[FYI] Guide to stock ROM packages - Sprint HTC 10 Guides, News, & Discussion

I see a lot of posts all over with people asking which packages can be safely disabled or removed for any given device or ROM. It's tough to give an easy answer as each person's needs and desires are different. So, I figured I'd share the research that I've done on the Sprint 10's stock ROM's packages to hopefully help people make better informed descisions for themselves.
I'll embed a more human-readable version in the post, but I've also attached the original, which is a semicolon-seperated-list that can easily be parsed by scripts and the like. This list is for the current, latest ROM, 2.42.651.63. The fields of the list are as follows:
1. A single character that attempts to group packages by similar characteristics. Characters are as follows:​
"A" is for core Android packages that almost always need to be there and enabled for general operating system functionallity.
"C" is for core third-party packages, generally needed for cellular operation and shouldn't be disabled/removed.
"G" is for Google packages needed for using Google apps and services, including the Play Store. Really, all of these can be disabled/removed if you don't need/want Google's offerings.
"H" is for HTC packages. A lot of these can be safely removed/disabled, but be careful so as not to break some of the functionallity of HTC's "Android experience."
"Q" is for Qualcomm packages. These should be there and enabled.
"S" is for Sprint packages. These can all be safely disabled/removed with the possible exception of the Voicemail app, which is needed for getting and configuring voicemail notifications.
"T" is for third-party packages. All of these should be able to be safely disabled/removed, but possibly at the cost of additional functionallity or services.​
2. The name of the package as it appears in the application listing under Settings. The list is sorted by this field.​
3. An optional field that is an attempt at a concise description.​
4. The internal package name. Useful for manually manipulating apps via the 'pm' command-line utility.​
5. The full path to the package on the device.​
6. An optional comma-seperated list of additional files/directories associated with the package that can be removed along with the app to free up disk space and possibly improve security by reducing attack surface area.​
The list is a living document and I'll try to post updates as it evoles if people find it useful. Any feedback is welcome.
Here's the package list with the various keyboard language packs trimmed so that we stay under the 30000 character limit (the attached list is fully intact):
(H) Adaptive Sound (com.htc.htcadaptivesound) [/system/priv-app/AdaptiveSound/AdaptiveSound.apk]
(T) Amazon -- Amazon Underground (com.amazon.mShop.android) [/system/priv-app/Sprint_Amazon_Shopping/Sprint_Amazon_Shopping.apk]
(T) Amazon Kindle (com.amazon.kindle) [/system/app/Sprint_Kindle/Sprint_Kindle.apk]
(T) Amazon Music (com.amazon.mp3) [/system/app/Sprint_Amazon_Music/Sprint_Amazon_Music.apk]
(T) Amazon Photos (com.amazon.clouddrive.photos) [/system/app/Sprint_Amazon_Cloud_Drive/Sprint_Amazon_Cloud_Drive.apk]
(T) Amazon Video (com.amazon.avod.thirdpartyclient) [/system/app/Sprint_Amazon_Instant_Video/Sprint_Amazon_Instant_Video.apk]
(A) Android Easter Egg (com.android.egg) [/system/app/EasterEgg/EasterEgg.apk]
(A) Android Services Library -- Android Extensions service (com.google.android.ext.services) [/system/priv-app/GoogleExtServices/GoogleExtServices.apk]
(A) Android Shared Library -- Android Extensions library (com.google.android.ext.shared) [/system/app/GoogleExtShared/GoogleExtShared.apk]
(A) Android System (android) [/system/framework/framework-res.apk]
(A) Android System WebView -- Embeddable Chrome engine for in-app web content (com.google.android.webview) [/system/app/WebViewGoogle/WebViewGoogle.apk]
(T) ANT HAL Service -- ANT Wireless Protocol (com.dsi.ant.server) [/system/app/AntHalService/AntHalService.apk]
(H) Archive Viewer (com.htc.htccompressviewer) [/system/app/HtcCompressViewer/HtcCompressViewer.apk]
(A) Basic Daydreams -- Colors daydream (com.android.dreams.basic) [/system/app/BasicDreams/BasicDreams.apk]
(A) Blocked Numbers Storage (com.android.providers.blockednumber) [/system/priv-app/BlockedNumberProvider/BlockedNumberProvider.apk]
(A) Bluetooth MIDI Service -- Connect to MIDI instruments (com.android.bluetoothmidiservice) [/system/app/BluetoothMidiService/BluetoothMidiService.apk]
(A) Bluetooth Share -- Share data via Bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth) [/system/app/Bluetooth/Bluetooth.apk]
(H) Boost+ -- System Optimizer (com.htc.pitroad) [/system/priv-app/Boost+/Boost+.apk]
(A) Calculator (com.android.calculator2) [/system/app/ExactCalculator/ExactCalculator.apk]
(G) Calendar (com.google.android.calendar) [/system/app/CalendarGoogle/CalendarGoogle.apk]
(A) Calendar Storage (com.android.providers.calendar) [/system/priv-app/CalendarProvider/CalendarProvider.apk]
(A) Call Log Backup/Restore (com.android.calllogbackup) [/system/priv-app/CallLogProvider/CallLogProvider.apk]
(A) Call Management (com.android.server.telecom) [/system/priv-app/Telecomm/Telecomm.apk]
(H) Camera (com.htc.camera2) [/system/priv-app/Camera2/Camera2.apk]
(H) CaptivePortalLogin (com.htc.captiveportallogin) [/system/priv-app/HtcCaptivePortalLogin/HtcCaptivePortalLogin.apk]
(A) CaptivePortalLogin -- For Wi-Fi Hotspots (com.android.captiveportallogin) [/system/app/CaptivePortalLogin/CaptivePortalLogin.apk]
(S) Carrier Setup Wizard -- Used by Sprint Zone (com.sprint.psdg.sw) [/system/priv-app/CarrierSetupWizard-v0300004-signed/CarrierSetupWizard-v0300004-signed.apk]
(A) Certificate Installer (com.android.certinstaller) [/system/app/CertInstaller/CertInstaller.apk]
(G) Chrome -- Chrome Web Browser (com.android.chrome) [/system/app/Chrome/Chrome.apk]
(H) Clock (com.htc.android.worldclock) [/system/priv-app/WorldClock/WorldClock.apk]
(A) com.android.backupconfirm -- Confirm Backup Restoration (com.android.backupconfirm) [/system/priv-app/BackupRestoreConfirmation/BackupRestoreConfirmation.apk]
