option 2 to flash the stock firmware which I had put in the firmware folder. With my phone in fastboot I started the process and it failed. Reading through the cmd prompts I had noticed it said something like 'you selected 2- instal cwm.img cannot load cwm.img' . I unplugged my phone and tried to restart it and it was stuck on the bootloader screen. I then restarted into recovery and my PhilZ recovery did start up. However it displays "E: could not mount /data to setup /data/media path!" . I was still able to go through the process of a clean re-install of CM 11 but am stuck on the startup splash screen for CM.
I definitely got myself in way too deep and am clueless on how to fix this. Would someone mind instructing me on what to try next? Many thanks in advance.
I am not sure if it would make a difference in your situation but I do everything for my phone on an x86 system. I have had issues with LG and Samsung phones in the past when trying things on an x64 computer.
ifixgse said:
I've been running CM 11 for a little more than a month and have been really enjoying it. So, I have no idea why I decided to download the MythTools and revert back to stock At&t. Doing so, I messed something up on my phone.
To start, I'm using Windows 7 64bit and when selecting option 1 (install ADB-fastboot-apkTools) I get the new cmd window that states "please select install button after new window is opened press any key to continue...." when I press any key the cmd window would just close. Hoping it would help, I then chose option 6 to update my Motorola drivers. When my browser window opened I got the ADB installer window and clicked install. It seemed to have installed fine. I then updated my moto drivers. Thinking I was all set I went for option 2 to flash the stock firmware which I had put in the firmware folder. With my phone in fastboot I started the process and it failed. Reading through the cmd prompts I had noticed it said something like 'you selected 2- instal cwm.img cannot load cwm.img' . I unplugged my phone and tried to restart it and it was stuck on the bootloader screen. I then restarted into recovery and my PhilZ recovery did start up. However it displays "E: could not mount /data to setup /data/media path!" . I was still able to go through the process of a clean re-install of CM 11 but am stuck on the startup splash screen for CM.
I definitely got myself in way too deep and am clueless on how to fix this. Would someone mind instructing me on what to try next? Many thanks in advance.
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you said you are stuck on startup splash meaning bootloop? if it is you should try again with rsd lite.
else you may lose all your data in the memory but do a format media/data and sdcard, so that it can mount /data, it worked for me. then format system mount everyting and do a fresh install of any rom you can sideload or just have it in the sdcard.
I'm pretty sure I am doing something wrong with MythTools. When I select option 2 in the tool to install stock firmware the following happens,
- asks for fimware folder example and I select "N"
- asks if firmware files are finished copying.. I press enter and continue
-then it says "the system cannot find the path specified
the system cannot find the path specified
the system cannot find the path specified
'7z' is not recognized as an internal or external command
operable program or batch file
Are you ready to flash stock fimware...
at this point i stupidly hit enter and that was it with my phone. I'm guessing the tool could not locate the firmware .xml file for extracting and I have no idea why. The compressed folder is IN the firmware folder.
One other question with Mythtools, when installing the tools what path do you want them installed in? I did them in the same file the Myth tools are in.
ifixgse said:
I'm pretty sure I am doing something wrong with MythTools. When I select option 2 in the tool to install stock firmware the following happens,
- asks for fimware folder example and I select "N"
- asks if firmware files are finished copying.. I press enter and continue
-then it says "the system cannot find the path specified
the system cannot find the path specified
the system cannot find the path specified
'7z' is not recognized as an internal or external command
operable program or batch file
Are you ready to flash stock fimware...
at this point i stupidly hit enter and that was it with my phone. I'm guessing the tool could not locate the firmware .xml file for extracting and I have no idea why. The compressed folder is IN the firmware folder.
One other question with Mythtools, when installing the tools what path do you want them installed in? I did them in the same file the Myth tools are in.
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Disclaimer: Even though this worked for me I am not responsible if you brick your phone, I am simply sharing my experience
Okay, this is not for the faint of heart and is going to sound a little backward but it just worked for me 5mins ago. I am running Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit, so there shouldn't be a problem with your setup. I was having the same problem until I just double clicked on flashing.bat or main.bat instead of running as admin. After all I AM the admin of my PC. Then, it worked perfect...until flashing the tz.mbn file and froze up while writing the file. I thought mmm...it shouldn't take that long to write such a small file, and writing happens on the phone side (I believe) so I hit the phone's power button while leaving the Myth Tools window open, which disconnected the phone obviously. I booted back into fastboot and it continued from where it left off. (Note: I did this a few weeks ago when I lost my radios and manually flashed the modem file, which froze, but I followed the same procedure and it successfully flashed it) Then when it got to the last system.img chunk (it writes it in small chunks of 30mb and the last one is smaller, that's how I knew it was the last one) it froze again. I let it sit for about 5mins just to make sure it was written to the phone the repeated the sequence to reboot manually into fastboot and bang, once again it continued right where it left off. one or two more freezes and voila...it rebooted right back to stock. Any questions don't hesitate to ask.
If this helps you hit that thanks button!

Soft bricked phone? Can't install recovery and can't install a rom

Okay so I got my oneplus 3t today and I updated it to Nougat via the ota file all good so far. I then decided that I wanted to install a custom rom so I downloaded twrp supersu etc everything needed to root and install the rom. Here's where it went wrong in knowingly I downloaded the wrong twrp flashed it and it would just hang at the flash screen for twrp. Anyway after hours of trying to install a recovery I managed to get a stock one to semi work, now it turns out I don't know how I did it but my phone won't even boot it just turns on and goes straight to fastboot mode. I managed to get a stock recovery semi working but it won't let me install the stock rom from internal storage and I've tried updating through adb and it will hang at a random percentage for a good 20 mins and then just fail. Really need some help here it would be great, thanks
If you can get into fastboot mode then the best recourse is through there. Hope you properly OEM unlocked your device.