(A) com.android.carrierconfig (com.android.carrierconfig) [/system/priv-app/CarrierConfig/CarrierConfig.apk]
(A) com.android.cts.ctsshim -- Compatibility Test Suite shim (com.android.cts.ctsshim) [/system/app/CtsShimPrebuilt/CtsShimPrebuilt.apk]
(A) com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim -- Compatibility Test Suite shim (com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim) [/system/priv-app/CtsShimPrivPrebuilt/CtsShimPrivPrebuilt.apk]
(A) com.android.sharedstoragebackup -- Opaque Binary Blob (OBB) Backup (com.android.sharedstoragebackup) [/system/priv-app/SharedStorageBackup/SharedStorageBackup.apk]
(A) com.android.smspush (com.android.smspush) [/system/app/WAPPushManager/WAPPushManager.apk]
(A) com.android.wallpaperbackup (com.android.wallpaperbackup) [/system/app/WallpaperBackup/WallpaperBackup.apk]
(A) com.android.wallpapercropper (com.android.wallpapercropper) [/system/priv-app/WallpaperCropper/WallpaperCropper.apk]
(H) com.htc.contextualwidget (com.htc.contextualwidget) [/system/priv-app/ContextualWidget/ContextualWidget.apk]
(H) com.htc.framework (com.htc.framework) [/system/framework/framework-res-htc/framework-res-htc.apk]
(Q) com.qualcomm.qti.tetherservice (com.qualcomm.qti.tetherservice) [/system/priv-app/QtiTetherService/QtiTetherService.apk]
(Q) com.qualcomm.timeservice (com.qualcomm.timeservice) [/system/app/TimeService/TimeService.apk]
(Q) com.quicinc.cne.CNEService -- Qualcomm Connectivity Engine (com.quicinc.cne.CNEService) [/system/priv-app/CNEService/CNEService.apk]
(G) ConfigUpdater -- Updates Android SELinux policy/Certificates/Firewall rules/etc. (com.google.android.configupdater) [/system/priv-app/ConfigUpdater/ConfigUpdater.apk]
(A) Contacts Storage (com.android.providers.contacts) [/system/priv-app/ContactsProvider/ContactsProvider.apk]
(H) Customization Settings Provider -- Used by Customization Setup and others (com.htc.provider.CustomizationSettings) [/system/priv-app/CustomizationSettingsProvider/CustomizationSettingsProvider.apk]
(H) Customization Setup -- Configures device based on SIM/Carrier (com.htc.CustomizationSetup) [/system/priv-app/CustomizationSetup/CustomizationSetup.apk]
(H) Default IME Provider (com.htc.provider.defaultimeprovider) [/system/priv-app/Default_IME_Provider/Default_IME_Provider.apk]
(H) DemoFloPackageInstaller -- Showroom Demo installer (*#*#339999#*#*) (* DANGEROUS *) (com.htc.demoflopackageinstaller) [/system/priv-app/DemoFLOPackageInstaller/DemoFLOPackageInstaller.apk] [/system/etc/.demoflo]
(H) Device configuration -- Play Store auto installs config stub (android.autoinstalls.config.htc.htc_pmewhl) [/system/app/PlayAutoInstallConfig-stub/PlayAutoInstallConfig-stub.apk]
(A) Dialer Storage (com.android.providers.telephony) [/system/priv-app/TelephonyProvider/TelephonyProvider.apk]
(H) DialerService (com.htc.dialerservice) [/system/priv-app/DialerService/DialerService.apk]
(G) Docs (com.google.android.apps.docs.editors.docs) [/system/app/EditorsDocs/EditorsDocs.apk]
(A) Documents (com.android.documentsui) [/system/priv-app/DocumentsUI/DocumentsUI.apk]
(T) Dolby Audio service (com.dolby) [/system/vendor/app/Ds1/Ds1.apk]
(A) Download Manager -- Download Manager service (com.android.providers.downloads) [/system/priv-app/DownloadProvider/DownloadProvider.apk]
(A) Downloads -- Downloads UI (com.android.providers.downloads.ui) [/system/app/DownloadProviderUi/DownloadProviderUi.apk]
(H) Drawing Board -- Art Drawing app for Kid Mode (com.htc.drawingboard) [/system/app/DrawingBoard/DrawingBoard.apk]
(G) Drive -- Google Drive (com.google.android.apps.docs) [/system/app/Drive/Drive.apk]
(H) DriveActivator -- Activate HTC's Google Drive offer (com.htc.drive.activator) [/system/app/DriveActivator/DriveActivator.apk]
(G) Duo (com.google.android.apps.tachyon) [/system/app/Duo/Duo.apk]
(H) EasyAccessService -- HTC Motion Launch gestures (com.htc.sense.easyaccessservice) [/system/priv-app/EasyAccessService/EasyAccessService.apk]
(H) EPST -- Electronic Programming Support Tool (##3282#) (com.htc.android.epst) [/system/priv-app/EPST/EPST.apk]
(A) External Storage (com.android.externalstorage) [/system/priv-app/ExternalStorageProvider/ExternalStorageProvider.apk]
(H) Extreme power saving mode -- Extreme power saving mode Launcher (com.htc.powersavinglauncher) [/system/priv-app/HtcEPSLauncher/HtcEPSLauncher.apk]
(T) Facebook (com.facebook.katana) [/system/app/facebook-stub/facebook-stub.apk]
(T) Facebook App Installer (com.facebook.system) [/system/priv-app/installer/installer.apk]
(T) Facebook App Manager (com.facebook.appmanager) [/system/app/appmanager/appmanager.apk]
(H) Facebook for HTC Sense (com.htc.sense.socialnetwork.facebook) [/system/priv-app/Facebook/Facebook.apk]
(H) Field Trial -- Real-time radio/network info (##33284#) (com.htc.android.fieldtrial) [/system/priv-app/FieldTrial/FieldTrial.apk]
(H) Fingerprint scanner (com.htc.fingerprint) [/system/priv-app/FingerPrint/FingerPrint.apk]
(H) Flashlight (com.htc.flashlight) [/system/app/Flashlight/Flashlight.apk]
(H) Frisbee Contacts -- Used by Transfer my stuff (com.htc.contacts.frisbee) [/system/priv-app/HtcContactsDNATransfer/HtcContactsDNATransfer.apk]
(A) Fused Location -- Last Known Location API (com.android.location.fused) [/system/priv-app/FusedLocation/FusedLocation.apk]
(G) Gmail (com.google.android.gm) [/system/app/Gmail2/Gmail2.apk]
(G) Google Account Manager (com.google.android.gsf.login) [/system/priv-app/GoogleLoginService/GoogleLoginService.apk]
(G) Google App -- Quick Search and Now On-Tap (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox) [/system/priv-app/Velvet/Velvet.apk]
(G) Google Backup Transport (com.google.android.backuptransport) [/system/priv-app/GoogleBackupTransport/GoogleBackupTransport.apk]
(G) Google Contacts Sync (com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts) [/system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk]
(G) Google One Time Init (com.google.android.onetimeinitializer) [/system/priv-app/GoogleOneTimeInitializer/GoogleOneTimeInitializer.apk]
(G) Google Partner Setup (com.google.android.partnersetup) [/system/priv-app/GooglePartnerSetup/GooglePartnerSetup.apk]
(G) Google Play Movies & TV (com.google.android.videos) [/system/app/Videos/Videos.apk]
(G) Google Play Music (com.google.android.music) [/system/app/Music2/Music2.apk]
(G) Google Play services (com.google.android.gms) [/system/priv-app/GmsCore/GmsCore.apk]
(G) Google Play Store (com.android.vending) [/system/priv-app/Phonesky/Phonesky.apk]
(G) Google Services Framework (com.google.android.gsf) [/system/priv-app/GoogleServicesFramework/GoogleServicesFramework.apk]
(G) Google Text-to-speech Engine (com.google.android.tts) [/system/app/GoogleTTS/GoogleTTS.apk]
(H) Google+ for HTC Sense (com.htc.sense.socialnetwork.googleplus) [/system/priv-app/GooglePlusPlugin/GooglePlusPlugin.apk]
(G) Hangouts (com.google.android.talk) [/system/app/Hangouts/Hangouts.apk]
(H) Help -- HTC Help (com.htc.guide) [/system/priv-app/HTCAdvantage/HTCAdvantage.apk]
(H) HTC Account (com.htc.cs.identity) [/system/app/MyHTC/MyHTC.apk]
(H) HTC Checkin Service -- Used for HTC Sync and OTA (com.htc.checkinprovider) [/system/priv-app/CheckinProvider/CheckinProvider.apk]
(H) HTC Connect -- Media output via Wi-Fi Display (com.htc.wifidisplay) [/system/app/HTC_Connect/HTC_Connect.apk]
(H) HTC Connection Service -- HTC Mini+ functionality (com.htc.accessory) [/system/priv-app/HtcAccessoryService/HtcAccessoryService.apk]
(H) HTC DM -- System updates settings activity (com.htc.omadm.settings) [/system/app/HtcOMADM_SettingsPlugin_SPCS/HtcOMADM_SettingsPlugin_SPCS.apk]
(H) HTC DM Command Service -- (##3424#) (com.htc.dmportread) [/system/priv-app/DMCommandService/DMCommandService.apk]
(H) HTC Function Test v70.80.04g -- Device hardware testing (*#*#3424#*#*) (com.android.CSDFunctionG) [/system/priv-app/GSD/GSD.apk]
(H) HTC Lock Screen (com.htc.lockscreen) [/system/priv-app/HtcLockScreen/HtcLockScreen.apk]
(H) HTC Mobile Guide -- URL Shortcut (com.bookmarkshortcut20151221123122952) [/system/app/SPC_HTC_Mobile_Guide_PMEWHL/SPC_HTC_Mobile_Guide_PMEWHL.apk]
(H) HTC Service - DLNA -- Digital Living Network Alliance (com.htc.htcdlnamiddlelayer) [/system/priv-app/HtcDLNAMiddleLayer/HtcDLNAMiddleLayer.apk]
(H) Htc Service Pack (com.htc.sense.hsp) [/system/priv-app/HtcServicePack/HtcServicePack.apk]
(H) HTC Sync Manager (com.nero.android.htc.sync) [/system/priv-app/AndroidHtcSync/AndroidHtcSync.apk]
(H) HTC Sync Manager Package Installer (com.nero.android.htc.sync.installer) [/system/priv-app/NeroHTCInstaller/NeroHTCInstaller.apk]
(H) HtcBIDHandler -- HTC Service Pack successor? (com.htc.bidhandler) [/system/priv-app/HtcBIDHandler/HtcBIDHandler.apk]
(H) HtcLogLevel -- Controls HTC Function log levels (com.htc.android.htcloglevel) [/system/app/HtcLogLevel/HtcLogLevel.apk]
(H) HTCMirrorLink -- VNC MirrorLink server for automobile connectivity (com.htc.mirrorlinkserver) [/system/priv-app/MirrorLink_MirrorLinkService/MirrorLink_MirrorLinkService.apk]
(H) HtcMobileData -- OMA Client Provisioning (com.htc.mobiledata) [/system/priv-app/HtcMobileData/HtcMobileData.apk]
(H) HtcSprintService -- OMA Device Management (com.htc.htcsprintservice) [/system/priv-app/HtcSprintService/HtcSprintService.apk]
(A) HTML Viewer (com.android.htmlviewer) [/system/app/HTMLViewer/HTMLViewer.apk]
(H) Ice View (com.htc.iceview) [/system/priv-app/HtcIceView/HtcIceView.apk]
(T) iCloudTransfer -- Restore from an iCloud backup (com.futuredial.idevicecloud) [/system/priv-app/iCloudTransfer/iCloudTransfer.apk]
(A) Input Devices (com.android.inputdevices) [/system/priv-app/InputDevices/InputDevices.apk]
(T) Instagram -- Instagram installer (com.instagram.android) [/system/app/instagram-stub/instagram-stub.apk]
(A) Intent Filter Verification Service -- Used by App Links (com.android.statementservice) [/system/priv-app/StatementService/StatementService.apk]
(A) Key Chain -- Private Key Access (com.android.keychain) [/system/app/KeyChain/KeyChain.apk]
(T) KeyVPN (com.mocana.vpn.android.gui) [/system/app/mocanaKeyVpnF/mocanaKeyVpnF.apk] [/system/lib/libmvpnc.so,/system/lib/libvelodsf.sign.so,/system/lib/libvelodsf.so]
(T) KeyVPNService (com.mocana.vpn.android) [/system/app/mocanaKeyVpnServiceF/mocanaKeyVpnServiceF.apk] [/system/lib/libmvpnc.so,/system/lib/libvelodsf.sign.so,/system/lib/libvelodsf.so]
(H) LinkedIn for HTC Sense (com.htc.sense.linkedin) [/system/priv-app/LinkedIn_Fsplugin/LinkedIn_Fsplugin.apk]
(Q) LocationServices (com.qualcomm.location) [/system/priv-app/com.qualcomm.location/com.qualcomm.location.apk]
(T) Lookout -- Lookout Mobile Security (com.lookout) [/system/priv-app/Lookout/Lookout.apk]
(H) Mail -- Mail Client (com.htc.android.mail) [/system/priv-app/Mail/Mail.apk]
(G) Maps (com.google.android.apps.maps) [/system/app/Maps/Maps.apk]
(G) Market Feedback Agent -- Google Play Feedback (com.google.android.feedback) [/system/priv-app/GoogleFeedback/GoogleFeedback.apk]
(A) Media Storage -- MTP and Screenshot functionality (com.android.providers.media) [/system/priv-app/MediaProvider/MediaProvider.apk]
(H) Message Provider -- SMS/MMS Storage (com.htc.providers.htcmessage) [/system/app/HtcMessageProvider/HtcMessageProvider.apk]
(H) Messages -- SMS/MMS Client (com.htc.sense.mms) [/system/priv-app/Message/Message.apk]
(T) Messenger -- Facebook Messenger installer (com.facebook.orca) [/system/app/messenger-stub/messenger-stub.apk]
(A) MmsService (com.android.mms.service) [/system/priv-app/MmsService/MmsService.apk]
(H) Mobile Hotspot (com.htc.WifiRouter) [/system/priv-app/WifiRouter/WifiRouter.apk]
(S) Mobile Installer -- Sprint-branded applications manager (com.sprint.ce.updater) [/system/priv-app/Sprint_Installer/Sprint_Installer.apk]
(A) MTP Host -- Media Transfer Protocol (com.android.mtp) [/system/priv-app/MtpDocumentsProvider/MtpDocumentsProvider.apk]
(H) Network Location -- AutoNavi China-based Location service (com.htc.china.location.service) [/system/priv-app/AMapNetworkLocation/AMapNetworkLocation.apk]
(T) News Republic (com.mobilesrepublic.appy) [/system/app/News_Republic/News_Republic.apk]
(A) Nfc Service -- Near Field Communication (com.android.nfc) [/system/app/NfcNciNxp/NfcNciNxp.apk]