First of all, you MUST have the latest adb/fastboot binaries and FOR SURE have the correct drivers.
Follow the links on this XDA article to download the latest adb and fastboot binaries: https://www.xda-developers.com/google-releases-separate-adb-and-fastboot-binary-downloads
This is the link for the Windows binary: https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-windows.zip
Extract all the contents of the zip file in a folder on your PC.
Then, also make sure to have THE CORRECT twrp, or This is the link but currently it is down: https://twrp.me/devices/oneplus3t.html
Download THE IMAGE, NOT FLASHABLE ZIP and put it in the same folder as the android platform tools above.
Finally, download the latest complete 3T firmware from OnePlus from this link: http://downloads.oneplus.net/devices/oneplus-3t/
I STRONGLY recommend not to use an update zip, even a full ROM update zip as that one might not include certain firmware images.
Put THE ZIP on the same folder as the others, DO NOT EXTRACT ANYTHING.
On your PC, open a command prompt in the folder where you extracted the android platform tools and run the following: fastboot boot twrp-3.0.3-0-oneplus3t.img (assuming you downloaded the 3.0.3 version of twrp).
Your phone will TEMPORARILY accept the twrp recovery as a boot image and boot from there. NOTHING IS BEING PERMANENTLY WRITTEN AT THIS TIME.
After that, enter TWRP's Wipe menu and wipe system, data and cache.
Finally, use TWRP's Advanced menu and enter adb sideload mode. Once there slide that slider to the right to enable adb mode and return to your PC and enter the following command in the command prompt:
adb sideload OnePlus3TOxygen_28_OTA_029_all_1612131737_17e7161d2b234949.zip (assuming you downloaded the 3.5.4 binary from OnePlus).
TWRP should properly flash the OnePlus ROM and hopefully, return you to proper function. You can then update back to Nougat.
Hope that helped!
Yeah that sorted it thanks a lot
Use the emergency tool for OP3T and start from scratch:
I'm trying to follow this guide, but did you miss something out here?
On your PC, open a command prompt in the folder where you extracted the android platform tools and run the following: fastboot boot twrp-3.0.3-0-oneplus3t.img (assuming you downloaded the 3.0.3 version of twrp).
Your phone will TEMPORARILY accept the twrp recovery as a boot image and boot from there. NOTHING IS BEING PERMANENTLY WRITTEN AT THIS TIME.
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Once I do "fastboot boot twrp" and get a success, then what?
Do I need to somehow reboot the phone into TWRP - because that didn't happen on its own.
If so, how do I do this?
jackmacbunton said:
Yeah that sorted it thanks a lot
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Glad that sorted it out
PugRallye said:
@KeyperOSI'm trying to follow this guide, but did you miss something out here?
Once I do "fastboot boot twrp" and get a success, then what? Do I need to somehow reboot the phone into TWRP - because that didn't happen on its own. If so, how do I do this? Thanks,
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My instructions while detailed are not step-by-step. I expect the person reading them to have their PC configured correctly and at least a vague idea of what they're doing.
So, assuming you put the correct TWRP image (my command uses the name of the image for TWRP, you MUST alter it to reflect the actual image's filename if it's not that) on the same folder as the fastboot binary then yeah, the command
fastboot boot twrp-3.0.3-0-oneplus3t.img
should have made your phone reboot and enter into the TWRP image that you had on your PC.
If it didn't then you did sth else wrong before that.
Either you didn't OEM unlock your phone when you still could or you didn't use the android platform tools that I linked or you don't have the correct ADB drivers installed on your PC.
Start from there.
Hope that helped!
Thanks for your help @KeyperOS - I know where I went wrong...
To save some time, when I tried to reboot into TWRP, I typed "fastboot boot " then I dragged and dropped the TWRP img file onto that line in the cmd window (rather than typing the filename manually) - when you do that, it appears to include the full path to the img - it was that that was causing the problem.
When I typed the TWRP filename manually, it worked.
The only thing that caught me out was after I'd installed the ROM (via adb sideload) I tried to reboot the device from TWRP recovery - this seemed to just hang. In the end I just powered off the phone using the power key, then powered it back up as per usual.
Checked that the phone booted to the first of the setup screens, then powered off/booted into fastboot mode, relocked the bootloader and it seems to be OK.
I'm now back on 3.5.4 again, which was what I was trying to do...
4.0.0/1 had felt a bit laggy, and I'd sensed some issues with wifi and BT, I can now run 3.5.4 and see how it compares - was I just imagining it?
Thanks again for the guide and your help - I really appreciated it
Windows' command prompt has an autocomplete feature. If you want it to add the name of a file, type a couple letters and then present TAB, it's gonna complete the filename itself and if it's the wrong file you can keep tapping tab to cycle through all the options.
Really glad it worked out Btw [emoji4]
In my experience, 3.5.4 was great but 4.0 is a step up in both battery life, which IME is amazing and features, with it I almost didn't need root and certainly don't need xposed which was a first.

Official ROM for AT&T ASUS MeMo Pad 7 LTE (me375cl aka K00X) and root on Lollipop

Where I can find official ROM for asus me375cl based on android 5.1.1?
Finaly, i find zip with official ROM on 4pda:
(put '.' (dot) instead '-' in url)
A special thank to alexoid79 for instruction.
little_pindos said:
Finaly, i find zip with official ROM on 4pda:
(put '.' (dot) instead '-' in url)
A special thank to alexoid79 for instruction.
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Thank you so much for posting where you found this, this is exactly what I needed!!! You saved my tablet, it is much appreciated! :good:
Flashing Factory Image
The following instructions worked for me when trying to reflash the factory firmware for the ATT Asus MemoPad 7 LTE (ME375CL). I did originally try using the Asus Flash Tool and the raw firmware file (link below) but the tool said it could not unzip the package for some reason or another. So the steps below show how I did it using ADB with fastboot.
I ASSUME NO LIABILITY SHOULD THIS GO WRONG FOR YOU! However, it probably shouldn't matter if you are bricked, I doubt it will make it any worse Either way, I will not replace your tablet or be responsible for troubleshooting it should you mess it up more...
This scenario is based on the tablet stuck on the Asus boot screen and not going any further. I was trying some in depth rooting attempts and bricked it badly. I was then trying to install a custom recovery and that is why I could not reset it and bricked it.
1. ADB installed - Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0fKccJIuWsna04wMjY1eG9YREU
2. Asus Drivers installed
3. Firmware - Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0fKccJIuWsnWGhwYzA0Vkluc2s (file is 1 Gb + in size, may take a bit)
If you already have a working ADB setup, do not download the one above. If you are using the one above, I extracted the folder into my C: drive, so the path for ADB would be C:\adb (to keep it simple and less typing).
MAKE SURE THE ASUS DRIVERS ARE INSTALLED! If you have plugged the tablet in to a pc before, they should already be there. Otherwise search, download and install the appropriate drivers.
Extract the firmware zip file to somewhere easily accessible like your desktop. In there, you should see the boot.img, recovery.img and system.img files, copy/paste those files to your ADB folder (for easier typing later on). There are also additional files like these but start with "unsigned_", do NOT use those!
1. Ensure you probably have at least 30% battery charge, I would still recommend more though.
2. Put the tablet in Fastboot mode by ensuring the tablet is completely powered down and then press/hold the VOLUME UP and POWER keys at the same time. When the Asus screen appears, let go of the POWER button but continue to hold the VOLUME UP button. Let go of the VOLUME UP button when the fastboot screen appears.
3. Plug the tablet in to the computer and then open a CMD prompt as administrator.
4. The following uses the ADB downloaded and placed in the folder as listed above, you may need to adjust the location path as needed if you already have ADB installed or located in a different path.
Type in the following without the quotes: "cd c:\adb" (this will change the path to the ADB files for the CMD prompt)
Type in the following without the quotes: "fastboot devices" (you should then see a device listed)
Type in the following without the quotes: "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" (flashes the factory recovery image)
Type in the following without the quotes: "fastboot flash system system.img" (flashes the factory system image, may take a while to flash)
Type in the following without the quotes: "fastboot flash boot boot.img" (flashes the factory boot image)
5. Once those 3 images have been flashed, you should have seen a message that says "OKAY" after each one. You should be fine as long as you do not have any red error messages on your tablet.
Type in the following without the quotes: "fastboot reboot" (reboots device normally)
6. If all goes well, it should now boot to the Asus screen and then go to the ATT screen. If so, it will stay on the ATT screen for a while, just wait it out. Mine took about 12-15 minutes and then it opened to the new setup screen to set the tablet up as if its new!
This is how I was able to recover my bricked tablet, hopefully it can help someone else that may run into this.
John, thank you for the write-up. Just bought my ME375CL with
When I try to flash the recovery partition, I get the following error:
C:\Users\Myself\Desktop\adb>fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'recovery' (11312 KB)...
OKAY [ 1.047s]
writing 'recovery'...
(bootloader) Official image.
FAILED (remote: flash_cmds error!
finished. total time: 2.344s
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and on the tablet's screen:
E:recovery flash failed!
RESULT: FAIL(flash_cmds error! )
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I haven't tried the other commands for system.img or boot.img as I don't want to do anything out of order from the write-up. Ever run into this?
The firmware in the download is 5.1.1, not 4.4.4. That is probably the issue. If you are running good on that, I would try rooting it instead. If you are just wanting to upgrade, you will need to have an active AT&T SIM in the tablet to upgrade over the air. I am not sure if there is a flashable upgrade or not somewhere.
Oh ok John. I misread the title of the thread. I thought it was for updating from 4 to 5.
Quick question then: Is it possible, using the adb / fastboot tools, to backup the current before I allow the tablet to update to Lollipop? After reading around, I understand that Lollipop can't be rooted but I have no real concern for it. But just in case I need the tablet to do something else in the future, I'd like to be able to return it to kit kat to be able to root.
Once you upgrade to lollipop, there is no downgrading for this tablet. There really is not much development for this device. I have kind of been working on a lollipop root when I can. Between my limited time and knowledge of android, I can't promise anything.
Overcoming red messages?
Dear John,
Thank you very much for your help. My device runs KitKat 4.4, I can't upgrade over the air, as I damaged my sim slot struggling to remove a stuck nano sim, which I had inserted before I realized that it required a micro sim. (I'd wrongly assumed that by now the world uses only nano).
I followed the steps above, which you wrote so clearly for lay men, thank you a lot.
The flash for recovery.img and system.img worked fine (no red error messages on device).
The flash for boot.img had a red error message.
Might you have an idea or workaround on how I can address this?
If it refuses, is it possible to factory reset?
Thank you very much again for any words of advice and kind regards.
Gor- said:
Dear John,
Thank you very much for your help. My device runs KitKat 4.4, I can't upgrade over the air, as I damaged my sim slot struggling to remove a stuck nano sim, which I had inserted before I realized that it required a micro sim. (I'd wrongly assumed that by now the world uses only nano).
I followed the steps above, which you wrote so clearly for lay men, thank you a lot.
The flash for recovery.img and system.img worked fine (no red error messages on device).
The flash for boot.img had a red error message.
Might you have an idea or workaround on how I can address this?
If it refuses, is it possible to factory reset?
Thank you very much again for any words of advice and kind regards.
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Sounds odd that it did 2 out of 3 flashes. After you flashed those and rebooted, are you still on KitKat or did it actually update to Lollipop (5.1)? I ask because I assume the system image that flashed would be the operating system.