(H) OMADM Tool -- Open Mobile Alliance Device Management Tool (com.htc.omadm.tool) [/system/app/HtcOMADM_Tool_SPCS/HtcOMADM_Tool_SPCS.apk]
(A) Package Access Helper (com.android.defcontainer) [/system/priv-app/DefaultContainerService/DefaultContainerService.apk]
(A) Package installer (com.google.android.packageinstaller) [/system/priv-app/GooglePackageInstaller/GooglePackageInstaller.apk]
(A) PacProcessor -- Proxy-auto-config service (com.android.pacprocessor) [/system/app/PacProcessor/PacProcessor.apk]
(A) PartnerBookmarksProvider (com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks) [/system/priv-app/SprintPartnerBookmarksProvider-v190000/SprintPartnerBookmarksProvider-v190000.apk]
(H) People -- Dialer (com.htc.contacts) [/system/priv-app/HtcContactsDialer/HtcContactsDialer.apk]
(H) Personalize -- Personalize settings activity (com.htc.home.personalize) [/system/priv-app/HomePersonalize/HomePersonalize.apk]
(A) Phone (com.android.incallui) [/system/priv-app/InCallUI/InCallUI.apk]
(A) Phone (com.android.phone) [/system/priv-app/Telephony/Telephony.apk]
(G) Photos (com.google.android.apps.photos) [/system/priv-app/Photos/Photos.apk]
(H) Pick a location -- HTC Location Picker (com.htc.android.locationpicker) [/system/priv-app/LocationPicker/LocationPicker.apk]
(H) PitroadEnhancerService -- Boost+ Service (com.htc.pitroad.enhancerservice) [/system/priv-app/PitroadEnhancerService/PitroadEnhancerService.apk]
(H) Power -- Power settings activity (com.htc.htcpowermanager) [/system/priv-app/HtcPowerManager/HtcPowerManager.apk]
(H) Power dashboard widget (com.htc.rosiewidgets.powerstrip) [/system/app/HtcPowerStripWidget/HtcPowerStripWidget.apk]
(H) Power_CAOffload -- ??? (com.htc.power_caoffload) [/system/app/Power_CAOffload/Power_CAOffload.apk]
(S) Preferred Activity Setter -- Used by Sprint ID to set Preferred Applications (com.sprint.w.prefact) [/system/priv-app/PrefAct_v300000_unsign/PrefAct_v300000_unsign.apk]
(G) Print Service Recommendation Service (com.google.android.printservice.recommendation) [/system/app/GooglePrintRecommendationService/GooglePrintRecommendationService.apk]
(A) Print Spooler (com.android.printspooler) [/system/app/PrintSpooler/PrintSpooler.apk]
(A) ProxyHandler (com.android.proxyhandler) [/system/priv-app/ProxyHandler/ProxyHandler.apk]
(G) Push Client -- Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) / Push Notification Service (PNS) (com.htc.cs.pns) [/system/priv-app/PNSClient/PNSClient.apk]
(Q) QXDM2SD -- Qualcomm eXtensible Diagnostic Monitor (*#*#737425#*#*) (com.htc.android.qxdm2sd) [/system/app/QXDM2SD/QXDM2SD.apk]
(H) RAW Enhancement (com.htc.photoenhancer2) [/system/priv-app/HMS_PhotoEnhancer2/HMS_PhotoEnhancer2.apk]
(H) ResetNotify -- Notifies HTC of abnormal system resets (com.htc.resetnotify) [/system/app/HtcResetNotify/HtcResetNotify.apk]
(T) RootPA -- Secure mobile processing via ARM TrustZone (com.gd.mobicore.pa) [/system/app/RootPA/RootPA.apk]
(H) Sense Home -- Sense Home Launcher (com.htc.launcher) [/system/priv-app/Prism/Prism.apk]
(A) Settings (com.android.settings) [/system/priv-app/Settings/Settings.apk]
(A) Settings Storage (com.android.providers.settings) [/system/priv-app/SettingsProvider/SettingsProvider.apk]
(H) Setup -- Setup Wizard by HTC (com.htc.android.htcsetupwizard) [/system/priv-app/HTCSetupWizard/HTCSetupWizard.apk]
(G) Setup Wizard -- Setup Wizard by Google (com.google.android.setupwizard) [/system/priv-app/SetupWizard/SetupWizard.apk]
(A) Shell (com.android.shell) [/system/priv-app/Shell/Shell.apk]
(A) SIM Toolkit (com.android.stk) [/system/priv-app/Stk/Stk.apk]
(S) Smart Device Manager -- Sprint Drive First (com.locationlabs.sparkle.yellow.pre) [/system/app/Sprint_Smart_Device_Manager/Sprint_Smart_Device_Manager.apk]
(C) SmartcardService -- SIM communication service (org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service) [/system/app/SmartcardService/SmartcardService.apk]
(H) SmartSearch -- SmartSearch for TouchPal Keyboard (com.emoji.keyboard.touchpal.htc.smartsearch) [/system/priv-app/TouchPal_SmartSearch/TouchPal_SmartSearch.apk]
(H) Smith -- HTC Loggers UI (com.android.smith) [/system/app/Smith/Smith.apk] [/system/lib/libsmith.so,/system/lib64/libsmith.so]
(H) SmithLite -- Turn on/off Loggers (*#*#76484#*#*) (com.htc.smithlite) [/system/priv-app/SmithLite/SmithLite.apk] [/system/bin/prot]
(H) SmsBackupAgent (com.htc.mms.backupagent) [/system/priv-app/SMSBackup/SMSBackup.apk]
(H) Sound Picker (com.htc.sdm) [/system/priv-app/SoundPicker/SoundPicker.apk]
(H) Speak -- HTC Voice Control (com.htc.HTCSpeaker) [/system/priv-app/HTCSpeakCyberon/HTCSpeakCyberon.apk]
(S) Sprint Fun & Games (com.sprint.fng) [/system/priv-app/Sprint_Fun_Games/Sprint_Fun_Games.apk]
(S) Sprint hub (com.sprint.ms.smf.services) [/system/priv-app/SMF/SMF.apk] [/system/lib64/libsmf.so]
(S) Sprint ID (com.sprint.w.installer) [/system/priv-app/ID/ID.apk]
(S) Sprint Zone (com.sprint.zone) [/system/priv-app/Sprint_Sprint_Zone/Sprint_Sprint_Zone.apk]
(A) System UI (com.android.systemui) [/system/priv-app/SystemUI/SystemUI.apk]
(A) Tags -- NFC Tags (com.android.apps.tag) [/system/priv-app/Tag/Tag.apk]
(G) TalkBack -- Screen Reader (com.google.android.marvin.talkback) [/system/app/talkback/talkback.apk]
(H) TetheringGuard (com.htc.tetheringguard) [/system/priv-app/TetheringGuard/TetheringGuard.apk]
(H) TouchPal - HTC Sense Version (com.emoji.keyboard.touchpal.oem) [/system/priv-app/TouchPal_IME/TouchPal_IME.apk]
(H) TouchPal Handwrite Pack (com.cootek.smartinputv5.language.oem.chs.handwrite) [/system/app/TouchPal_HandwritePack/TouchPal_HandwritePack.apk]
(H) TouchPal SkinPack Default White (com.cootek.smartinputv5.skin.defaultwhite) [/system/app/TouchPal_Skin_DefaultWhite/TouchPal_Skin_DefaultWhite.apk]
(H) Transfer my stuff -- Transfer my stuff from other HTC/Android devices (com.htc.dnatransfer) [/system/priv-app/Frisbee/Frisbee.apk]
(A) Trusted Face -- Face Unlock (com.android.facelock) [/system/app/FaceLock/FaceLock.apk]
(H) Twitter for HTC Sense (com.htc.sense.socialnetwork.twitter) [/system/priv-app/Twitter/Twitter.apk]
(H) UDove -- Tell HTC + Usage and error reporting (com.htc.feedback) [/system/priv-app/UDove/UDove.apk]
(H) UIBC -- Wi-Fi Display via Miracast (com.htc.uibc) [/system/app/UIBC/UIBC.apk]
(H) Update HTC Sense Home -- Temporary Launcher used when updating Sense Home (com.htc.launcherupdatescreen) [/system/priv-app/LauncherUpdateScreen/LauncherUpdateScreen.apk]
(H) Updater -- HTC Over-The-Air (OTA) Updater (com.htc.updater) [/system/priv-app/Updater/Updater.apk]
(H) UsageBackupAgent (com.htc.usage) [/system/priv-app/Usage/Usage.apk]
(A) User Dictionary (com.android.providers.userdictionary) [/system/app/UserDictionaryProvider/UserDictionaryProvider.apk]
(C) vDM Client -- vDirect Mobile - OMA Device Management (##873283#) (com.redbend.vdmc) [/system/priv-app/HtcOMADM_SPCS/HtcOMADM_SPCS.apk]
(H) View video (com.htc.video2) [/system/priv-app/HMS_VideoPlayer2/HMS_VideoPlayer2.apk]
(H) Voice Recorder (com.htc.soundrecorder) [/system/priv-app/HtcSoundRecorder/HtcSoundRecorder.apk]
(S) Voicemail -- Voicemail Transcription and Management (com.coremobility.app.vnotes) [/system/priv-app/Sprint_Sprint_VVM/Sprint_Sprint_VVM.apk]
(A) VpnDialogs (com.android.vpndialogs) [/system/priv-app/VpnDialogs/VpnDialogs.apk]
(H) Weather (com.htc.Weather) [/system/priv-app/Weather/Weather.apk]
(H) Weather Clock Widget (com.htc.widget.weatherclock) [/system/priv-app/HtcWeatherClockWidget/HtcWeatherClockWidget.apk]
(A) Work profile setup -- Managed Profiles (com.android.managedprovisioning) [/system/priv-app/ManagedProvisioning/ManagedProvisioning.apk]
(G) YouTube (com.google.android.youtube) [/system/app/YouTube/YouTube.apk]
(H) Zoe -- Zoe Video Editor (com.htc.zero) [/system/priv-app/HTCZero/HTCZero.apk]


can we undo/remove nodo update??

Considering the only "visible" change is the reduced color depth and the copy paste, there is nothing else why I want to stick to this nodo update...so is there a way I can go back to the first, very first firmware without jailbreaking it..? On Zune I had seen an option of going back to the previous version option once...but can I do it now...or will it have seriously harm the phone's performance in any way??
You would have to flash an older pre-NoDo ROM. This can be done quite easily, but does mean wiping your phone.
Shadowise said:
You would have to flash an older pre-NoDo ROM. This can be done quite easily, but does mean wiping your phone.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It gives e a restore point of some Jan 1, 2005...Should I go for it??
you can try restoring, it should work, forget the date If it doesn't, you can always flash a pre-nodo rom
March 2011
OS version: 7.0.7390.0*
Copy & paste. You asked for it—now it's here. Just tap a word and drag the arrows to copy and paste it on your phone. You can copy text from emails, text messages, web pages, and Office Mobile documents, and paste it anywhere you can type. To learn more, see Copy & paste.
Faster apps and games. Nobody likes to wait. That's why we've whittled down the time it takes for apps and games to start up and resume. It's all part of our focus on getting you to the things you love, easier and faster.
Better Marketplace search. We've streamlined Marketplace search to make it easier to find specific apps, games, or music. Press the Search button in the Apps or Games section of Marketplace and you'll see only apps or games in the results. Press Search in the Music section of Marketplace to search just the music catalog.
Other Marketplace improvements. We've improved the stability of Marketplace while you download apps. We've also improved the experience of downloading apps larger than 20 megabytes, upgrading from trial apps to paid apps, sharing links to apps via email, sorting Xbox LIVE games by release date, and creating an Xbox LIVE account from within the Games Hub.
Wi-Fi improvements. We now display your phone's Media Access Control (MAC) address in Settings. (You might need this info if you try to connect to a Wi-Fi network that uses MAC address filtering. To learn more, see Connect to a Wi-Fi network.) We've also removed the limit on the number of Wi-Fi profiles that you can store and reduced the time it takes to start your phone if you've stored lots of Wi-Fi profiles.
Outlook improvements. We've improved the experience of viewing iPhone photo attachments you receive from a non-Exchange-based email account (such as a Google Mail, Hotmail, or Yahoo! Mail account), using the Global Address List (GAL) when connecting to Exchange Server 2003 using Exchange ActiveSync, and working with email display names that contain brackets (for example, "David Alexander [Contoso]").
Facebook integration. We've improved the experience of syncing Facebook accounts.
Camera improvements. We've improved the stability of switching between camera and video modes.
Audio improvements. We've improved the experience of using a Bluetooth headset to make calls when you're playing music or videos.
Other performance improvements. This month's update also includes software from several phone manufacturers that improves the performance of specific models. Naturally, if you don't have one of the affected models, we won't install this portion of the update on your phone.
jimbonics said:
March 2011
OS version: 7.0.7390.0*
Copy & paste. You asked for it—now it's here. Just tap a word and drag the arrows to copy and paste it on your phone. You can copy text from emails, text messages, web pages, and Office Mobile documents, and paste it anywhere you can type. To learn more, see Copy & paste.
Faster apps and games. Nobody likes to wait. That's why we've whittled down the time it takes for apps and games to start up and resume. It's all part of our focus on getting you to the things you love, easier and faster.
Better Marketplace search. We've streamlined Marketplace search to make it easier to find specific apps, games, or music. Press the Search button in the Apps or Games section of Marketplace and you'll see only apps or games in the results. Press Search in the Music section of Marketplace to search just the music catalog.