I still want to stress that this post is for recovering a bricked tablet that will not boot at all. I would not suggest using this as a flashing upgrade as I do not know if it will truly work. If you are still on KK (even after flashing) you could try installing the Asus Flash Tool and use the raw firmware that you downloaded and try it that way. It did not work for me so that is why I used fastboot. It might work for you.
Here is a link for the Asus Flash Tool:
johnkirchner said:
Sounds odd that it did 2 out of 3 flashes. After you flashed those and rebooted, are you still on KitKat or did it actually update to Lollipop (5.1)? I ask because I assume the system image that flashed would be the operating system.
I still want to stress that this post is for recovering a bricked tablet that will not boot at all. I would not suggest using this as a flashing upgrade as I do not know if it will truly work. If you are still on KK (even after flashing) you could try installing the Asus Flash Tool and use the raw firmware that you downloaded and try it that way. It did not work for me so that is why I used fastboot. It might work for you.
Here is a link for the Asus Flash Tool: ]
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As a follow up on your question above, Tab restart stalled at a screen (after the Asus logo), presenting some options to do recovery, reboot, factory reset, etc. (factory reset did not help), and red error messages at bottom.
To the GOOD news for anyone interested. I used the Asus Flash Tool and the firmware zip for 5.1.1 (many thanks for the advice).
Note: Tool did not install correctly on Win10 pc, citing error in installing some devcon.exe or similar file (guess that may be a firewall/antivirus issue).
Flash tool took some 15 or so mins unzipping firmware, after which I saw some action on the tab. Another 15 mins, and it rebooted to the At&t logo, stayed here for another 15 mins and unraveled a whole new device on Android 5.1
Glad to hear it worked for you and that I guess you can use this to flash upgrade from kitkat!
There is working way to root our device on lollipop! It is for the other Asus model, but it works for our
I will check this out!
The root works, installed without any issues and verified with a root checker!
Here is a direct download from my Drive folder: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0fKccJIuWsnN21ZbnZpc2F6b1E
1. Download the file above.
2. Extract the zip contents.
3. Plug your ME375CL tablet in to pc via usb cable.
4. Make sure you have enabled Developer Mode and allowed USB Debugging first!
5. Open the folder you extracted and double click the "Root-One-Click.cmd" file.
6. It should reboot to fastboot mode and flash the needed files and then reboot again.
You should now have root access. Verify this by installing a root checker app from the play store. Keep in mind, it may say root not installed on the first run. Sometimes it will take a moment for superuser to initially run or prompt for access.
Side note: the root uninstall did not seem to work, got an error...but oh well, the point is to have root!
Thanks go to @little_pindos for finding this file...you are a rockstar!
Anyone get xposed on LP?
ATT Boot Up Sound
Tired of the ATT boot sound? If you used the rooting method above, then you can get rid of the annoying ATT startup sound by doing the following:
1. Install a Root Browser app (I recommend Rom Toolbox Pro, it has a built in file manager)
2. Navigate to the following path:
3. Find the file named "powerup.wav"
4. Simply rename the file by adding .bak to the end (ex - powerup.wav.bak)
5. Make sure it took the name change (some file managers have issues with that)
6. Reboot and see if it got rid of the sound!
You can also use your own startup sounds as long as they are in a .wav format, I believe. Make sure that the name of the file is powerup.wav.
You can also change your boot animation with "boot animation" app.
Best tweak IMO is adding "ro.config.low_ram=true" to build prop, or installing the low ram device xposed module if we can get it to work (both do the same thing). You gain about 100mb more free RAM on average.
TimmyP said:
You can also change your boot animation with "boot animation" app.
Best tweak IMO is adding "ro.config.low_ram=true" to build prop, or installing the low ram device xposed module if we can get it to work (both do the same thing). You gain about 100mb more free RAM on average.
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I'll have to try that!
AT&T no longer has updates in system for this tablet
Gor- said:
Dear John,
Thank you very much for your help. My device runs KitKat 4.4, I can't upgrade over the air, as I damaged my sim slot struggling to remove a stuck nano sim, which I had inserted before I realized that it required a micro sim. (I'd wrongly assumed that by now the world uses only nano).
I followed the steps above, which you wrote so clearly for lay men, thank you a lot.
The flash for recovery.img and system.img worked fine (no red error messages on device).
The flash for boot.img had a red error message.
Might you have an idea or workaround on how I can address this?
If it refuses, is it possible to factory reset?
Thank you very much again for any words of advice and kind regards.
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AT&T removed the last update for this tablet months ago and no longer supports it. ASUS states AT&T has all the updates. Total cluster.

[NO ROOT] How to Install TWRP & custom ROM without root on Galaxy S5 G900

This thread is to teach you how to flash TWRP, along with a custom ROM on your T-Mobile Galaxy S5 WITHOUT root!
Read the whole thread at least one before trying!
Anything you do to your device is your own decision. I am not forcing you to do this. If you screw something up during the process, that isn't my fault.
Custom ROMs can sometimes be unstable. PLEASE make sure you are downloading the correct file for your device model.
Tampering with your device's firmware, including custom recoveries, ROMs, or rooting your device WILL VOID THE WARRANTY.
Flashing a custom ROM WILL DELETE YOUR DATA. Consider backing up your apps, photos, videos, files, etc. online or to an external storage.
Before we start, we need to download a few things.
*Do not download anything with Safari! Safari unzips zip files, but we want them to stay zipped. DO NOT RE-ZIP THE FILE YOURSELF!!! It will not be zipped in the correct format!*
1. Odin v3.12.3: (Odin)
2. The TWRP recovery tar file: (TWRP)
3. Your custom ROM zip file. (There are many ROMs out there, but Lineage is a pretty good one: (Lineage OS klte) Choose the most recent release.) IMPORTANT: Make sure you download this to your phone's internal/external storage to an easily accessible location.