Other Marketplace improvements. We've improved the stability of Marketplace while you download apps. We've also improved the experience of downloading apps larger than 20 megabytes, upgrading from trial apps to paid apps, sharing links to apps via email, sorting Xbox LIVE games by release date, and creating an Xbox LIVE account from within the Games Hub.
Wi-Fi improvements. We now display your phone's Media Access Control (MAC) address in Settings. (You might need this info if you try to connect to a Wi-Fi network that uses MAC address filtering. To learn more, see Connect to a Wi-Fi network.) We've also removed the limit on the number of Wi-Fi profiles that you can store and reduced the time it takes to start your phone if you've stored lots of Wi-Fi profiles.
Outlook improvements. We've improved the experience of viewing iPhone photo attachments you receive from a non-Exchange-based email account (such as a Google Mail, Hotmail, or Yahoo! Mail account), using the Global Address List (GAL) when connecting to Exchange Server 2003 using Exchange ActiveSync, and working with email display names that contain brackets (for example, "David Alexander [Contoso]").
Facebook integration. We've improved the experience of syncing Facebook accounts.
Camera improvements. We've improved the stability of switching between camera and video modes.
Audio improvements. We've improved the experience of using a Bluetooth headset to make calls when you're playing music or videos.
Other performance improvements. This month's update also includes software from several phone manufacturers that improves the performance of specific models. Naturally, if you don't have one of the affected models, we won't install this portion of the update on your phone.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
He must really love that color depth.....

Samsung Realesed ChatON Messenger App

Samsung has released envoy ChatON on Apple App Store.
ChatON is Communication Services Global Mobile which allows You to have better relationships with your friends or group. ChatON unify all methods of communication, expression sharing, and in one place.
1) ChatON support platform multi-and the device. Users can chat through ChatON are free.
- Currently, the ChatON support IOS, Android, Bada, Samsung Features and will support Blackberry, Window mobile, web immediately.
2) ChatON provide multi-way to make Your communication more rich.
- 1:1 Chat, Group Chat, Broadcast, Message Drawing, Drawings, Video, Sound, Location, Contacts, Calendars.
3) Using the ChatON, you can create a message picture Your own unique by drawing hands etc.
4) ChatON provides features management to group a chat group Easy
5) ChatON provide ranking Interaction which tell you how often You chat with your friends.
6) For each chat rooms, You can easily see all picture sent and videos in one Trunk.
7) say something to your friends? only use 'Friends Say '!
What's New in Version this:
** SMS Verification not accepted? Go to ChatON.com to verification an alternative. It exists in corner bottom right "
You can download ChatON of App Store for free.

CyanogenMod 10 Bare Minimum Application List (Delete List) 3113 only!

I delete most everything I can with titanium backup.
Here's what is left, system wise. Anything that isn't on this list can be deleted without causing problems or boot loops. I could remove more if I didn't want contacts, sync .. etc..
This is all you need to make CyanogenMod 10 run and function.
Bluetooth Share 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.bluetooth)
Certificate Installer 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.certinstaller)
com.android.backupconfirm 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.backupconfirm)
com.android.provision 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.provision)
com.android.sharedstoragebackup 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.sharedstoragebackup)
Contacts 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.contacts)
Contacts Storage 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.providers.contacts)
Dev Tools 1.0 (com.android.development)
Download Manager 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.providers.downloads)
Downloads 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.providers.downloads.ui)
DRM Protected Content Storage 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.providers.drm)
DSPManager 2.0 (com.bel.android.dspmanager)
Google Account Manager 4.1-392829 (com.google.android.gsf.login)
Google Backup Transport 4.1-392829 (com.google.android.backup)
Google Contacts Sync 4.1-392829 (com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts)
Google One Time Init 4.1-392829 (com.google.android.onetimeinitializer)
Google Partner Setup 4.1-392829 (com.google.android.partnersetup)
Google Play Music 4.3.606.400990 (com.google.android.music)
Google Play Services 0 (com.google.android.gms)
Google Play Store 3.7.15 (com.android.vending)
Google Services Framework 4.1-392829 (com.google.android.gsf)
Input Devices 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.inputdevices)
Key Chain 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.keychain)
Live Wallpaper Picker 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.wallpaper.livepicker)
Market Feedback Agent 4.1-392829 (com.google.android.feedback)
Media Storage 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.providers.media)
Network Location 1.1.10 (com.google.android.location)
Package Access Helper 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.defcontainer)
Package installer 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.packageinstaller)
Picasa Uploader 1.1.40000 (com.google.android.apps.uploader)
Search 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.quicksearchbox)
Search Applications Provider 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.providers.applications)
Settings 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.settings)
Settings Storage 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.providers.settings)
Setup Wizard 1.3 (com.google.android.setupwizard)
System UI 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.systemui)
Theme Chooser 0.1 (com.tmobile.themechooser)
Themes Provider 2.0.25 (com.tmobile.thememanager)
User Dictionary 4.1.1-eng.codeworkx.20120729.145626 (com.android.providers.userdictionary)
Will update when we get a newer version such as an RC.

Freeze Bloatware

Does anyone have a list of what apps, bloatware, files, etc are safe to freeze? Theres a lot of things I speculate that I can freeze safely, but I don't want to do it and end up messing something up. :laugh:
breatheoflife said:
Does anyone have a list of what apps, bloatware, files, etc are safe to freeze? Theres a lot of things I speculate that I can freeze safely, but I don't want to do it and end up messing something up. :laugh:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here's what all I've frozen. Most of these I found on a Razr 4.1.2 "safe to remove" list on the Razr forum here, and a few I just took a chance on. I used TiBu to freeze and have rebooted with no issues.