4. A GApps package. This is required if you want to be able to download apps from the Google Play Store. Go to the Open GApps page and choose ARM, and Android 7.1. You shouldn't need anything more that micro. IMPORTANT: This file also goes onto your phone's internal/external storage.
5. Your device drivers. Most of the time, Windows will automatically install the required drivers once you put in the device, but in the case this doesn't happen, try googling your devices model number and "windows drivers." Follow the process to install.
Alright, with that out of the way, let's install TWRP.
1. With your phone unplugged, boot into "Download mode." Power off your device. Then hold down the Power, Home, and Vol- buttons until you see a warning pop up.
2. Accept the warning by clicking Vol+.
3. Run the Odin exe file we downloaded earlier. (You may have to unzip the file first.)
4. Go to Options and disable auto reboot. Go back to the Log tab.
5. Plug your device into the computer. You should see Odin say "ADDED!" on the side.
6. Click "AP" and locate the TWRP recovery tar file we downloaded earlier.
7. Once you select the file, click "Start."
8. When finished, it should say "PASS" at the top. This is where you unplug your phone and remove the battery.
9. Wait 10 seconds before putting the battery back in.
10. Try booting into recovery by holding down the Power, Home, and Vol+ buttons. If it reads "Team Win Recovery Project" at the top, then congrats! You've successfully flashed TWRP! If it says at the top "stock recovery," try the whole process again from step #1.
Now we can flash your custom ROM!
1. This is where we wipe your phone's data. Click on "Wipe." Then Swipe to factory reset.
2. After you have wiped your device, click on "Install"
3. Now navigate to the ROM zip file and select it.
4. Click on "Add more zips"
5. Navigate to the GApps zip file and select it.
6. Swipe to install. This can take some time, so grab a cup of coffee and maybe check out my Youtube channel?
7. The moment of truth: click on Reboot, then System. The first boot can take a minute. If it doesn't show up after 5 minutes, remove the battery and try wiping and flashing again.
CONGRATULATIONS!! You've installed a custom ROM! Enjoy! :laugh:
If you want to enable root on your Lineage OS device, you must flash an additional file first.
1. Go to this link and download the first su (arm) file and save it to an easily accessible location.
2. Boot into recovery mode once again by powering off your device, then pressing and holding Power, Home, and Vol+ until TWRP appears.
3. Click on install.
4. Select the su zip file we downloaded earlier.
5. Swipe to install.
6. Once it is installed, boot back into system.
7. Navigate to developer options in settings.
8. Scroll down to"Root Access" and change it to either Apps, or Apps and ADB.
Awesome, now you have root!
Thanks for the help:
I did not work for me, when I go recovery mode it shows:
Could not do normal boot
Odin mode.
I'm definitely not an pro at this, so can anyone help me please
Worked perfectly on the latest stock OTA!
Doesn't work for me. When I reboot in recovery ode, instead of TWRP loading I get a generic Android Recovery screen with a few options - reboot system now, reboot to bootloaded, apply update from ADB apply update from SD card, wipe data/factory reset, wipe cache partition, mount /system, view recovery logs, power off. Now sure how to proceed....
bradmccoy said:
Doesn't work for me. When I reboot in recovery ode, instead of TWRP loading I get a generic Android Recovery screen with a few options - reboot system now, reboot to bootloaded, apply update from ADB apply update from SD card, wipe data/factory reset, wipe cache partition, mount /system, view recovery logs, power off. Now sure how to proceed....
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We’re you sure to unplug and remove the battery? This is essential to ensure the phone powers down. If you just power down the phone will reset the recovery to avoid TWRP. You have to remove any power source to force a shutdown before it can reset. Please feel free to respond and I’ll be happy to help to the best of my abilities!
Thank you so much for this tutorial. It worked perfectly in my SM-G900MD, and it's easier than the method suggested by the Lineage OS page itself. :good:
Thanks, these steps worked just fine on an SM-G900T, and were very easy to follow.
Thank you! This worked beautifully.
Only thing that didn't work the first time is, is that it told me to download the Gapps Android 8.1 file instead of 7.1.
I hear people talking of unlocking the bootloader in order to install a custom ROM. Why haven't you mentioned that in this article?
Had the "FAIL! (Auth)" problem with flashing TWRP with Odin.
It seems that after I have disabled Reactivation Lock (the standard feature that requires activation of the phone with Samsung account) it helped to succeed flashing TWRP.
Hi All,
Thanks for a great and useful guide. Whilst it says this can be achieved without root, which is fantastic... It doesn't mention anything about tripping Knox or not?? I assume this will trip the Knox counter, won't it ?? Or do this method bypass that ??
Thanks, Lister
adult supervision needed for Samsung S5 Lineage 17 install
Hi, I'm good with adb and fastboot, running Linux with the commandline Odin4. I can get the phone to the warning screen about the danger of installing other Roms. How do I proceed? What are the commandline options to use to flash the LineageOS 17 with odin4 ? The Odin4 help file isn't very helpful.
Could not do normal boot
I am not an expert at this and I am having the same issue as The Verg
I have a message at the top "Could not do normal boot" same as him
I've been at this for 2 days now I'm just about at my ends wit
My phone is a Samsung S5 Active model SM-G870W
and I can easily rooted it or reinstall the stock file and put it back to original
and I've done that hump time but this TWRP file I just can't install it
to update this phone to a more recent software and basically install
an S8 or S9 software in it (mind you version 9 Pie would be OK0
and make this old phone a real beast.
I read somewhere about the OEM button which does not exist on this phone
whatever explanation they are giving to unlock it and make the button appear
all of a sudden is bs in my book.