AcousticWarning (keeps you from maxing out your volume)
Backup Assistant Plus
Backup Assistant+ Contacts Client
Backup+ Media
City ID
Email (I use Gmail)
Facebook (I use Google+)
Mobile Hotspot
MotoCare (memory hog)
NFL Mobile
Quickoffice (I use OfficeSuite Pro)
Slacker Radio (I use Pandora/Google Music)
SmartActions Android Framework
SmartActions Proprietary Framework
Swype (I use SwiftKey Flow)
Vehicle Mode
Verizon Login
Verizon Remote Diagnostics
Verizon Tones
Voicemail (I use Google Voice)
VZ Navigator
Adding apps I've successfully frozen on Bionic JellyBean (in red):
AcousticWarning (keeps you from maxing out your volume)
Android Live Wallpapers
Backup Assistant Plus
Backup Assistant+ Contacts Client
Backup+ Media
Calendar (I use Google Calendar)
City ID
Email (I use Gmail)
Facebook (I use Google+)
Files (I use Root Explorer)
Home screen tips
How to Videos
Magic Smoke Wallpapers
Mobile Hotspot
MotoCare (memory hog)
Movie Studio
Music Visualization Wallpapers
NFL Mobile
Quickoffice (I use OfficeSuite Pro)
Slacker Radio (I use Pandora/Google Music)
SmartActions Android Framework
SmartActions Proprietary Framework
Swype (I use SwiftKey Flow)
Text Messaging (I use Handcent)
Vehicle Mode
Verizon Login
Verizon Remote Diagnostics
Verizon Tones
Video Calling
Voice Commands
Voicemail (I use Google Voice)
VZ Navigator
Welcome Webtop
dberthia said:
Adding apps I've successfully frozen on Bionic JellyBean (in red):
AcousticWarning (keeps you from maxing out your volume)
Android Live Wallpapers
Backup Assistant Plus
Backup Assistant+ Contacts Client
Backup+ Media
Calendar (I use Google Calendar)
City ID
Email (I use Gmail)
Facebook (I use Google+)
Files (I use Root Explorer)
Home screen tips
How to Videos
Magic Smoke Wallpapers
Mobile Hotspot
MotoCare (memory hog)
Movie Studio
Music Visualization Wallpapers
NFL Mobile
Quickoffice (I use OfficeSuite Pro)
Slacker Radio (I use Pandora/Google Music)
SmartActions Android Framework
SmartActions Proprietary Framework
Swype (I use SwiftKey Flow)
Text Messaging (I use Handcent)
Vehicle Mode
Verizon Login
Verizon Remote Diagnostics
Verizon Tones
Video Calling
Voice Commands
Voicemail (I use Google Voice)
VZ Navigator
Welcome Webtop
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What about things like
Moto Chinese Input
Moto English
Moto Smart Handwriting
Moto Stroke (sounds like them making up for the lack of updates)
Moto (chinese symbols)

[APK] ADT-1 Cast Receiver, Leanback Launcher & more

So I was attending I/O and got the ADT-1, Android TV development device. These are the APKs I was able to pull from it (interesting ones).
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Download links:
Android Media Shell a.k.a. Google Cast Receiver. Doesn't work for me even on the ADT-1 itself although reports successful service start in logcat.
Leanback Launcher, the launcher in Android TV.
Launcher L I don't know what this exactly is, but from its contents it appears to be something like GEL or Google Now but with TV UI. There is a bunch of activities and some strange tutorial slides inside.
Leanback Keyboard, a keyboard that can be operated with a d-pad.
Brilliant! thanks for sharing.
Be interesting to see what becomes of this
Cheers Rob.
Looks like you're right - the Leanback Keyboard does require a d-pad. Probably would work good on a device like the NVIDIA SHIELD.
Cheers for the uploads!
Some folks are already having fun trying, but no luck so far:
darren1 said:
Grishka11 has posted the apk on this thread
Only installs on Kit Kat or Android L. Doesn't do anything on my Nexus 10 running 4.4.2. Decompiled and altered the minimum sdk version and installed it on a Jellybean Android box and again does nothing.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ah well, maybe someone will crack it eventually.
The reason CheapCast stopped working was because of some kind of certificates the Chromecast SDK2.0 requires. I wonder if they could be pulled from a ADT-1 /system dump somehow..
@Grishka11 it's asking for permissions we don't have when installed, can you see if you can pull them from /system/etc/permissions?
W/PackageManager( 462): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_DRM_CERTIFICATES in package com.google.android.apps.mediashell
W/PackageManager( 462): Unknown permission android.permission.HDMI_CEC in package com.google.android.apps.mediashell
osm0sis said:
@Grishka11 it's asking for permissions we don't have when installed, can you see if you can pull them from /system/etc/permissions?
W/PackageManager( 462): Unknown permission android.permission.ACCESS_DRM_CERTIFICATES in package com.google.android.apps.mediashell
W/PackageManager( 462): Unknown permission android.permission.HDMI_CEC in package com.google.android.apps.mediashell
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here you go
Grishka11 said:
Here you go
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I cant find the permissions needed in the zip. Can you post the output from
$ adb shell pm list permissions -s
Command to see what permissions is installed on the ADT-1
mannberg said:
I cant find the permissions needed in the zip. Can you post the output from
$ adb shell pm list permissions -s
Command to see what permissions is installed on the ADT-1
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
[email protected]:/ $ pm list permissions -s
All Permissions:
Status Bar: expand/collapse status bar
Read User Dictionary: read terms you added to the dictionary
System tools: null, measure app storage space, get information on internal storage, null, read subscribed feeds, change background data usage setting, uninstall shortcuts, send package removed broadcast, Interact with update and recovery system, access extra location provider commands, install shortcuts, null, set screen compatibility, null, create internal storage, modify global animation speed, destroy internal storage, null, mount/unmount internal storage, read battery statistics, rename internal storage, send sticky broadcast, erase USB storage, retrieve details of running apps, null, interact across users, access USB storage filesystem, delete all app cache data, read/write to resources owned by diag, null, retrieve app ops statistics, mock location sources for testing, null, null, start any activity, force stop other apps, write subscribed feeds, full license to interact across users, null, null, modify system settings, change/intercept network settings and traffic, set preferred apps, manage users
Write User Dictionary: add words to user-defined dictionary
Microphone: record audio
Affects Battery: transmit infrared, allow Wi-Fi Multicast reception, prevent phone from sleeping, control flashlight, control vibration
Bookmarks and History: write web bookmarks and history, read your Web bookmarks and history
Storage: modify or delete the contents of your USB storage, read the contents of your USB storage, manage document storage, modify/delete internal media storage contents
Your accounts: view configured accounts, find accounts on the device, AdWords, Google mobile apps, contacts data in Google accounts, Personalized Speech Recognition, YouTube usernames, access other Google services, Google Checkout QA accounts, Google Notebook, iGoogle accounts, Google Docs, Google Voice Search, Android services, Google Base, Google mail, Google Maps, Dodgeball, Google Finance, create accounts and set passwords, Google Voice, Google Book Search, act as the AccountManagerService, Google Checkout accounts, JotSpot, Google Wi-Fi, Knol, read Google service configuration, YouTube, Google App Engine, Blogger, Orkut, Picasa Web Albums, add or remove accounts, access all Google services, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Health, Google News, Android services, Google Calendar, Google Talk, use accounts on the device, Google Spreadsheets, AdSense, Google Checkout Sandbox accounts, Google Groups
Audio Settings: change your audio settings
Wallpaper: adjust your wallpaper size, set wallpaper
Accessibility features:
Services that cost you money:
Clock: set time zone
Your social information: read call log, modify your contacts, read your contacts, read your social stream, write to your social stream, write call log
Your personal information: add or modify calendar events and send email to guests without owners' knowledge, null, Access all voicemails, activity recognition, read your own contact card, choose widgets, body sensors (like heart rate monitors), read calendar events plus confidential information, null, Browse launcher data, retrieve screen content, modify your own contact card
Bluetooth: access Bluetooth settings, allow Bluetooth pairing by Application, pair with Bluetooth devices
Lock screen: disable your screen lock
Development tools: limit number of running processes, access external storage of all users, change system display settings, send Linux signals to apps, force background apps to close, enable app debugging, read sensitive log data, modify secure system settings, retrieve system internal state