Now please help me with this phone and the other guy by the same token
Is there another way I can get into this phone and wipe it clean and
boot it with thru the abd file or access the sd card or the internal
storage of the phone.
How can I add a picture of my phone to this thread

How to install Android 12 ( Derpfest ) for noobs!

In this guide, ill be showing you how to install a custom rom onto your OnePlus 7T Pro device. Ill be assuming your phone is completely stock and you haven't done any modifications. This is done at your own risk, i am not responsible for corrupted images, bricked devices etc.
*NOTE: This guide is for the OnePlus 7T Pro only*
What you will need:
A windows PC - idk buy one lol? *NOTE* You will need a Windows 10 PC, Windows 11 can't recognize your phone in fastboot for some reason. You can manually install the adb drivers to the PC If you must use windows 11.
Platform tools SDK - https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools
USB cable that came with the phone
Derpfest ROM - https://sourceforge.net/projects/derpfest/files/hotdog/ (This was made by @NurKeinNeid, It's truly an amazing rom and would recommend it to anyone who wants android 12 on their devices! XDA forum for the ROM - https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/rom-12-0-derpfest-for-oneplus-7t-pro-official-hotdog.4250469/ ) Download the .img.zip, not just the .zip!
Orange Fox Recovery - https://orangefox.download/device/hotdog
Payload Dumper - https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=818070582850510260
Custom Flashing Script - https://github.com/AlaistairP/Install-Scripts
Step 1: Unlocking your Bootloader.
(i) In order to install software onto your phone you must have an unlocked bootloader. To start, go to settings - about phone - tap on the build number 7 times, input your password and developer options should then be enabled.
(ii) Then go into the main settings page - system - developer options. Enable the 'OEM UNLOCKING' feature. After that scroll down and enable USB Debugging. At this stage, plug your device into your pc. A dialogue should come up to allow the computer to connect to your phone, click yes.
(iii) Now on your computer, navigate to the platform tools folder you downloaded, in the main directory with all the files, in the search bar type cmd and press enter. You now need to boot your phone into fastboot mode. To do this, turn your phone off. Then, hold the power button with the volume up and down button! You should see a menu with green text saying 'Start' at the top.
(iv) Plug your phone into your computer, and in the cmd menu you opened, type 'fastboot devices', you should see the word fastboot followed by a string of numbers. Now type - 'fastboot oem unlocking' A dialogue will appear on your phone, using the volume keys select the option to unlock the bootloader. *NOTE - ALL DATA WILL BE REMOVED'
Step 2: Flashing a custom recovery
Reboot your phone to fastboot, then connect your phone to your pc. Type in 'fastboot reboot fastboot' your device should reboot into 'fastbootd' Now using the recovery.img file you downloaded from Firefox, type the following command, `'fastboot flash recovery 'PATH TO RECOVERY.IMG FILE'
Once the file has flashed, restart your phone into fastboot mode and using the volume keys, navigate to recovery mode. You should now boot into Orange Fox recovery. Now, in orangefox, go to Wipe - Format Data - then type yes and wait for the process to finish.
Step 3: Flashing the ROM!
Open your downloaded version of derpfest, you should see a file called payload.bin, place that into the payload dumper input folder, then run the programme and wait for it complete, you should have loads of .img files. Copy all of these into your platform tools folder! Now download the custom script and place that into the platform tool folder as well.
Reboot your phone into fastboot mode, and once again type 'fastboot reboot fastboot' Once you're in fastbootd mode, right click the flash-all.bat script and run as admin, click more info if you have microsoft defender and click run anyway, The rest is done in the script!
Once you have downloaded and extracted the new files from the most recent payload.bin file which the dev releases, copy these files into your platform-tools folder. You need to make sure there are no .img files from the old Rom remaining. Now, connect your phone to your pc. Open a cmd windows inside the platform-tools window and type 'adb reboot fastboot', once your phone has entered fastboot, type 'fastboot reboot fastbootd' Once your in fastbootd, simply run the update.bat script and voila!
After, reboot your phone and you should load into your new Android 12 OS!
If you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask!
If i have made any mistakes in this guide, or you guys think i should make any changes, let me know, im new to this!
*NOTE - I intend to make a full video walk through soon, ill have the youtube video linked here in the near future*
astroarchcraft said:
In this guide, ill be showing you how to install a custom rom onto your OnePlus 7T Pro device. Ill be assuming your phone is completely stock and you haven't done any modifications. This is done at your own risk, i am not responsible for corrupted images, bricked devices etc.
*NOTE: This guide is for the OnePlus 7T Pro only*
What you will need:
A windows PC - idk buy one lol?
Platform tools SDK - https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools
USB cable that came with the phone
Derpfest ROM - https://sourceforge.net/projects/derpfest/files/hotdog/ (This was made by @NurKeinNeid, It's truly an amazing rom and would recommend it to anyone who wants android 12 on their devices! XDA forum for the ROM - https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/rom-12-0-derpfest-for-oneplus-7t-pro-official-hotdog.4250469/ ) Download the .img, not zip!
Orange Fox Recovery - https://orangefox.download/device/hotdog
Payload Dumper - https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=818070582850510260
Custom Flashing Script - https://github.com/astroarchcraft/A12script/tree/main
Step 1: Unlocking your Bootloader.
(i) In order to install software onto your phone you must have an unlocked bootloader. To start, go to settings - about phone - tap on the build number 7 times, input your password and developer options should then be enabled.
(ii) Then go into the main settings page - system - developer options. Enable the 'OEM UNLOCKING' feature. After that scroll down and enable USB Debugging. At this stage, plug your device into your pc. A dialogue should come up to allow the computer to connect to your phone, click yes.