Phone calls: interact with in-call screen, read precise phone states, directly call phone numbers, null, reroute outgoing calls, read phone status and identity, modify phone state, make/receive Internet calls
Your location: null, approximate location (network-based), precise location (GPS and network-based)
Voicemail: add voicemail
Other Application UI: draw over other apps
Camera: take pictures and videos, disable transmit indicator LED when camera is in use
Sync Settings: read sync settings, toggle sync on and off, read sync statistics
Hardware controls: manage preferences and permissions for USB devices, test hardware, implement MTP protocol
Your applications information: close other apps, retrieve running apps, stop running apps, manage activity stacks, close other apps, reorder running apps, make app always run, run at startup
Network communication: connect and disconnect from WiMAX, receive data from Internet, change network connectivity, score networks, control Near Field Communication, Change WiMAX state, download files without notification, send and receive XMPP messages to and from Google servers, Broadcast data messages to apps., Google Play billing service, null, send and receive XMPP messages to and from Google servers, null, Google Play license check, Broadcast data messages to apps., Send heartbeat to Google Talk server, Broadcast XMPP messages to apps., view Wi-Fi connections, connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi, view network connections, null, Broadcast XMPP messages to apps., full network access
Alarm: set an alarm
Your messages: receive text messages (SMS), read cell broadcast messages, read instant messages, edit your text messages (SMS or MMS), Exchanges messages and receives sync notifications from Google servers., receive emergency broadcasts, receive text messages (WAP), send SMS messages, send respond-via-message events, write instant messages, send SMS-received broadcast, read your text messages (SMS or MMS), send WAP-PUSH-received broadcast, receive text messages (MMS)
bind to an accessibility service, access InputFlinger, null, null, null, null, null, bind to a text service, bind to a VPN service, null, bind to a wallpaper, null, delete apps, listen for observations on network conditions, force phone reboot, use any media decoder for playback, bind to a condition provider service, run the application's scheduled background work, confirm a full backup or restore operation, access all print jobs, Access download manager., null, Send download notifications., bind to a print spooler service, Audio Routing, null, capture secure video output, Access keyguard secure storage, filter events, null, bind to a remote display, change screen orientation, modify network usage accounting, null, change pointer speed, move app resources, configure Wifi displays, directly call any phone numbers, permanently disable phone, Clear disk cache data, interact with a device admin, access content providers externally, update component usage statistics, Receive BT handover transfer broadcasts., directly start CDMA phone setup, null, retrieve window token, delete other apps' caches, control media playback and metadata access, copy content, null, start print service configuration activities, null, Modify Google settings, Hotword detection, modify the Google services map, power phone on or off, Provide a trust agent., Google Tasks, delete other apps' data, control location update notifications, manage app tokens, null, freeze screen, bind to a package verifier, null, bind to an input method, Google Map maker, get current app info, press keys and control buttons, retrieve frame statistics, modify app ops statistics, disable or modify status bar, read historical network usage, monitor and control all app launching, bind to a print service, control system backup and restore, Read Google settings, Send broadcasts to Android Market., Access all system downloads, null, null, bind to a voice interactor, access checkin properties, prevent app switches, null, temporary enable accessibility, Modify Google service configuration, Advanced download manager functions., null, Control displaying and hiding keyguard, add or remove a device admin, control Wifi displays, display unauthorized windows, bind to a route provider service, null, manage trusted credentials, null, Reserve space in the download cache, modify battery statistics, null, read frame buffer, reset system to factory defaults, force app to close, Bind to a trust agent service, invoke the carrier-provided configuration app, enable or disable app components, Manage TalkBack custom labels, Panoramio, Read and write Google Search settings, null, Listen to trust state changes., bind to a TV input, null, bind to a widget service, status bar, Google Reader, access serial ports, record what you type and actions you take, change keyboard layout, bind to NFC service, verify packages, access SurfaceFlinger, modify socket marks, null, null, grant or revoke permissions, Whitelist bluetooth device access., Bind to system search bar service, capture video output, send score networks broadcast, partial shutdown, run in factory test mode, Access download manager., change input device calibration, null, set time, access the cache filesystem, access notifications, manage network policy, Google Catalogs, capture audio output, discourage automatic device updates, directly install apps, permission to install a location provider, bind to a notification listener service, access DRM certificates, Control TalkBack
mannberg said:
I cant find the permissions needed in the zip. Can you post the output from
$ adb shell pm list permissions -s
Command to see what permissions is installed on the ADT-1
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ah, but there is com.android.mediadrm.signer.xml and com.google.widevine.software.drm.xml which reference /system/framework/com.android.mediadrm.signer.jar and /system/framework/com.google.widevine.software.drm.jar, respectively. So the DRM certificate referenced could be in there.
Really I guess a complete system dump would be most helpful, since we could continue to dig around where the files lead.
I'd say the DRM Certificates are in protected storage (ie. not really plain flash). Too bad.
Wow awesome work!Is this launch able to support any Android device like Ouya?
Sent from my GT-N7100 using XDA Free mobile app
Grishka11 said:
So I was attending I/O and got the ADT-1, Android TV development device. These are the APKs I was able to pull from it (interesting ones).
Download links:
Android Media Shell a.k.a. Google Cast Receiver. Doesn't work for me even on the ADT-1 itself although reports successful service start in logcat.
Leanback Launcher, the launcher in Android TV.
Launcher L I don't know what this exactly is, but from its contents it appears to be something like GEL or Google Now but with TV UI. There is a bunch of activities and some strange tutorial slides inside.
Leanback Keyboard, a keyboard that can be operated with a d-pad.
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Noob question but what does these apks do ?
I have an ADT-1 as well. Unfortunately they are locked up pretty good. Can't dump anything without root access. Boot loader is unlocked, so in theory you could boot an insecure kernel/recovery from fastboot, but you can't dump them to modify.
Downloaded all apks on my minix neo x7 running 4.2.2. Can confirm that Leanback launcher, Media shell and Launcher L cannot be installed on Jellybean.
Leanback Keyboard however, installed fine. I was able to set it as my default keyboard and move through the different characters with a dpad on a remote I have. Unfortunately I wasn't able to press any of them. The enter key on the remote I use didn't press any of the letters, but instead hit enter.
Soon this set top box is gonna receive a kit Kat update, so I'm crossing my fingers I can get any goodies from android TV working on it.
Here you got some other files:
Some netflix libs and the netflix apk of the ADT-1. The apk is not the one that comes preloaded with the rom (which is around 0,5mb) but the update that netflix released in the play store.
I will try to find out if I can (I´m allowed) to share more files
Gtvhacker.com have made available a link to an OTA update the ADT-1 received. Don't know if it has the necessary DRM files included.
Tested all these apks in my nexus 10 tablet. All installed fine except leanBack Launcher. It shows an error without description .
Also, I couldn't setup cast receiver. I tried with other devices and it seems to do nothing... How did you make it work?
tomas.comtom said:
Also, I couldn't setup cast receiver. I tried with other devices and it seems to do nothing... How do you make it work?
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That's the $35 question.
So far, you can't.
Maybe it needs to be used with the apk in the play store
Sent from my SM-N900T using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
It is the apk from the Play Store.