(iii) Now on your computer, navigate to the platform tools folder you downloaded, in the main directory with all the files, in the search bar type cmd and press enter. You now need to boot your phone into fastboot mode. To do this, turn your phone off. Then, hold the power button with the volume up and down button! You should see a menu with green text saying 'Start' at the top.
(iv) Plug your phone into your computer, and in the cmd menu you opened, type 'fastboot devices', you should see the word fastboot followed by a string of numbers. Now type - 'fastboot oem unlocking' A dialogue will appear on your phone, using the volume keys select the option to unlock the bootloader. *NOTE - ALL DATA WILL BE REMOVED'
Step 2: Flashing a custom recovery
Reboot your phone to fastboot, then connect your phone to your pc. Type in 'fastboot reboot fastboot' your device should reboot into 'fastbootd' Now using the recovery.img file you downloaded from Firefox, type the following command, `'fastboot flash recovery 'PATH TO RECOVERY.IMG FILE'
Once the file has flashed, restart your phone into fastboot mode and using the volume keys, navigate to recovery mode. You should now boot into Orange Fox recovery. Now, in orangefox, go to Wipe - Format Data - then type yes and wait for the process to finish.
Step 3: Flashing the ROM!
Open your downloaded version of derpfest, you should see a file called payload.bin, place that into the payload dumper input folder, then run the programme and wait for it complete, you should have loads of .img files. Copy all of these into your platform tools folder! Now download the custom script and place that into the platform tool folder as well.
Reboot your phone into fastboot mode, and once again type 'fastboot reboot fastboot' Once you're in fastbootd mode, right click the script and run as admin, click more info if you have microsoft defender and click run anyway, The rest is done in the script!
After, reboot your phone and you should load into your new Android 12 OS!
If you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask!
If i have made any mistakes in this guide, or you guys think i should make any changes, let me know, im new to this!
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I really appreciate the time and work you put into it. Thank you very much!
Btw I will release new build tonight. Now I can link to this post in the update announcement as well.
NurKeinNeid said:
I really appreciate the time and work you put into it. Thank you very much!
Btw I will release new build tonight. Now I can link to this post in the update announcement as well.
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No Problem, Quite satisfying to write actually! Thanks so much for all the effort you put into the ROM, Best one I have used on my phone yet! Looking forward to the new build
Hi Team, this method with flashing Orange Fox recovery and formatting Data, do you know if will enable backup/restore and viewable sdcard for Android 12/Derp?
The only thing I haven't been willing to try is formatting/converting Data, as I've re-setup my phone about 5 times now trying various methods over several days trying to get a working custom recovery for Derp
somemadcaaant said:
Hi Team, this method with flashing Orange Fox recovery and formatting Data, do you know if will enable backup/restore and viewable sdcard for Android 12/Derp?
The only thing I haven't been willing to try is formatting/converting Data, as I've re-setup my phone about 5 times now trying various methods over several days trying to get a working custom recovery for Derp
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Hey I'm not sure about the backup/restore, but after formatting the drive, they'll no longer be encrypted so Orange Fox should be able to read the data on your drive.
Thought as much, time for another reinstall. Thanks again have a thumbs up.
Hi Astroarchcraft, thank you for this guide! If you only put it out 2 days earlier you'd have saved me from a soft brick! (from which I recovered luckily ahahh)
Anyway, could you please also add the guide on how to update to a newer build? Is there a way to do it without losing all data? Thanks!
Looking forward to move to the new 2022-01-07 build!
Instead of going to fastbootd after flashing orangefox recovery, it just goes to orangefox's fastboot mode and did the script there. Should it work the same? (I'm still waiting for the flash to finish, will update what will happen after) Thanks!
Edit: Looks like it works just the same even if you run flash all script inside orangefox recovery fastboot.
Anyways, thanks for the nice guide. Really helpful! I know i've been flashing ROMs ever since back then. But its always nice to have a guide here and there. So kudos to you for making this one. Thanks!
What if I'm on a A12 AOSP ROM and want to try Derpfest ROm? can I just flash it in TWRP or are there any instructions to follow?
iSyncX said:
Instead of going to fastbootd after flashing orangefox recovery, it just goes to orangefox's fastboot mode and did the script there. Should it work the same? (I'm still waiting for the flash to finish, will update what will happen after) Thanks!
Edit: Looks like it works just the same even if you run flash all script inside orangefox recovery fastboot.
Anyways, thanks for the nice guide. Really helpful! I know i've been flashing ROMs ever since back then. But its always nice to have a guide here and there. So kudos to you for making this one. Thanks!
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Yup, orange Fox fastboot is fastbootd if you do it from the bootloader
salomaoa said:
What if I'm on a A12 AOSP ROM and want to try Derpfest ROm? can I just flash it in TWRP or are there any instructions to follow?
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Nope, it's a fastboot ROM so it must be done via fastboot!
Ninotzz said:
Hi Astroarchcraft, thank you for this guide! If only you put it out 2 days earlier you'd have saved me from a soft brick! (from which I recovered luckily ahahh)
Anyway, could you please also add the guide on how to update to a newer build? Is there a way to do it without losing all data? Thanks!
Looking forward to move to the new 2022-01-07 build!
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I'll make a guide later, but for the moment, all you need to do it download the update files, instead of the original files, and don't erase the data when given the option in the script!
astroarchcraft said:
I'll make a guide later, but for the moment, all you need to do it download the update files, instead of the original files, and don't erase the data when given the option in the script!
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So won't I have problems with my data being encrypted by the previous version of the ROM? Will the new one be able to read it anyway?
Cheers ✌
I've updated and it was perfect, my recommendation for the moment is to go to the how to update section on the official ROM page and do what is said from there, like I said, I'll make a guide as soon as I get a chance
astroarchcraft said:
I've updated and it was perfect, my recommendation for the moment is to go to the how to update section on the official ROM page and do what is said from there, like I said, I'll make a guide as soon as I get a chance
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Unfortunately NurKein removed it from the post in favor of the link to your guide So I'll try to follow what you told me in this thread for now
astroarchcraft said:
In this guide, ill be showing you how to install a custom rom onto your OnePlus 7T Pro device. Ill be assuming your phone is completely stock and you haven't done any modifications. This is done at your own risk, i am not responsible for corrupted images, bricked devices etc.
*NOTE: This guide is for the OnePlus 7T Pro only*
What you will need:
A windows PC - idk buy one lol?
Platform tools SDK - https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools
USB cable that came with the phone
Derpfest ROM - https://sourceforge.net/projects/derpfest/files/hotdog/ (This was made by @NurKeinNeid, It's truly an amazing rom and would recommend it to anyone who wants android 12 on their devices! XDA forum for the ROM - https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/rom-12-0-derpfest-for-oneplus-7t-pro-official-hotdog.4250469/ ) Download the .img, not zip!
Orange Fox Recovery - https://orangefox.download/device/hotdog
Payload Dumper - https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=818070582850510260
Custom Flashing Script - https://github.com/astroarchcraft/A12script/tree/main
Step 1: Unlocking your Bootloader.
(i) In order to install software onto your phone you must have an unlocked bootloader. To start, go to settings - about phone - tap on the build number 7 times, input your password and developer options should then be enabled.
(ii) Then go into the main settings page - system - developer options. Enable the 'OEM UNLOCKING' feature. After that scroll down and enable USB Debugging. At this stage, plug your device into your pc. A dialogue should come up to allow the computer to connect to your phone, click yes.
(iii) Now on your computer, navigate to the platform tools folder you downloaded, in the main directory with all the files, in the search bar type cmd and press enter. You now need to boot your phone into fastboot mode. To do this, turn your phone off. Then, hold the power button with the volume up and down button! You should see a menu with green text saying 'Start' at the top.
(iv) Plug your phone into your computer, and in the cmd menu you opened, type 'fastboot devices', you should see the word fastboot followed by a string of numbers. Now type - 'fastboot oem unlocking' A dialogue will appear on your phone, using the volume keys select the option to unlock the bootloader. *NOTE - ALL DATA WILL BE REMOVED'
Step 2: Flashing a custom recovery
Reboot your phone to fastboot, then connect your phone to your pc. Type in 'fastboot reboot fastboot' your device should reboot into 'fastbootd' Now using the recovery.img file you downloaded from Firefox, type the following command, `'fastboot flash recovery 'PATH TO RECOVERY.IMG FILE'
Once the file has flashed, restart your phone into fastboot mode and using the volume keys, navigate to recovery mode. You should now boot into Orange Fox recovery. Now, in orangefox, go to Wipe - Format Data - then type yes and wait for the process to finish.
Step 3: Flashing the ROM!
Open your downloaded version of derpfest, you should see a file called payload.bin, place that into the payload dumper input folder, then run the programme and wait for it complete, you should have loads of .img files. Copy all of these into your platform tools folder! Now download the custom script and place that into the platform tool folder as well.
Reboot your phone into fastboot mode, and once again type 'fastboot reboot fastboot' Once you're in fastbootd mode, right click the script and run as admin, click more info if you have microsoft defender and click run anyway, The rest is done in the script!
After, reboot your phone and you should load into your new Android 12 OS!
If you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask!
If i have made any mistakes in this guide, or you guys think i should make any changes, let me know, im new to this!
*NOTE - I intend to make a full video walk through soon, ill have the youtube video linked here in the near future*
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Thank you for the awesome guide, I have some questions, since this wipes all my data, what is the most efficient way of backing up my device data as I always don't know what people do to not lose their data while constantly switching ROMs, keeping in mind that this is my first time installing a custom ROM ever!
as well as, what's your experience with the ROM so far, any bugs popped up? Widevine still L1 and SafetyNet passes?
Did you find a way of installing OxygenOS camera? if not, what GCAM are you using?
i think you should add "How to dirty flash an update " also.
0mar32 said:
Thank you for the awesome guide, I have some questions, since this wipes all my data, what is the most efficient way of backing up my device data as I always don't know what people do to not lose their data while constantly switching ROMs, keeping in mind that this is my first time installing a custom ROM ever!
as well as, what's your experience with the ROM so far, any bugs popped up? Widevine still L1 and SafetyNet passes?
Did you find a way of installing OxygenOS camera? if not, what GCAM are you using?
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Some minor bugs have popped up, like apps closing randomly, but that was because of my magisk root, as soon as I got rid of it, all the apps worked. Oxygen OS Camera wouldn't work so I'm using a Gcam mod for the 7T Pro. As for keeping your data, i would advice performing a nandroid backup. There's guides on YouTube as to how to do this.
amitkuliyal said:
i think you should add "How to dirty flash an update " also.
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About to start work on an updating part now
astroarchcraft said:
Some minor bugs have popped up, like apps closing randomly, but that was because of my magisk root, as soon as I got rid of it, all the apps worked. Oxygen OS Camera wouldn't work so I'm using a Gcam mod for the 7T Pro. As for keeping your data, i would advice performing a nandroid backup. There's guides on YouTube as to how to do this.
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So nothing other than apps randomly closing, hmm, good, does Derpfest have a Parallel Apps feature like OOS? as I employ 2 WhatsApp accounts (Personal and Work accounts).
Are you using the recommended GCAM from the ROM Post? https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...official-hotdog.4250469/page-18#post-86176205
anything else I need to be on the lookout for before I start, coming from OOS I mean, something missing from Derpfest that was on OOS?
Sorry for hammering you, it's just my first time flashing a custom ROM and I'm minutes away from doing it.

